# 2009 RSPS website ![](https://i.imgur.com/eNu2Qnt.png) Note: This is a haphazard hack of a 2009 website made by [jarryd229](https://github.com/jarryd229) combined with a 2010 website dump. Want to help? No problem! `index.html` is where it all starts :) Something seem broken (missing images?) - Get the original, unedited copy. Things could have broken in the past: https://github.com/2009scape/Dumps/tree/master/2010%20Website%20Dump View the website live here: https://2009scape.github.io/ # Building Jekyll Locally This website utilizes Jekyll to generate static pages. 1. Install Jekyll - https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/ 2. Build the site (Inside project root) - Windows: jekyll serve - Unix: bundle exec jekyll serve 3. Run a temporary web server in `_site/` - `python -m http.server` For faster builds locally (from about 80 seconds to about 6 seconds) add:
- services/m=poll/*
- services/m=forum/sl=*
- services/m=itemdb_rs/*
to `_config.yml`, and substitute `jekyll serve --incremental` # News Posts Located in `services/m=news/archives/` Use the latest as an example. They are indexed automatically based on their file name. >
> title: Title
> tags: news
> layout: newspost
> collection: Game Updates
> date: 2021-07-26 00:00:00 +0000
> authors: Name
> ---
there is an optional `promo_image` tag to specify a homepage image for the post.