Melee - Extra Features


  • Before you begin training your combat ensure that you have a large stock of food in your bank. You do not want the inconvenience of stopping your training to get more food.

  • Train on monsters with higher life points, such as giants. If your combat level is high enough they will not hit you very often so you will not need a lot of food. This also works for a low combat level player who may train on lower level monsters.

  • Decide what you are training for. If you are going after easier fights for quicker experience, accept the fact you may not be as likely to get rare drops. Likewise, if you are killing for a rare drop, understand you may not be getting overly quick experience.

  • Know your chosen monsters' weaknesses and choose your weapon wisely.

  • Wear the appropriate melee gear and enchanted jewellery for combat bonuses.

Summoning Familiars

Using the Summoning skill, you'll find that there are a few familiars that might be useful for training your melee capabilities. Many familiars can help you in multicombat areas, letting you train for longer and taking some of the heat off you. Click here to read about good multicombat areas for training with your familiars.

Melee Training in Dungeoneering

It is possible to train all of your skills while dungeoneering, and melee is no exception. There are plenty of enemies to stab, slash and crush as you plumb the dungeon depths. You can also gain melee experience by completing melee skill doors.
  • To find out more about skill doors and the basics of dungeoneering, please click here
  • To find out about training melee in Daemonheim, click here
  • To find tables of melee equipment, click here

Quests providing Melee Experience

For quests that specifically give combat experience as a reward, please refer to the desired quest reward page; Attack Rewards, Defence Rewards and/or Strength Rewards.

Click here to view the Melee FAQs