Hunter - Locations

Hunter Training Areas

There are four training areas with a diverse variety of high-level and low-level Hunter creatures. The training areas also allow you to test the breadth of your Hunter trapping techniques, with a selection of trackable, nettable, snareable and pitfall beasties.

Piscatoris Hunter Area

The Piscatoris Hunter area classes as a 'woodland' area for purposes of camouflage gear. The creatures that can be found in the Piscatoris Hunter area are:
Ruby harvest (butterfly netting)
Chinchompa (box trapping)
Wild kebbit (deadfall)
Prickly kebbit (deadfall)
Copper longtail (bird snare)
Rabbit (rabbit snaring)
  • Common kebbit (central tracking area)
  • Razorbacked kebbit (northern tracking area)
  • A ferret-trapping area can be found south of the Piscatoris Hunter area
  • A falconry area (see lower down) is to the east of the Piscatoris Hunter area

The Piscatoris Hunter area can be reached by walking round the western side of the Gnome Stronghold. Eagles' Peak can be found to the south-west of this area, surrounded by ferrets.

The rabbit burrows face inwardly in patterns of six, and can be found strewn around this area.

Trollweiss and Rellekka Hunter Area

The Trollweiss and Rellekka Hunter area classes as a 'polar' area for purposes of camouflage gear. The creatures that can be found in the Trollweiss and Rellekka Hunter area are:
Sabretooth kyatt (pitfall)
Sapphire glacialis (butterfly netting)
Snowy knight (butterfly netting)
Sabretooth kebbit (deadfall)
Cerulean twitches (bird snare)
  • Polar kebbits can be found on the northern, icy area (tracking)

The Rellekka Hunter area can be reached by walking north-east from Rellekka. A Hunter guide can be found to the north of this area.

Feldip Hunter Area

The Feldip Hunter area classes as a 'jungle' area for purposes of camouflage gear. The creatures that can be found in the Feldip Hunter area are:
Spined larupia (pitfall)
Black warlock (butterfly netting)
Feldip weasel (tracking)
Red chinchompa (box trapping)
Barbtailed kebbit (deadfall)
Crimson swift (bird snare)
Tropical wagtail (bird snare)
  • Wimpy birds, diseased kebbit and platypodes can be found on the beach south of Oo'glog

The Feldip Hunter area can be reached by traversing the Feldip Hills, south of Gu'Tanoth. A Hunter guide can be found to the west of this area. To hunt wimpy birds, diseased kebbits and platypodes, you must first complete As a First Resort.... You can read about hunting these odd creatures in the Hunter - Extra Features article.

Uzer Hunter Area

The Uzer Hunter area classes as a 'desert' area for purposes of camouflage gear. The creatures that can be found in the Uzer Hunter area are:
Golden warbler (bird snare)
Orange salamander(net trapping)
  • Desert devil tracks can be found along the central ravine

The Uzer Hunter area lies between Uzer and Nardah, on the eastern side of the River Elid.

Lizard and Salamander Areas

Lizards and salamanders tend toward areas that are dangerous to humans, and as such are hazardous beasts to catch. Luckily, they also tend toward areas where young trees grow, suitable for you to bend and use as a makeshift net trap while holding a rope and net in your inventory.

Swamp lizard area
The swamp lizard area can only be reached by those who have completed the Priest in Peril quest. Some experience of the Nature Spirit quest would also be an advantage.
Red salamander area
The red salamander area is around the chaos temple, south-west of West Ardougne.
Black salamander area
The black salamander area is in the Wilderness, north-east of the Chaos Temple.

Orange salamanders can be caught at the Uzer Hunter Area.

Falconry Area

Matthias and his falconry area lie far away from the bustling centres of RuneScape, near the Piscatoris Hunter Area. His prized falcons are available for a price, and only to those he feels are skilled enough to handle them - which is level 43 in the Hunter skill. None may take his falcons from the falconry area, however.

The creatures that can be caught by falconry are:
  • Spotted kebbit
  • Dark kebbit
  • Dashing kebbit

Horned Graahk Area

The horned graahk dwells to the north of Cairn Isle, on the west coast of Karamja.


Pawya can be found in a number of locations around Isafdar, merrily scampering about and digging temporary burrows. Grenwalls, who feed on pawya, can only be found where there are pawya. You must have started Regicide to gain access to pawya and grenwalls.

Grenwalls and pawya


Since the events in Hunt for Red Raktuber, the penguins have sent another iceberg south to join up with the outpost. Covered in reinforcements, it also happens to make an excellent Hunter area. Penguins can be trapped by a variety of methods: box traps, tracking, net traps and deadfalls. Some useful equipment can also be found in a wrecked boat in the east of the iceberg.