

Although the dungeons beneath Daemonheim are 'relatively' safe, the path to its entrance on foot can take you past revenants. If you are not comfortable with such a journey, it is best to approach by boat from Al Kharid.


The blasted castle that sits atop Daemonheim
Of all the places in RuneScape, the Wilderness was always described as the most desolate, the most wasted of all lands, home to some of the greatest of horrors and most fearsome of dangers. Daemonheim is a relatively recent discovery, but those whose researches have taken them even the smallest way into the tunnels below would argue that it deserves a title more awful and more imposing...and they would argue this with lips uttering madness and eyes rolling back in perpetual terror.

Of those first explorers into the labyrinths below the surface, none remain, and of those since, few have retained their minds...


Location of Daemonheim
Daemonheim lies to the east of the Wilderness and north of Morytania - a dark omen, indeed - and can be accessed either by foot or by boat. Those approaching on foot should take care, as they must pass through the southern reaches of the Wilderness and will, thus, face the risk of encounters with revenants.

More sensible adventurers may choose to head to Al Kharid, where an uncomfortably dressed Fremennik shipmaster waits to take the boldest of men and women to face the dangers of Daemonheim. Such arrivals will then only face a brief walk west from the Daemonheim docks to reach the castle itself.

Points of Interest

Points of interest
What cannot be said of Daemonheim? The dangers beneath the island and the variety of experiences within the chambers below seem to describe very nearly every possible feature of the land above, but for one: the apparently endless expanse of stone overhead, blocking out all natural light, but seeming to emanate with its own, unnatural glimmering...

Above ground, the Fremennik can be found preparing themselves for expeditions into the depths, perfecting their strange, Fremennik form of Dungeoneering. They wander among the ruins and mutter to themselves in dour tones and mumbling curses at whatever wicked gods brought Daemonheim to be.

The ruins themselves are older than those found almost anywhere else on RuneScape, and seem to date at least as far back as the God Wars, but with the addition of more recent repairs and decorations, the majority of which were here before even the Fremennik arrived. What happened to the ruins' former master, only the Fremennik seers are likely to know, and they know better than most how to hold their tongues.


Dungeoneering tutor
Few of the first Fremennik to reach Daemonheim have survived, and the tutor is the most experienced of those. His wisdom is imperfect, however, and it shall not be long before he is looked upon like an inexperienced child - but doubtless he wouldn't mind if someone else spent more time in that hellish place than he.
Only one of the Fremennik spends any great length of time in the tunnels below Daemonheim: the smuggler. His skills in avoiding the usual channels are remarkable, and for that the Fremennik would prefer not to allow him into the dungeons; but, equally, his skills have enabled them to reach further into the depths than they thought possible, and so they must overlook his less agreeable talents.
The Dungeoneering tutor can be found close to the entrance to the ruined castle at the peak of the Daemonheim peninsula. The smuggler can be found at the start of each level beneath the ruined castle.


There are no quests to begin either above or below the ground in Daemonheim.

Dangers of Daemonheim

The number and range of dangers beneath Daemonheim far exceeds the ability of this scribe to count, and so the only advice that can be offered is to be prepared for all manner of challenges. Oh, and to read the Dungeoneering section of the Game Guide.


  • You are not permitted to take anything into the dungeons of Daemonheim, so it may be more convenient to bank your equipment before heading out. Do not worry if you forget, however, as there is a Fremennik banker outside the castle entrance.