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Poll Results

What do you like most about the Lunar Diplomacy quest? (16-Oct-2006)

Total Number of Votes: 47037

Question 1 - 
What do you like most about the Lunar Diplomacy quest?
I have not played the quest. 58% (27450 votes)
The new lunar staff and armour. 12% (5734 votes)
The lunar spell book and astral runes. 11% (5288 votes)
It gives good XP as a reward. 4% (2009 votes)
Its sense of humour (chatting with the pirates, etc). 3% (1645 votes)
The dreamland minigames. 3% (1513 votes)
Lunar Isle is a new and fun place to explore. 3% (1233 votes)
Baba Yaga and her shop on chicken-legs. 2% (938 votes)
It is long and challenging. 2% (929 votes)
Piecing together the ceremonial clothes. 1% (298 votes)