Shield of Arrav

Varrockian literature tells of a valuable shield, stolen long ago from the Museum of Varrock, by a gang of professional thieves.

See if you can track down this shield and return it to the Museum. You will need a friend to help you complete this quest.
Quest Information
Members only: No
Start point: Varrock Palace Library
To Start: Speak to Reldo
Quest Length: Medium
Minimum Requirements:
One friend
Able to kill a level 23 enemy.
Tracking down the Shield

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Items Other Quest points

600 Gold coins
Varrock Museum display update - talk to Historian Minas

1 QP
Development Team
Developer: Paul Gower
Conversion: James B
QuestHelp: Nishal K, Rob M
Audio: Ian T

Developer: Greg V
Graphics: Linh N, Paul B, Hayo K
Quality Assurance: Jennie T