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Kontotjuv arresterad
Jagex Mod

02-Dec-2009 13:06:59
T�nkte att det h�r kunde vara intressant att l�sa f�r er. :) Artikeln postades f�rst av Topper TM i den h�r QFC: 14-15-553-59958681. Just den h�r artikeln �r p� engelska, men �r det n�got ni inte f�rst�r s� �r det bara att fr�ga s� �r det nog n�gon som kan f�rklara. :)


Jagex Games Studio, the UK�s largest independent games developer and publisher, today confirmed that a UK resident has been arrested following collaboration with the Police Central e-Crime Unit (PCeU). The arrest is part of Jagex�s ongoing effort to combat the theft of accounts in, the world�s most popular free-to-play massively multiplayer online game.

RuneScape players� accounts were stolen through phishing websites, which duped unsuspecting players into providing their game logon credentials.

�Account theft and the use of phishing websites is a problem facing the entire online games industry and Jagex maintains a specialist team to combat any law breaking within our games� said Mark Gerhard, Jagex CEO. �Where there is any evidence to suggest someone has committed a crime, as is clearly the case with any phishing or hijacking, we work closely with law enforcement agencies around the world to bring these people to account.�

�Our first and only concern is protecting our player community as we know the high value players place on their unique accounts� continued Gerhard. �Players invest years of time and effort into developing their RuneScape character so the theft of a RuneScape account shouldn�t be treated differently to the theft of any other valuable possessions such as a games console, television or car. Our internal investigations revealed that just a handful of individuals are responsible for over 95% of all account hijacking in RuneScape and we have a zero tolerance approach to anyone who attempts to undermine the integrity of our vibrant community. I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation to the professional and hard-working individuals at the PCeU and the FBI, who are assisting us with similar actions in the USA.�

�A 23 year old man was arrested in Avon & Somerset on the morning of Tues 24th Nov by officers from the Police Central e-crime Unit, following an allegation that a number of RuneScape gaming accounts had been hacked and misappropriated� said a PCeU Spokesperson.

Following the discovery of the compromise, PCeU detectives worked closely with JAGEX and through this cooperation the necessary evidence was secured to ensure that an early arrest could be made.

�People who seek to destroy others online gaming experience could be committing criminal offences, leaving themselves liable to prosecution� continued the PCeU Spokesperson. �The PCeU will continue to work with the industry and investigate these allegations where appropriate.�

[ORIGINAL WEBSITE NAME REMOVED] applauds the men and women of the PCeU and the dedication of Jagex to help maintain the game experience for all of its legal users. If only all companies were as focused. But we understand it takes a lot of time and resources to pursue such a case and it is generally far easier to just let it slide. Perhaps this will stand as an example of what can be accomplished when the game maker seriously considers it.


Mod Johan

02-Dec-2009 13:30:54
Gf hackers. ^_^
H�rligt att veta att Jagex ser s� allvarligt p� kontost�lder. :) Har spenderat ganska mycket tid i Rants p� sistone, s� jag hade gl�mt att Jagex faktiskt bryr sig. :D

02-Dec-2009 14:05:44
Oj d� visste inte att det kunde g� s� l�ngt, men h�rligt att h�ra!

02-Dec-2009 15:08:09
Last edited on 02-Dec-2009 15:08:28 by Microfy
Superkul att h�ra! Blev sj�lv hackad p� detta s�ttet ett drygt �r tillbaka :(

02-Dec-2009 15:11:38
Jag minns att jag l�ste om det h�r tidigare p� originaltr�den. Det visar verkligen att Jagex bryr sig om sina spelares s�kerhet! :)

No thieving cape for you! ^_^

02-Dec-2009 16:25:13
Ja, det �r verkligen trevligt att se att jagex bryr sig. Verkligen trevligt m�ste jag s�ga. :)
Forum Mod

02-Dec-2009 16:51:12
Att Jagex bryr sig s� mycket om spelet och sina spelare och deras s�kerhet tycker jag lyser igenom �verallt om du kollar tillr�ckligt noga :) Det �r en av anledningarna att jag tycker om runescape s� mycket. Jag tycker det �r fantastiskt bra att k�mpa emot d�liga personer som f�rst�r f�r andra, s� bra jobbat Jagex :D

02-Dec-2009 17:04:26

I f�ngelset:

Person: So... What are you in for?
Hackaren: Hacking a RuneScape account :\
Person: O.O?

02-Dec-2009 17:27:06


02-Dec-2009 18:12:09
Last edited on 26-Apr-2010 14:53:08 by Wiking
Det var faktiskt v�ldigt f�rv�nande att JaGEx tillomed h�mtar polis f�r att folk blivit hijakade sina acc.
Quick find code: 220-221-24-60839350