Email Help

You are able to register an email address when you create your Jagex account, and this page contains information that should help you with registering the email address attached to your account and changing its details:

Email Registration

Email registration icon

By providing us with an email address that is linked to your Jagex account, we will be able to contact you occasionally regarding future updates, and ensure that we are giving you the best possible customer service. To register your account for email updates, click here.

If you would like to amend or remove the email address that you have registered, you can do so by clicking here. Once you have submitted a new email address, a confirmation code will be sent to the old email address, so that we can ensure that the request is coming from you. In addition, you will need to submit a verification code that will be sent to your new email address.

Email Settings

The Email settings icon

You can visit the 'Email Settings' page to change your email preferences, such as opting out of a particular service or update. Any changes will need to be confirmed by submitting a confirmation code.

Enter Code

Enter code icon

When you register your email address, or change your email preferences, you will be sent a code to enter into our website. You can get to the 'Enter Code' page by clicking on the link in your email, or by visiting this page. You will only need to submit each code once.