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~~Rell's Goals~~

11-Apr-2010 04:06:01
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 15:34:07 by Rell
~Rell 12hp Pure~ 96/99 Prayer, yes my next Skill Cape

LATEST UPDATE: (15/07/10) 80 Strength!~~ (14/07/10) 83 Farming!~~ 73 Hunter!~~ (12/07/10) 184mil Total xp!~~ 19mil Thieving xp!~~ 34 Dungeoneering!~~ (11/07/10) 96 Prayer!~~(10/07/10) 183mil Total xp!~~(08/07/10) 182mil Total xp!~~18mil Thieving xp!~~33 Dungeoneering!~~(05/07/10) 181mil Total xp!~~(04/07/10)


Heya :)

Welcome to my first G&A Thread, which I know, is well overdue.

Here I will keep you posted on my current and future goals.

Display Name: Rell
Clan Chat: Clan Family
Total Level: 1825(Now 1897)
Total Xp: 158mil(Now 184mil)
Combat Level: 79 p2p/72 f2p (Now 80 p2p/72 f2p)

~Goals for 2010~

99 Crafting ~ COMPLETE(29/01/10)
99 Smithing ~ COMPLETE(22/03/10)
99 Thieving (currently 92) Now 99! ~ COMPLETE(21/05/10)
99 Prayer (currently 88) Now 96
80 Mining (currently 76) Now 77
80 Agility (currently 66)
80 Farming (currently 67) Now 80! ~ COMPLETE(15/05/10) now 83
80 Runecrafting (currently 56)
80 Hunter (currently 71) Now 73
80 Construction (currently 74)
80 Strength (currently 77) Now 80! ~ COMPLETE(15/07/10)


01: Introduction
02: About Me
03: My Recent Events
04: My Recent Events (continued)
05: Completed 99 Skills
06: Attack Log
07: Defence Log
08: Strength Log
09: Range Log
10: Prayer Log
11: Mining Log
12: Herblore Log
13: Agility Log
14: Thieving Log
15: Slayer Log
16: Farming Log
17: Runecrafting Log
18: Hunter Log
19: Construction Log
20: Summoning Log
21: Dugeoneering Log
22: Reserved
23: Reserved
24: Supporters List

PS: Any skill in which the Goal Level is N/A, is a skill I am not currently training. :)

11-Apr-2010 04:06:18
Last edited on 11-Apr-2010 04:12:17 by Rell
~~01: Introduction~~

Ok so I like a challenge, so I set myself the following goal for this account.

99 in all stats, except hitpoints, which shall remain at 12.

I do not use Soul Wars for combat stats, so this makes the goal slightly harder, but not impossible.
There are methods available to use, other than Soul Wars, which I will explain later under the relevant skill logs.

Feel welcome to post any other methods, if I have not mentioned them.

11-Apr-2010 04:06:35
Last edited on 11-Apr-2010 04:12:55 by Rell
~~02: About Me~~

I have been playing Runescape since 2006, this is my second account I made.
I have always preferred skilling over combat related skills, just as some people prefer combat over skills.
Even though I have a lvl120 account, I call Rell my main, as I spend most time on her.
Basically I enjoy Runescape, and it is the only game I play, other than War of Legends.

11-Apr-2010 04:06:55
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 12:10:24 by Rell
~~03: My Recents Events~~

22/03/10 - 99 Smith, 88 Thieve
24/03/10 - 89 Thieve
25/03/10 - 50 Attack
26/03/10 - 56 Runecraft
29/03/10 - 90 Thieve
29/03/10 - Easter Event: Egg-streme Management
31/03/10 - Quest: Rune Mechanics
03/04/10 - 91 Thieve
08/04/10 - 92 Thieve
12/04/10 - 1-4 Dungeoneering
15/04/10 - 4-6 Dungeoneering, 26mil Fishing xp
16/04/10 - 68 Farm
17/04/10 - 69 Farm, 93 Thieve
19/04/10 - 70 Farm, 52 Slayer
20/04/10 - 77 Mining, 71 Farm
21/04/10 - 72 Hunter
22/04/10 - 72 Farm
23/04/10 - 78 Strength
24/04/10 - 73 Farm
26/04/10 - 74 Farm
29/04/10 - Quest: Buyers and Cellars (90 QP)
29/04/10 - 75 Farm, 94 Thieve
29/04/10 - Quest: The Feud (91 QP)
30/04/10 - 7-10 Dungeoneering
02/05/10 - 76 Farm
03/05/10 - 11 Dungeoneering, 95 Thieve
05/05/10 - 77 Farm, 12 Dungeoneering
06/05/10 - 13 Dungeoneering
08/05/10 - 78 Farming, 96 Thieving
09/05/10 - 14,15 Dungeoneering
11/05/10 - 16 Dungeoneering
12/05/10 - 97 Thieving, 79 Farming, 17 Dungeoneering
13/05/10 - 18 Dungeoneering
14/05/10 - 19 Dungeoneering, 89 Prayer
15/05/10 - 20 Dungeoneering, 80 Farming
16/05/10 - 167mil Total xp
17/05/10 - 98 Thieving
19/05/10 - 21 Dungeoneering, 168mil Total xp
21/05/10 - 99 THIEVING!, 169mil Total xp, 22 Dungeoneering
23/05/10 - 90 Prayer
24/05/10 - 23 Dungeoneering
25/05/10 - 170mil Total xp
26/05/10 - 91 Prayer, 24 Dungeoneering
28/05/10 - 92 Prayer, 80 Combat, 171mil Total xp
29/05/10 - 27mil Fishing xp
31/05/10 - 25 Dungeoneering
02/06/10 - 172mil Total xp
06/06/10 - 81 Farming, 14mil Thieving xp
08/06/10 - 93 Prayer, 173mil Total xp, 26 Dungeoneering
10/06/10 - 174mil Total xp
11/06/10 - 27 Dungeoneering, 15mil Thieving xp
13/06/10 - 175mil Total xp
14/06/10 - 94 Prayer, 28 Dungeoneering
17/06/10 - 176mil Total xp, 16mil Thieving xp
19/06/10 - 29 Dungeoneering
20/06/10 - 177mil Total xp
21/06/10 - 82 Farm
22/06/10 - 79 Strength, 30 Dugeoneering
23/06/10 - 28mil Fishing xp
25/06/10 - 178mil Total xp
26/06/10 - 95 Prayer, 31 Dungeoneering
28/06/10 - 179mil Total xp

