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== DIY 5.0: The Only Guide! ==
Forum Mod

25-Aug-2008 22:22:01
Last edited on 25-Aug-2008 23:22:05 by Brunhoff

Admin Notes
Official DIY World - 137! :D

Remember to ask any questions you may have here, or in our clan chat: 'Diy Chat'
Forum Mod

25-Aug-2008 22:23:36
DIY = Do It Yourself!

Please note that this is not a �Get Rich Quick� or �Fastest way to 99 Guide�. This Do It Yourself guide exposes many ways to quickly and effectively add raw material collection into your training routine. If you use this guide correctly, you'll be able to gather many skill building materials yourself faster than you can buy them!

Yes I know there are faster ways to do many things, but not everyone plays for P-hats and skill capes!

First, a little about how a DIY'er plays:

1) Everything in RS is free. All you have to do is get it!
2) Skills support other skills in more than the obvious Fish/Cook relationship
3) All quests are worth the time, period!
4) You lose money/exp every time you buy/sell raw materials
5) The best areas are vacant so log onto busy worlds to decrease the respawn times
6) The Game should be FUN! This is not WORK!

The original reason this guide was written was to combat the plague of RWT and bots by showing people that they could have fun playing this game without aid of autoers. Jagex had they're own ideas about how to fix this problem though :P However, without bots driving down the price on raw materials it has become even more profitable to adopt a DIY attitude, so we've redoubled our efforts to ensure that you can take advantage of this brave new RS!

This guide will attempt to instruct you in a variety of in-game features such as Combat, Mini games, Teleports, and Quest areas that significantly reduce the time of collecting raw materials. And I get bored easy so I�ve found many ways to make the mundane a little less mundane!

If you read and follow the advice in this guide, you will no longer be a slave to fluctuating market prices, overcrowded training areas, or any new scam that comes along. If everyone follows this guide, the aforementioned maladies will cease to exist! Of course, it will take much more than one guide to do that for everyone, but it's enough for just you ;)
Forum Mod

25-Aug-2008 22:23:50
Last edited on 29-Aug-2008 15:13:39 by Brunhoff
Here begins the guide. Each post will contain a skill, my preferred training areas, tips on multitasking while training, and of course, how to Do It Yourself!

If you've already read a DIY 5 series, check the ERRATA on Post 5 for changes that are made daily! Don�t forget player tips on Page 11!

Table of Contents:

Page 1

Post 1-2: Introduction/Motivation
Post 3: Table of Contents
Post 4: The DIY Community
Post 5: Errata
Post 6: Faq
Post 7-9: General Tips
Post 10: Quests

Page 2
Post 1-5: Bestiary
Post 6-9: Range

Page 3

Post 1-7: Mage
Post 8-9: Melee Combat

Page 4
Post 1-2: Slayer
Post 3-9: Summoning

Page 5
Post 1-4: Prayer
Post 5-10: Mining/Smithing

Page 6
Post 1-3: Agility
Post 4-10: Thieving

Page 7
Post 1-4: Crafting
Post 5-10: Construction

Page 8
Post 1-6: Farming
Post 7-10: Fishing/Cooking

Page 9
Post 1-7: Woodcut/Fletch
Post 8-10: Firemaking

Page 10
Post 1-5: Herblore
Post 6-9: Hunter

Page 11
Post 1-7: Runecrafting
Post 8: Closing
Post 9-10: Player Tips

Most of you will not be able to take advantage of these tips right away. Almost everything I do required a quest or �high level� something to access these areas. Please don�t be discouraged. Instead be inspired! When you set goals and achieve them you learn why this game is loved by so many!
Forum Mod

25-Aug-2008 22:24:02
Last edited on 31-Aug-2008 00:38:05 by Brunhoff
The DIY Community

Chosen for their support of the thread, chat, new players and old members alike, the DIY community has grown quite large and diverse. Each and every one of us is here to help players out any way we can. We guarantee that all of our DIY discussion venues will remain civil and friendly as often as possible.

There are no applications to join; no criteria to meet. You become a part of our community because you always were, you just hadn't found the right place to hang out yet ;)

DIY Support Team: Bronze stars in chat ready to help you in game 24/7 with all of your RS Training needs!
1337 Sk1llzz
Dark Jakk1 / Death Cereal
Son of Sonic
Sooth Etg

Chat Mods: Silver stars in chat ensuring the highest possible customer support ^_^
Dave Dunmire

Committee: Gold stars in chat responsible for the future expansion of DIY.
All Community Leaders
Jack Sam1
Sue D Nim
X Pk X Str X

Community Leaders: How's Brunhoff a leader if he doesn't know what's going on :P

Special Thanks
To those who submit many good suggestions and improvements to the guide, thank you!

