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Nz Rebels 90+ [T5]

18-Jun-2010 10:50:08
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 11:10:11 by Nataliie
Oh, you've stumbled into.. NZ Rebels :]

:::Fight together. Rise together. Stand together:::

I�m Natty. This is a P2P New Zealand/Aussie based clan. New Zealand is cooler to be honest ;) But feel free to prove me wrong! NZ Rebels was brought to life on the 5th of September, 2009 and has been growing ever since. Even though we are NZ/Aus, based feel free to join if you're from anywhere else on the map!

This clan is for people to chat in, have fun, get to know new people and and go out for events! I really want every single member to enjoy their time in the clan and really get to know each other.

So, if you're looking for a fun clan, somewhere to chill or just wanna give it a go, just fill out an application!! :)
New members are always welcome :D

Natty. Natz. Nat. ;)

Special thanks to Phantgasm for the inspirational motto. :)


Apply for Inter-Clan Comp! Talk to Zak!
Clan Meeting - 17/07/10

--------- N E W S ---------

18/06/10 - T5 created!
20/06/10 - NZR vs. Aus Dead Moon. Default.
10/07/10 - NZR vs. Aussie Rise. 3-0. Good job!
16/07/10 - Happy Birthday Zak :)
17/07/10 - 99 Thieving!! Well done Zak!


Clan Chat: NZ Rebels
Clan Abbreviation: NZR
War Code: White!
Warlord: Ovaloded
Foreign Affairs/Events Manager: DrPhantastic
Home World: W117 ;)
Time Zone (NZ): GMT 12+

:::: Contents ::::

--- Page 1:
Post 1: Introduction (You are here :b)
Post 2: Basic Rules/ Code of Conduct
Post 3: Meeting Overview
Post 4: Application Form
Post 5: Ranking/Trials
Post 6: Ranks
Post 7: Clan Events
Post 8: Inter Clan Competition
Post 9: Clan Competition Ranks
Post 10: Alliance/Enemy/War Application:

--- Page 2:
Post 1: Allies/Enemies
Post 2: Members List
Post 3: Wall of Skills
Post 4: ~ continued
Post 5: War Record

18-Jun-2010 10:50:20
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 11:05:39 by Nataliie


1. Follow all Jagex rules.

2. Life does come before games.

3. No abusing other members.

4. No spamming, flamming, cursing.

5. No multi clanning. Clans for minigames do NOT count.

6. Have fun, enjoy your time in the clan ;)

Code of Conduct:


18-Jun-2010 10:50:32
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 11:10:19 by Nataliie
Meeting Overviews:

-- 17/07/10 ~ Full on PG 44.

Clan Member of the Month: Zak Wylde
Clan Froob of the Month: 18 fourteen
Inter-clan PVP
Skilling Comp
New Ranking System

18-Jun-2010 10:50:42
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 11:00:16 by Nataliie

Membership Application:

Total Level:
Combat Level:

Hitpoints Level:
Attack Level:
Strength Level:
Defence Level:
Prayer Level:
Summoning Level:
Range Level:
Magic Level:

Will you join the cc (Nz Rebels) whenever you are logged on/are able to?

Will you stay as an active member of this clan?

Are you in any other clan?

Have you read the rules? If so, what is rule #6?

Time zone:

How did you find out about us or did someone recruit you? If so, please specify the user:


P.S. If you are a pure, please state in what area and the requirements for a pure is the skill that you choose to pure in, must be 90+.

Please wait patiently as I am not on 24/7 so I may not reply to your application immediately. Also please join the cc 'NZ Rebels' and add me Nataliie.

Thanks (:


18-Jun-2010 10:50:56
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 11:00:03 by Nataliie

Recruits Trial:

New recruits will now go through a process of trial to test their activity, dedication and attitude in the clan. The trial will be done in a 1 week basis and is based upon:

- Attending events (at least 2 in that 1 week. If there are clashes with irl, feel free to tell us to excuse yourself)
- Being in cc. We tend to find that people are infact online but are NEVER in cc.
- How they treat other members as communication is a key aspect of the clan.

The trial is nothing to be stressed about. If you have any questions or queries, feel free to ask someone from the cc.

Ranking Points System:

Ranking is always a problem in every single clan so my goal is to try prevent this problem as much as possible. We have started a new ranking system where we give out points for different activity in the clan. This will hopefully keep the equality in ranking. These points are based upon:

- Bumping the thread (This is counted per bump in 10 minute intervals) ..... 2 points
- Recruiting other members (Only after this new member has passed our 1 week trial) ..... 3 points
- Attending events ..... 5 points
- Attending a meeting ..... 8 points
- Attending a war ..... 10 points
- Use of initiative/continuous helping in clan i.e. new ideas/friendliness ..... 20-50 points (only given by generals)

P.S. Any of the bronze+ ranks can be simply given if clear leadership skills are shown through activity and clan life.


18-Jun-2010 10:51:08
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 10:59:49 by Nataliie


Smiley - New member of the clan on 1 week trial. How they are assessed (stated above). You can still gain points as a trial and push yourself ahead to gain a promotion faster.

Recruit (1 Banana) � You gain this rank after your 1 week trial and may possibly already have some points.

Corporal (2 Bananas) - 80 points needed. You�re beginning the steep walk up the ranks. Showing that you are infact active and joining in clan life.

Sergeant (3 Bananas) - 150 points needed. This is only 1 step away from becoming one of the leaders in the clan therefore the high number of points is there to emphasize how active you should be in clan.

Lieutenant (Bronze star) - 300 points needed and also nomination by a Captain+ rank. You are now a leader of the clan and you should be taking events, accepting applications, keeping the peace and staying active.

