When the level 90+ Defence/Mage/Range Required armour is "eventually" released, please don't make the same mistake you made with Bandos/Armadyl....
Make it untradeable, and only obtainable from either boss's/Monsters or a Grand Master quest, or Clue Scrolls MAYBE a minigame reward but I highly doubt the last option.
Heck, you could add it to this new Dungeon thing, where there are those dungeon entrances all around Runescape.
And at the end after you defeat the boss you have a chance at getting a piece of this untradeable gear, or some Random resource, Junk or Item.
Heck make it so you can only loot the chest from each of these 16 or whatever many there are once a week.
So you have 16 chances a week to get a piece of this armour.
For once I'd like high level gear to be "EARNED" and not bought because your rich.
Getting something high leveled should take skill, not just because you gained EP for a week, or because you AFKed at Rocktails/Gold rocks in Living rock caverns.
"But I hate dungeoning"
There will most likely be level 10 Dungeon required entrances, so it's not that big of a deal tbh.
The only benefit is that higher dungeon = More chances per week.
Highest to enter will probably be 120, lowest probably 10 Dungeon required.
I'd have 100x more "Respect" and "value" which apperantly ALOT of people on these forums talk about, just look at any "OMG Effigies ruined mai skillcaperz!!!!1!1!" thread.
Or any thread about effigies will have atleast one post of someone ranting on the "respect/Value" of the capes being ruined.
If capes have "Respect" and "Value" so should High level gear that requires skill to get, and not just a week of AFK.
"OMG high levels have unfair advantages
It's high level gear It's supposed to be difficult to get, it shouldn't be easily bought.
Heck having a quest requirement to wield it would be nice.
EVEN a minigame for the "Mages, Rangers, and Warriors guild, where the rewards would be this armour.