- Troacctid
- Zarfot

News Bulletin

Isn't the new thread enough for now! Check back later for future event details, etc.
Forum Mod

25-Aug-2008 22:24:12
Last edited on 10-Sep-2008 03:18:30 by Brunhoff

This post will serve as an erratum for all the small updates that are made inside the posts thanks to player suggestions or my near obsessive re-reading. Check here first if you�ve read a 5 series DIY guide. Also check out the player tips if you haven�t recently!

- Cook/Sum: Sinclair Mansion flour collection replaced with Port Khazard.

- Gen: Woad seeds replaced with Marigolds for casual planting.

- Range: Chaos Tunnel site for Black demon added

- Fm: All Fired Up minigame tips added

- Mage/Fletch: Broad bolts/sword added to slayer tips

- Agil: Toy mice removed after news of ner*

- Con: Cut and Parcel method added for Teak & Mahogany

- Summon: Best to get Jugs of Water in Shanty Pass

- Mage: Superglassmake makes an average of 17 molten glass/cast

- RC: Added mith pick and Adze as suggested Abyss weapons

- Gen: Added D&D info to daily and weekly checklists

- Herby: Added Explosive Fishing pots
Forum Mod

25-Aug-2008 22:24:21

Q: If this is a DIY guide, why do you buy stuff? Shouldn't you earn it?

A: I did earn it. My whip cost me 4.3M when I bought it. Here years later, I'm still 15 Slayer levels shy of getting a drop myself. I have no problem rewarding the hard work of others, and there is no autoer market for Whips, Dragon Items, Treasure Tails, or Barrows gear. What else am I supposed to spend my Millions on?

Q: You help people all the time! You give away free stuff, guide lost players on their first Treasure Trail, and even give quest support! Why don't you tell them to DIY?

A: Of course I help people. When I started playing that was more common than it is now. I would not have gotten where I am today without the support of others and it just feels good!

The guide is my largest gesture of that same help. I TOLD you how I DIY, all my tips and tricks that I earned I gave freely and you've responded in kind with great tips you've worked for. You've made my RS experience better for it and I hope I've enriched yours as well.

Q: This isn't DIY, this is just fighting monsters for drops instead of working for your stuff!

A: There are many ways to DIY. My reason for writing the guide was to shed light on ALL the in game features you can use to collect raw materials. Hence my Temple Trekking guide, and my support of using the Kingdom Managing to collect materials for you.

True, there are many more hardcore DIYers out there than myself. Most support this guide and many have submitted tips!

Q: Buying materials is the fastest way to level skills!

A: Did you count the time you spent making that money to buy the skills? If you merchanted, how much Xp did you get? Do you really think that everyone can make 2 mil a day? Are you still sure that everyone will gain more total Xp and money your way?

NOTE: If you plan on disproving the entire guide with something as simple as buying vs. mining Ess, it won't work!
Forum Mod

25-Aug-2008 22:24:30
Last edited on 25-Aug-2008 22:25:06 by Brunhoff
General Tips
Senior Revisers: Brunhoff, Jack Sam1, Darkkirby100, Bunni Killer

WARNING! I will not be held responsible for Item Loss whilst you read this guide!

Have you tried Temple Trekking recently? If not, check out the Guide (QFC on the Front page). It is an excellent source of Pure Ess, Bowstrings, Silver, Herbs and also just a lot of fun!

Trouble Brewing is also a fun source of FREE Xp! QFC on the Front page.

Do ALL of the quests! If you don't want to do them all, then don�t do Gertrude�s Cat! Of course, that will stop you doing several others that are more useful, but man do I hate other peoples cats!

Put all teleports in your house! Covered later, but it is just that important! Also, feel free to change your house location to use it as a teleport location. The time this saves makes up for the moving charges.

Almost all the monsters I list drop items for not just one, but several skills. Mindlessly killing Experiments is not what the DIYer is about.

Remote locations near any teleport site aren't so remote. Simply use a Duel ring, Glory ammy, or Games neck to bank with and then teleport back. I use teleports in nearly all of my training sites.

Speaking of teleports, the new Slayer rings are excellent for getting all over RS. Not only do they provide the best access to remote Slayer sites, but thanks to a Fairy ring at the Slayer cave a Slayer ring charge is now the quickest way to access the Fairy Ring network.

Use elf crystals, ectophials, or teletabs as one click safety teleports anytime you're going into a dangerous area. Yes, even if you've done Barrows a thousand times before.

Don't walk anywhere! Have as many teleport items as you can make/afford. Have enough Dragonstone jewelery, Duel rings, Games necks, teletabs, Law runes, and what-not to use without having to worry about running out!
Forum Mod

25-Aug-2008 22:24:38
Last edited on 28-Aug-2008 01:15:43 by Brunhoff
There are two things to consider when choosing a world, population and lag. Naturally, too much lag slows training to a crawl. Also, high world populations means much faster respawn times on everything from Rune Rocks to Rock Slugs, but there's a better chance of a training site being populated. On the other hand, German, QC, and other slow servers may respawn slow but give you the opportunity to monopolize those Catherby Yew trees. Experiment and learn which worlds are best for your training needs.

