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f2p range

12-Jul-2010 03:18:07
hey people.. i just bought a longbow sight to trin range and i was wondering what the best arrows to use efficently and fairy cheaply plus a really good pace to train i have 47 range can someone please help me

12-Jul-2010 05:58:43
id train range at hill giants :) thats where i trained till 60 range... got 3m and that was when bbones were cheap :P

13-Jul-2010 02:17:44
Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 02:18:41 by 1st�King40
first off u cant buy a longbow sight

second longbows including sight are slow and not recommended to train with

if u are f2p i suggest you train on moss giants in varrock sewers with maple shortbow and iron arrows gl :D

13-Jul-2010 02:20:44
everyone piles the moss giants so its hard to get one

13-Jul-2010 08:19:30
Well, the issue of Maple Longbow (Sighted) vs. Maple shortbow is still debateable. However, as a general rule, use the Longbow sighted when fighting higher level opponents with high defence or when you need to wear armour and tank. For hill giants they have fairly low defence as well as a low attack and maximum hit. Plus they drop beer not infrequently which is a usefull and free way of healing while at the same time leaving your stats uneffected. For those reasons I would advise using the shortbow if training on hill giants.
On the other hand, if you're going to train on moss giants (don't count on getting many of the drops, its busy in the sewers and on crandor and the sewers are multicombat) you would probably want to wield the longbow, put it on rapid and wear full rune with chainmail. The plus side of this is that chainbodies have higher crush defence bonus (all giants use crush attack) than platebodies and have no negative ranged bonus. Though you might still want to bring food depending on your defence level because deadly red spiders can be a bit of a nuissance as they are very accurate and work in numbers in the sewers.
For the record, shortbows on accurate are the speed of scimitars and longbows on accurate are the speed of battleaxes. On rapid they increase by one, longbows become the speed of longswords and shorbows get one more hit per 2.5 seconds than scimitars.
Good luck!

14-Jul-2010 05:31:21
for arrows, i made a list of wat the best arrows were based on ranged strength divided by highest ge price, which is wat i always buy them for: (i use mitrhil arrows)

arrow type...price per every +1 ranged strength

bronze a.... 1.28 gp per +1 range strength
iron a ... 2.6 gp per +1 range strength
steel a ... 3.7 gp per +1 range strength
mithril a ...2.63 gp per +1 range strength
adamant a ... 5.96 gp per +1 range strength

of course i do this cus im cheap, it might be more effiecinet to use different arrows with different npc's, or just use adamant, cause they have the best ranged strength overall

14-Jul-2010 07:16:32
Do hill giants they are near the G.E. You will need to buy a brass key. Stand behind some rocks and FIRE !

16-Jul-2010 04:50:34
1st king40:

you can trade your dungeoneering tokens in for a longbow sight at the crazy dude who is sitting down outside daemonheim. I believe that they are currently 15,000 tokens. :P

17-Jul-2010 02:08:26
A good place to train at 47 range is at Hill giants or hobgoblins.

17-Jul-2010 02:18:35
For fast xp and some money, I would train to flesh crawler lvl 35, I got a easy lvl 60 in ranged there. After, I would train on giant spider lvl 50 (need food) because you got fast xp (but you lose health of course) or I would choose Ice giant (or moss giant) for training my ranged to 99.

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