
Zanik - Newest Discord Bot

Meet Zanik, our newest discord bot written by Ceikry in Rust. The bot isn't to replace the 2009scape bot but to add even more functionality to the discord! With Zanik, you are able to use a few commands that will liven up your experience with discord and more will be added in time.

Normal Discord member commands

  • *level : Allows you to check your level in discord of your discord account. The levels are gained from just having conversation and Zanik will keep track of your message total!
  • *top : Will show you the top 10 people who have left messages within the discord.
  • *2.009: Will allow you to keep track/updated with how the 2.009 server is progressing.
  • *wiki name : Will bring up the page for the specific thing but in 2009. Example: *wiki potato , will bring up the 2009 page on RS Wiki for Potato.

Admin commands
  • *clear # : clears however messages you have specified.
  • *exit : exits out of the bot to let it update.
  • *poll subject text here :: emoji1 option1, emoji 2 option2 - Runs a poll with two different emojis and options
  • *endpoll message_id: edits the given meesage to say end of poll.
Zanik will also say "scam!" after a user types in "woah". This is an insider for our host woahscam, more about him can be found here : Click. Make sure to keep updated with this new bot to make sure you're taking advantage of any new features that are released for it. I'm sure more will come.

Further Help
Need more help? Come chat with us!