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Fast Efficient Farm Guide Runs

21-Nov-2009 08:21:20
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 07:49:43 by StarkesFeuer
Here we are, StarkesFeuer's first publicized �guide� of any sort...

This is a very �precise� farming run technique that I use, some of it is obviously well known and widely used and accepted, but I tried to take my farming a step further and make it more efficient, yet beneficial in both experience and eventually CA$H!

Table of Contents:


1) Wood & Fruit Tree Outline
2) Herb, Flower, Cactus, Caluat Outline
3) Bush & Recommended Gear Outline
4) Recommended Inventory
9) Conclusion of MEGA RUN
10) Experience vs. Cost

Here are some of the requirements for my farming runs:
This guide is intended for those who have already attained at least 30 farming, even then, you will VERY quickly FLY through those first levels and soon be at the necessary 38 for toadflax, 42 for curry fruit trees, 45 for maples, 51 for pineapple fruit trees, 57 for papaya fruit trees, 72 for calquats... etc.

Quest Requirements include, but aren't limited to as I might forget a few basics...
Ultimately... �My Arm's Big Adventure�... many earlier quests needed to unlock this one.
Ultimately... �Fairy Tale Part I�... for the magic secateurs to boost harvest quantities.
Ultimately... �Ghosts Ahoy� for the ectophial, very helpful.
Start Mourning's End Part I for the Lletya teleport crystals
Legends helps so you can recharge your skill/combat necklaces/bracelets.
Heroes for charging glory amulets.

I will add more as people notice what they can/cannot do because of quests or skill requirements. So please feel free to post any suggesting or modifications that need to be made, thanks :)

21-Nov-2009 08:21:58
Last edited on 13-Dec-2009 07:34:13 by StarkesFeuer
POST: ( 1 )

Here's a basic outline of what I use for my farming trips until I reach level 85, then I assume I will slightly modify my farming plan and try to boost my daily xp a bit more by spending more cash.

Wood Trees: Maples take an average of 5 hours to grow

I recommend Maples because of the efficiency by which you can obtain the payment, 1 basket of oranges per tree, and the relatively �medium� upfront cost of the seeds themselves. If you are low are cash, feel free to use willows but keep in mind that the payment will be harder to obtain. The same applies to those who are blessed with money to burn, i.e. 100mil plus... you can buy the higher level trees but they will cost much more gp/xp and the payments are incredibly difficult to obtain in great amounts.

Fruit Trees: All fruit trees take an average of 15 hours to grow

I recommend PALM TREES, once again because of efficiency, Curry trees work very well too if you lack the level to plant PALMs. Palm payments are 15 papayas. These are incredibly good xp for the cost!

21-Nov-2009 08:22:36
Last edited on 21-Nov-2009 09:25:06 by StarkesFeuer
POST: ( 2 )

Herbs: Roughly 70 Minutes to grow for ALL herbs

FIRSTLY, ALWAYS USE SUPERCOMPOST. I also highly suggest completing the quest, �My Arm's Big Adventure�, as it unlocks a lone herb patch near Trollheim that will NOT die (still use supercompost). You can decide what herb you would like to use and buy a LOT of the seeds, 250 plus to start. I would recommend a few based on the amount of money you have to start.

Low cash to start � Toadflax
Medium cash � Ranarrs or Kwuarms
High cash � Snapdragons

I personally still use toadflax because although the price of the seeds are rising, I bought a huge amount early on and I make as much(sometimes more) as the guys who are doing snaps/ranarrs. You have a lot of flexibility here, just pick something that will pay off well once you sell the harvested herbs.

Flower Patch:Takes roughly 17-20minutes to grow for marigolds

I DO recommend doing the flower patch, in correlation with the herbs, as they're easy money, the seeds are extremely cheap, and you're standing right next to the patch while on herb runs!! :P

Personally I use marigolds... but you can try your hand at limpwurts if you would like, other than that I am not knowledgeable as to what would be an effective flower patch plant.


Plant this baby when you can, and then do what you would like with it haha... either harvest and then replant or leave grown up and let it �restock� its spines and you can gather another 3 cactus spines worth around 5k a piece every hour or so.. not for sure on times... :/

Calquat Tree: Takes around 20 hours to grow... heard that supercompost can drop growth time by 4 hours but I have no facts or tests to prove/disprove that tip.

This is a DEFINITE! Very good xp for a relatively cheap price, grab a good stock of these so you don't waste time re-potting seeds all the time... if you have 10-15 that will last you up to 2 weeks, so that should be an ample amount. Also remember to have 8 poison ivy berries per tree

21-Nov-2009 08:23:14
Last edited on 25-May-2010 04:51:27 by StarkesFeuer
POST: ( 3 )

Bush Patches: (EDIT)
I DO use bushes.. but separately.. only do poison ivy bushes... No payment necessary, great xp and good money plus the harvest of 4 poison ivy berries can go towards calquat payments!!