A DIYer always does the clues they get. If it�s in the game, you can get it!

Farming can be done while doing anything else. If you know you�re going past a farming patch anyway, go ahead and plant something. Toadflax, tomatoes, and Marigold seeds are good for casual planting, and can be profitable without much risk of loss.

If you�re not Melee fighting, there�s no reason not to wear Ava's Accumulator from the Animal Magnetism quest. I know you want to show off, but if I can bank the full dragon, Guthans, and my QP cape, you can too. The free arrows really add up, and it even works with Granite plates if you are Melee fighting

Use the sound effects and the chat window to your advantage. You typically finish an action about halfway through the animation. This is particularly useful for repetitive clicking tasks like flax picking, alching, and thieving.

Also you may find the one-button setting useful when you have to right click often.

As the saying goes, one man�s trash�If the guy next to you doesn�t want his gems or coins or runes or whatever don�t be afraid to pick them up. Other than the word �Noob� there is nothing stopping you.

Learn how to drink energy pot WHILE you're running. Sure you'll lose one inventory slot, but you'll save a lot of time. This is especially handy while RCing.

Strange fruit is just another free energy restore built into the game itself. Save �em and use �em. Don't forget the White Fruit from the Garden of Tranquility quest either!
Forum Mod

25-Aug-2008 22:24:48
Last edited on 07-Sep-2008 17:54:25 by Brunhoff
Learn to use the GE more effectively. Selling for 1 gp below market price, or buying for 1 gp above often bumps you to the head of the line.

Join a Skilling Clan, Player Guild or an RS business if you're finding yourself getting bored easily. Making a G&A thread to keep track of your progress can add meaning and enjoyment to your skill goals, especially if you're experimenting with various training techniques to write a guide about your experiences.

Use the saltwater spring prior to starting a quest for temporary non stop run. "As a First Resort..." needed to access and can be useful for all kinds of activities!

Here are some useful routines to get into.

Daily Checklist:
- Buy Battlestaves from Za* * up to 64 w/ Varrock Lvl3 armor
- Buy Seaweed (80) and Pineapples (40) from Arhien in Catherby
- Visit Bert the Sandman for free sand (84)
- Kill Bork if you can!
- Mine a Shooting star for great mining Xp, ore mining boosts, and cash and runes!

Weekly Checklist:
- Tears of Guthix
- Kingdom Managing (refill coffers and favor at least weekly for best results!)
- Jade Vine (check every other day, first for 1500 Farm Xp and if not replanted kill it for 2500 Slayer Xp)
- Find penguins for up to 15 penguin points (97.5K cash or level based Xp in chosen skill)
- Perform in the circus for ~5-25K Xp in Range, Mage, and Agility
Forum Mod

25-Aug-2008 22:25:18
Last edited on 27-Aug-2008 23:00:27 by Brunhoff

I suggest doing every quest that comes out the day it comes out. They almost always carry something useful, even if it�s not �High Level�. If you are fairly new to members you can easily be overwhelmed by the sheer number of red names on that Quest List. Just take them one at a time and you�ll get there. Yes I did them all, without guides (except MEP2, which was nasty!) and no I DON�T HELP WITH QUESTS OR WRITE QUEST GUIDES!

In version one I had 2 full posts listing the uses of almost every quest in the game. I did it to make a point; even �Nooby� quests are in fact very useful. A great example is Tower of Life, which got as many rants as any quest I�ve seen. But if you actually use the Minigame it opens up, you�ll find it to be invaluable at collecting Herblore seconds and feathers and it can be fun if you let it!

Don�t let others detour you from enjoying your game. If you don�t do things that people deem as �Nooby", then all you�ll do is GWD all day long!

Be warned not to take your best gear into a boss fight for the first time! You may not live to regret it...

Dan's Charos Uses Guide:

Creature of Fenkenstrain to get the ring
Garden of Tranquillity to get it activated (a). Only need to start!


- Entering the Werewolf Agility Course
- Choosing a cat (why you would want to???)
- Cheap access to blast furnace
- Free travel to Karamja from Ardy and Port Sarim
- Changing your Fremennik name
- Flying magic carpets for cheaper
- Selling fur in Varrock for higher price
- Cheap cart rides to and from Keldagrim
- Free ride from Morton to the swamp (fairly useless again)
- Less of your gold being taken by the dwarf when using Between a rock gold mine and using him to bank
- Allowed to use bass instead of shark to get a new enchanted lyre in Relekka.
- Free boat rides to the Fishing Colony (during Swan Song)
Quick find code: 98-99-8-57499300