Captain (Silver star) - One of the top ranks in the clan and promotion in this rank is not based upon points. You should still be accepting applications and take events as the lieutenant does too. People should give you respect as you are one of the higher ranks that can advise one of the generals members that should be promoted etc.

General (Gold star) - Well, you're at the top of the top! This rank again is not based upon points though you should have been ranked up to General passing through the rank as Captain. You've earnt your rank, bumping, attending, activeness and all that but on top of that, you're responsible enough to sort out arguments, lead clan events, accept applications and ally/enemy/war applications too. You should also be well respected and can give ranks to members of the clan.


18-Jun-2010 10:52:16
Last edited on 05-Jul-2010 06:14:34 by DrPhantastic

Clan Events:

I'm hoping to create regular events that everyone will attend. Attending events can effect your ranking. This doesn't mean you will get a straight promotion but it does show us that you are dedicated which is what we are looking for.

Weekday Event Days:

- Monday
- Wednesday
- Friday
Some of the events we do are:

~ Fight Pits
~ God Wars Dungeon (Mainly Bandos/Zammy)
~ Castle Wars
~ Clan Wars
~ Stealing Creations
~ Killing Monsters
~ Skilling
~ Random froobing
~ Hide'n'Seek
~ Going to Sab/Igloo's House
~ Mole Hunting
~ PC (rarely, cause its noobish)
~ Rev Hunting ^^ (Record is 14 atm) Nat never updated this!
~ Barbarian Assualt
~ Barrows
~ Dagannoth Kings

Time : 5pm gmt12
Gather pest control island.
World: w117
What: Pest Control
Event Leader: Nat

Time: TBD
Gather Point: Outfront of Kree's Chamber
World: TBD
What: Arma GWD
Event Leader: Chris

Time: 5pm-6pm GMT+10/7pm-8pm GMT+12
Gather Point: SC Waiting Area
World: w158
What: SC
Event Leader: Nat/Phan/Chris

Time : 4pm gmt+12
Gather Point: Outside Fatty's Chamber
World: TBD
What: Bandos GWD
Event Leader: Hayden/Chris

Time : 3pm GMT+10/ 5pm GMT+12
World: 117
Gather Point: Wildy Volcano
What: Rev Hunt
Event Leader: Nat/Phant/Andy

Time : 5pm gmt+10/ 7pm gmt+12
Gather Point: The Clan Wars Lake
World: TBD
Event Leader: Nat/Chris/Andy

Time : 12:30pm GMT+10/2:30pm GMT+12
Gather Point: Fally SQ.
World: 117
What: Hide N Seek
Event Leader: Phan/Chris/Nat


P.S After each event could the leader of it please fill out an event summary located with the applications.


18-Jun-2010 10:52:48
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 09:23:55 by Zak�Wylde
___________---Inter PVP clan competiton (Info Thread)---___________


__ people particiapting, draw out of hat Fri 30th July.__

-Nataliie (level 110)
-Zakk Wylde (level 114)
-DrPhantastic (level 119)
-Tekiala (level 119)
-Burstbuild (level 135)
-Jadecross321 (level 103)
-Ovaloded (level 136)
-18 Fourteen (level 108)
-Chris R Smat (level 133)
-Mr Huggles10 (level 101)
-IIIAshIII (level 113)
-TeKon (level 115)
-Hairytree (level 108)
-Jigillo (level 132)
-I Has Doodle (level 119)

Okay this inter clan 1v1 pvp competition to create some frendly competiton within the clan.
You may choose to Participate by asking me :D

Once you have talked to me i will put you into a tier (level backet) either tier 1 level 90-99, Tier 2 level 100-109, Tier 3 110-119, Tier 4 120-129 or Tier 5 levels 130+.

You will then fight other people in your level bracket to determine the strongest within that level

To become champion of your tier you need to start from the bottom and work your way up by challenging the player above you, if they dont accept in two days you win by default, if they accept your challenge and you lose then you must wait 3 days before rechallenging them (this prevents people from rechallenging the same person over and over)

A best of 3 fight in the duel arena will be the method of fighting, rules are determined in advance to fighting fight #1 will be the challegers rules, fight #2 will be the defenders rules and fight #3 will be rules agreed by both players. (NOTE YOU MAY NOT TAKE OFF FIGHTING STYLES TO PLAY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE UNELSS THE OTHER PERSON AGREES - MELEE/MAGE/RANGE)

18-Jun-2010 10:52:59
Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 01:02:00 by Zak�Wylde
____________________--------Inter Clan PVP Competition--------____________________

>> If you wish to join a Tier below please contact ME <<

-----Tier 1(levels 90-99)-----
#1 -
#2 -
#3 -

-----Tier 2(levels 100-109)-----
#1 -
#2 -
#3 -

-----Tier 3(levels 110-119)-----
#1 -
#2 -
#3 -

-----Tier 4(level 119-129)-----
#1 -
#2 -
#3 -

-----Tier 5 (levels 130+)-----
#1 -
#2 -
#3 -

18-Jun-2010 10:53:30
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 11:53:15 by DrPhantastic

Alliance/Enemy/War Application:

Feel free to apply if you want to be an ally, an enemy or a war.

Alliance Application:

Name of clan:
Why do you want to ally with us?

Enemy Application:

Name of clan:
Why do you want to be our enemy? (P.S. Have a reasonable reason. If your reason is 'we don't like Nz', that isn't a good enough reason.)

War Application:

Name of clan:
Why do you want to war with us?
When and Where:
Rules & Restrictions:
Note: Two weeks notice must be given between the declaration of war and war date or the declaration will be DECLINED.

War codes:

White: No war, peace.
Orange: War is coming up soon.
Red: War is NOW.

Event Summary
Event Leader:

Quick find code: 87-88-989-61152784