I do NOT include bushes in my MEGA farming runs... based on their locations, xp rates, and the extra time I would have to take or lose money by replacing a herb run by a bush run, I simply don't mess with them... Some good farmers have found effective ways to make it work, and if you want to try it out, more power to you, but with the amount of time I play, and the energy I want to put into farming, what I have created works great for me, hopefully you can use some ideas from it and therefore make your farming runs faster and more efficient themselves.

I will probably forget some things along the way because I am writing this guide as I am farming/fishing and it's getting to be very late, I will try and correct any major mistakes plus add any relevant or necessary information later on.... so now without further a due... my farming guide from roughly level 30 to 85, enjoy and please comment!

Recommended Gear for Farming run:

Head � Lightweight anything...

Body � Lighweight anything...

Legs � Lightweight anything...

Feet � Boots of lightness

Necklace � Glory... in case you forget something and need a quick tele to edgeville or SKILLS necklace if you don't have charged combat bracelet

Ring � Explorer's Ring 3 or Ring of Dueling(one will be wielded, the other in inventory)and if you don't have explorer's ring you can use glory amulet to tele to draynor and go from there.

Cape � Spotted/Spottier, or anything Lightweight

Weapon � Magic secateurs if you have completed Fairy Tale Pt. I

Shield � Anything Lightweight

Gloves � Penance Gloves, or charged combat bracelet if you don't have charged skills necklace.

21-Nov-2009 08:23:56
Last edited on 21-Nov-2009 09:27:36 by StarkesFeuer
POST: ( 4 )

Recommended inventory at 72+ Farming:

10k+ gp for payments/buying supplies
Seed Dibbler
Ectophial(or whatever method for getting to the farm patch near Port Phas.)
Ring of Dueling
Woodcutting Axe of any level
Teleport Crystal to Lletya
4 x Law rune
2 x Fire rune
8 x Air rune
1 x Water rune
5 * Toadflax seed (or whatever herb seed you so choose)
4 * Marigold seed(or whatever flower patch seed you so choose)
5 * Wood Tree Sapling (Maple)
5 * NOTED baskets of Oranges(5) = 1 basket with 5 oranges in it, per tree
5 x Fruit Tree Sapling (Papaya) [4 if you've NOT started Mourning's End Pt.1]
50 x NOTED pineapples
1 * Calquat Sapling
8 x NOTED poison ivy berry

You should have 1 empty space left to start your run, 27 of 28 inventory slots filled.

21-Nov-2009 08:24:37
Last edited on 21-Nov-2009 09:29:18 by StarkesFeuer
POST: ( 5 )

HERE's the MEGA RUN!!! :)

1) Home Teleport to Lumbridge or Lumbridge Teleport itself, run west around the castle to the wood tree patch. Check Health, Pay the gardener to remove the tree, plant another wood tree, pay the gardener to watch your patch (they DO accept noted payments) and you're DONE with the first wood tree! :)

2) Teleport to Falador and run east to the Wood Patch in the garden right by Sir Tiffy, repeat the process of step 1 and always remember to drop your unnecessary empty plant pots while you are running.

3) Complete that wood tree stop and run west and north out of Falador, take a brief rest at the musician to regain running energy. Continue running northwest towards Taverly and you will soon spot the farming patch spot just inside and south of the gates. Once again repeat the basic wood tree process.

4) Rub your dueling ring at this point and select mobilizing armies, then take a quick spirit tree ride to the �Tree Gnome Village�. Once here, run west and south, go through the �loose railing� and �follow� Elkoy outside the maze. Run south west to the nearby FRUIT tree spot, check health, pick your fruit (you may need to *USE� your fruit with the tool leprechaun to have it noted, thus taking up only ONE inventory spot), CUT the fruit tree down with your WOODCUTTING AXE, then immediately use a SPADE to dig up the stump and plant another sapling. Then pay the gardener to watch your patch, and head back to Elkoy. Follow Elkoy back through the maze and then run back to the Spirit Tree and grab a �root ride� to the �Tree Gnome Stronghold�.

21-Nov-2009 08:25:30
Last edited on 21-Nov-2009 09:30:36 by StarkesFeuer
POST: ( 6 )

5) Once you arrive at the tree gnome stronghold, I suggest running southwest, just underneath and to the southwest of the bank there, and complete the WOOD tree process. Then run back to the spirit tree and head directly east a short distance to complete your second FRUIT Tree patch, always remember to have the tool leprechaun exchange your �raw fruit� for notes so that you will save inventory space. Head on back to the spirit tree and take a final ride to �Northeast of the Grand Exchange�.

6) Once here at the G.E. You can bank if necessary and then head out the EAST exit/entrance of the G.E. Area, go south around the Varrock Castle, and hit the FINAL WOOD tree spot.

7) Now Teleport to CAMELOT and run directly east, then slightly south to your first herb/flower patch. Once you reach the allotment area, exchange the tool leprechaun and withdraw two supercompost. Then harvest your herbs and flower patch, if they have died simply use a spade on them, apply your supercompost and plant again, hoping for better luck next time. You cannot pay a gardener to watch over herbs/flowers so it's just a matter of persistance. Use your herbs/flowers on the tool leprechaun to have them NOTED, then exchange the leprechaun and deposit the empty buckets (Do NOT withdraw another 2 buckets).

