Agility FAQ


Does Agility make a difference on free servers/worlds?

No. In the interests of fairness, your Agility level will have no effect on how long you can run for or how quickly your run energy will recharge on free worlds.

If I don't have the required level, can I use an Agility potion to use the shortcuts?

Some Agility shortcuts will allow the use of an Agility potion to let you pass. This does not apply to all shortcuts, so make sure you are familiar with your route if you are planning on taking a potion.

How do I get into the Morytania/Werewolf Agility Arena?

To get into this arena, you will need to wear the 'Ring of Charos'. This is obtained by completing the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest.

When I train at an Agility course, can I do one obstacle again and again, or do I have to complete the lap?

Doing one obstacle over and over is fine. However, you will miss out on the lap bonus, which is very generous.

I am training my Agility at an Agility course, but I do not get any experience for completing a full lap of the course. Why?

You need to complete every obstacle to get the extra experience for a lap. If you have to stop and rest, be sure you start from where you left off, or you will lose your bonus for completing the course.

How do I increase my running energy?

You can either increase your Agility level on one of the courses or you can use one of the energy restoration items. For a list of these you should read Agility - The Basics.