Construction - Extra Features

Training Hints and Tips

  • You can use the 'House teleport' (level 40 Magic) to get to your house more quickly.

  • Use your Construction level to your advantage: higher level servants can help you more quickly.

  • Moving house (speak with the Estate Agent) can help if you are running to banks...

Heraldry and Family Crests

The workshop contains the heraldry hotspot. With the ability to paint your family crest on steel or rune full helms, you can wear your crest into battle. If you upgrade this to a shield easel, you can paint your crest on a kiteshield! If your Construction level is high enough, you can even make a large banner of your crest to carry around.

Barrows armour repairs

The repair bench, also found in the workshop, is very useful. Basic benches can repair broken staffs and arrows, and if you change this to a whetstone, you can sharpen old rusty swords. If your Construction level allows it, you could even make an armour stand, where you can repair Barrows armour for a reduced cost! The cost depends on your Smithing level: if your Smithing level is 1, the cost will be nearly the same as normal. With 99 Smithing, your repair cost will be practically halved.


To make flatpacks you will need to construct a workshop and workbench. Here, you can make money from your Construction level. Dependant on the level of your workbench, you can construct flat-packed items. For example, you can use the same materials to make a rocking chair to make a flatpacked version of it with your workbench. You still get the same experience for making the item. You can then sell this item to another player who is unable to make the item, but wants it for their own house. They simply use the flatpacked version with the hotspot.

Crystal Saw

This odd piece of equipment is a combination of elven mystic arts and gnomish ingenuity, given to those adventurers who successfully aid the gnomes in the Eyes of Glouphrie.

By having the crystal saw in your inventory you will be able to construct furnishings in your house even if you don't have the level you would normally require. The crystal saw will effectively supply you with 3 extra levels. If you have level 57 Construction, for example, you will be able to construct level 60 furnishings such as gilded four-poster beds - provided you have necessary materials, of course.

As the power of the crystal is drained slightly in doing this, you will only be able to construct 28 items in this way before the saw reverts to an uncharged crystal seed and it will need to be recharged.

This bonus can be stacked on top of bonuses from tea or Evil Dave's Stew of DOOM. Obviously, if you are lucky you may use the stew to get a massive +9 to your Construction (though only on furnishings) - on the other hand, you may be unlucky and the Evil Stew of DOOM may stack with the saw to give you -3...

Please note that this does not apply to building rooms, placing monsters or growing plants, as they do not require a saw.

See the Crystal Item Guide for further information.

Construction Training in Dungeoneering

It is possible to train all of your skills while dungeoneering; having said that, Construction is one of the less frequently tested skills in Daemonheim, as you can only gain Construction experience by completing construction skill doors.
  • To find out more about skill doors and the basics of dungeoneering, please click here

Quests Providing Construction Experience

For quests that specifically give Construction experience as a reward, please refer to the Construction Rewards page.