8) Run south and east past the fishing spots, towards the mountain, and complete the FRUIT tree process, then run back to the catherby bank and PAUSE!!! At this juncture, if you are doing my recommended method of maples and papayas, you can make life easy on yourself and save some money long term. Once you reach the bank, go a south to the docks and talk to Arhein, he will sell you 40 pineapples and 80 seaweed for 2 gp a piece!! :P These will restock every day... perfect timing for out runs. Buy his stock, bank them, and then return back to the docks to catch a charter to Brimhaven for 240 gp.

21-Nov-2009 08:30:08
Last edited on 21-Nov-2009 09:31:26 by StarkesFeuer
POST: ( 7 )

9) Once you arrive by ship at Brimhaven, jump off the boat, run off the dock and ta-da, there is your FRUIT Tree spot, complete the process.

10) Continue running south, towards Tai Bwo Wannai and you will find the Calquat patch nestled next to an anvil just southeast of the general store and musician. Check the health of the calquat, pick your fruit, then use a SPADE with the GROWN calquat to remove it from the patch, an option window will come up asking if you wish to remove it, select �yes�. At this point I have heard it is smart to use supercompost because it decreases the time it takes Calquats to grow, so I suggest using it as calquats take an average of 20 hours to grow and if something weird lags the growth... you might miss out if the calquat doesn't grow in time, so I suggest using supercompost with the patch, then planting like normal and paying the gardener your noted 8 x poison ivy berries.

11) At this point, use your teleport crystal to travel to Lletya and complete the LAST FRUIT tree process there, banking if you have forgotten anything or need space for some reason.

12) Now you can harvest your herbs and flowers... in pretty much any order because you will end up at a bank no matter what, so mix it up and have some fun seeing the same people over and over again if you use the same world :P Her's an example of a possible order...

13) Use your ectophial or �other� transportation method of getting to the port phas. Area allotment. Once you reach the allotment, which is directly west of the ectofunctus temple, harvest your herbs/flowers, have them noted, use supercompost on the patches, and plant again.

21-Nov-2009 08:30:45
Last edited on 21-Nov-2009 09:32:20 by StarkesFeuer
POST: ( 8 )

14) Teleport to Trollheim and make your way down the rocks to the north, then run south west and climb down more rocks, run south into the troll camp and then north to the cave entrance. Once you enter, run south then go west through the door, then north and up the �TROLL LADDER�. Run North once you're on the �windswept roof of the Troll Stronghold. And harvest your never able to die herbs :)

15) Teleport using your combat bracelet (ranging guild then run south) or skills necklace(fishing guild then run east) then run to the Ardougne allotment spot and again repeat the harvest techniques.

16) Finally teleport using either your Explorer's Ring �Cabbage-Port� or your Glory amulet to Draynor, run to the allotment area and reap what you have sown.

17) At this point I would recommend using your dueling ring to teleport to the �Duel Arena�, then run west out of the gates and directly south, to the CACTUS PATCH... You may replant every time if you like, but personally, I do not... that is up to you... I simply leave it grown, and harvest 3xcactus spine every time I think of it. Then run west to the gnome glider and catch a ride to the Grand Tree (Ta Quir Priw).

18) This is where my guide will benefit you if you are doing maples and papayas as your wood and fruit tree plants. Once you reach the grand tree, climb two stories down the ladder and go to the bank. Bank everything you have in your inventory except your money, then withdraw 4 empty baskets.

19) Run north to Hudo, the gnome, and trade him. Buy 10 oranges, and 10 pineapples, then exit the trade and �fill� two of your baskets with 5 oranges each. Then run to the opposite diagonal corner of this level of the Grand Tree and trade Heckel Funch and repeat the process (make sure you buy 10 oranges first, exit and fill your baskets, then trade Heckel again and buy the pineapples), then run to the bank and deposit your 4xbasket of oranges(5) and 20xpineapple.

21-Nov-2009 08:32:37
Last edited on 21-Nov-2009 09:33:10 by StarkesFeuer
POST: ( 9 )

YOU MADE IT!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Once you become accustomed to this route you will see that it goes quite fast, I personally was able to complete it in less than 20 minutes!

NOW . . . That farming run should be done ONCE daily, at the same time to allow for the fruit trees, and especially your calquat, to grow. I would also HIGHLY recommend doing at LEAST one more wood tree run in combination with a herb/flower patch run. Also do AS MANY HERB/FLOWER RUNS AS POSSIBLE!!!!!! I cannot stress it enough! This is how you make your money back to pay for more tree seeds! You must ALWAYS be thinking of getting in more and more herb/wood tree runs, just don't mess up your daily timing for the MEGA Run because remember herbs take about 70 minutes to grow and maples take around 5 hours to grow.

When doing more herb runs or wood tree runs during the time you're waiting for the MEGA Run, just make sure you have everything you need to get to all of the patches and run through the basics. Always try and grab those cactus spines, and ALWAYS remember to buy those pineapples and oranges from the two gnomes on the second level of the Grand Tree.
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