11-Apr-2010 04:07:10
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 15:40:59 by Rell
~~04: My Recent Events (continued)~~

30/06/10 - 29mil Fishing xp, 32 Dungeoneering
02/07/10 - 180mil Total xp
04/07/10 - 17mil Thieving xp
05/07/10 - 181mil Total xp
08/07/10 - 182mil Total xp, 18mil Thieving xp, 33 Dungeoneering
10/07/10 - 183mil Total xp
11/07/10 - 96 Prayer
12/07/10 - 184mil Total xp, 19mil Thieving xp, 34 Dungeoneering
14/07/10 - 73 Hunter, 83 Farming
15/07/10 - 80 STRENGTH, Quest:Ghosts Ahoy

11-Apr-2010 04:07:30
Last edited on 21-May-2010 23:06:57 by Rell
~~05: Completed 99 Skills~~

This is a list of my completed skills, and the year and order in which they were achieved.

- Fletching: 2007
- Woodcutting: 2007
- Magic: 2008
- Cooking: 2008
- Firemaking: 2008
- Fishing: 2009
- Crafting: 29/01/2010
- Smithing: 22/03/2010
- Thieving: 21/05/2010

11-Apr-2010 04:07:45
Last edited on 11-Apr-2010 20:51:24 by Rell
~~06: Attack Log~~

Starting Level: 50
Current Level: 50
Goal Level: N/A

I achieved 1-30 Attack after doing Waterfall Quest, with 40 defence, 70 prayer and 10 hps. Hardest part was where you had to go down in the tomb with the Moss Giants, no prayer allowed. They hit an 8 on me, ouchie. So I home teleported with the Garial's Amulet, banked it, and came back for the urn. :)

The rest of the xp has been gained using a combination of genie lamps, experience books and penguin points.

Plan to use Pest Control to level Attack in the future.

11-Apr-2010 04:08:02
Last edited on 11-Apr-2010 20:36:53 by Rell
~~07: Defence Log~~

Starting Level: 40
Current Level: 40
Goal Level: N/A

1-40 defence achieved purely through genie lamps and experience books, as penguin points were not available where I did this.

Plan to use Pest Control to level Defence in the future.
How you may ask? By repairing the barricades. Each barricade repaired earns you 50 damage points, so a total of 10 or more need to be repaired during the length of the game. Plan to have a stockpile of logs in bank, as sometimes more than 1 person per game is repairing barricades, and there are not enough trees to go around. I have tried this method, and it works perfectly. :)

11-Apr-2010 04:08:17
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 15:38:02 by Rell
~~08: Strength Log~~

Starting Level: 77
Current Level: 80
Goal Level: 80

23/04/10 - 78 Strength!
22/06/10 - 79 Strength!
15/07/10 - 80 Strength!

I achieved 1-30 Strength after doing Waterfall Quest, with 40 defence, 70 prayer and 10 hps. Following that I did Heavy Rod Fishing until I achieved 35 strength for Barehanded Fishing Tuna. Fished Tuna until 50 strength, the requirement for Barehanded Fishing Swordfish. 50-76 strength was achieved doing a combination of both Heavy Rod Fishing, and Barehanded Fishing.

Since gaining 76 strength last year, I am now able to Barbarian fish sharks. Plan to fish 99 strength.

As of 15/07/10
For now, just want to get to 80 Strength.
Current Strength xp: 1,986,580
Goal Strength xp: 1,986,068
Xp remaining: 0

Now Barbarian fishing swordfish/tuna, as this is faster Strength xp. Use the following key: Swordfish(SF) and Tuna(T)

11-Apr-2010 04:08:29
Last edited on 11-Apr-2010 04:18:22 by Rell
~~09: Range Log~~

Starting Level: 71
Current Level: 71
Goal Level: N/A

I only use a cannon for range, therefore gaining no hp xp.
Quick find code: 48-49-41-60863457