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� The Spartan Empire � [85+]

22-Jun-2010 06:38:44
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 08:09:23 by TSE_King_Rom
Sparta is a rising and ever changing society. Sparta is still a youthful place, full of opportunity and enjoyable individuals. We are not a place plagued by political drama, or self-interest. We are a tightly-knit community focused on maintaining and preserving Sparta.

"We Spartans have descended from Hercules himself. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender. Taught that death in the battlefield is the greatest glory he could achieve in his life. Spartans: the finest soldiers the world has ever known"-King Leonidas

Welcome to Sparta.

Established May 20, 2010.

� King(*): TSE King Rom, TSEKing Kain, Mortorrounds
� Government: Triumvirate
� Member Count: 67
� Home World: 69
� Clanchat: TSE_ClanChat
� Requirements: Combat 85+, 80+ Range and/or Mage, 1200+ Total Level

�+�+��+�+��+�+� Recent News and Announcements
The Brotherhood of Shadows is born!

22-Jun-2010 06:38:56
Last edited on 03-Jul-2010 03:17:29 by TSE_King_Rom
� Table of Contents �

�� Page 1
�Post 1: Introduction
�Post 2: Table of Contents
�Post 3: Administration
�Post 4: Rank Description
�Post 5: Spartan Law
�Post 6: Diplomacy
�Post 7: Weekly Schedule
�Post 8: Jobs of the Ephors
�Post 9: Application
�Post 10: TSE "Constitution"

�� Page 2
�Post 1: Line of Spartans
�Post 2: Legendary Spartans
�Post 3: History of TSE
�Post 4: War History of TSE
�Post 5: Behind the Scenes
�Post 6: TSE MMA
�Post 7: Clan Invite
�Post 8: Reserved
�Post 9: Reserved
�Post 10: Reserved

22-Jun-2010 06:38:56
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 09:25:26 by TSE_King_Rom
� Spartan Ranks and Members List �

� Spartan Kings
~ TSE King Rom
~ TSEKing Kain
~ Mortorrounds

� Advisory
* Bunnys186

� Ephors �
(Leader) - F0rkingFish
(Censor) - Evil Lemon
(Ambassador) - lVlustard
(Host) - Ajax_7
(Warder) - Dr Drummr

� Spartans �
H1 im LeVi
urijah Fabr
TSE Phaze
nov pker
Warlord Zek

� Spartiates
Chew Eez
St Morgan
pk to the X
Just 2 Rowdy
Ferus de Jus
Mista Agile
Rare Akuma
Blud l241n
K9 16 16

� Peroeci �
Ryt or Wrong
Fakey Boy

* Helot �
2bad Ur Ko3d
Munch Rat100
Ag Kitty
Ii KaBooM
TSE Legend
Members on Leave:


22-Jun-2010 06:38:57
Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 22:39:40 by TSE_King_Rom
� Rank Descriptions �

The Kings operate under a system known as a "Triumvirate", each are absolute equal individuals and cannot overule the other. The Kings are the leaders of Sparta, and hold all basic powers of recruitment, development, diplomacy, and maintenence.

The private advisor to the Kings, one who is both experienced and advanced in Spartan ways. Appointed by the Kings and typically a former member of the Gerousia.

� Ephors
The lower level of the Spartan Senate, not in authority, but power. Ephors maintain and moderate The Apella and Gerousia and officialize anything done by them. Ephors may not make any decisions alone, their primary job is to pass on approval. Each Ephor has a job (listed on post 8).

� Spartan
The Spartan rank is held for the most honored, loyal members of Sparta. These men have proved they stand for TSE.

� Spartiate
"Spartans in training" as they are called. These men have given much of their time to Sparta but not quite the "veteran" status.

� Peroeci
These citizens of Sparta are the only ones with voting rights.

* Helot
The newest recruits in Sparta. They have no voting rights until they are promoted to a citizen.

22-Jun-2010 06:38:58
Last edited on 28-Jun-2010 22:42:14 by TSE_King_Rom
� Spartan Law �

�� Minor Crimes ��

� Multi Clanning

� Flaming

� Spamming

� Disrespecting another member

� Abuse of power

� Slander

� Bribery

�� High Crimes ��

� Betraying, scamming, hacking clan members.

� Spying/Espionage

� Attempt to overthrow the Governing body

� Any formation of a "Private Army" or private organization without approval

� Forming a rebel clan with hostile intent

Minor Crimes result in: Warning, Demotion, Suspension (Excessive), Ban (excessive).

High Crimes result in: Suspension, Ban.

22-Jun-2010 06:38:59
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 09:33:07 by TSE_King_Rom
� Diplomacy �

Alliances � Date established
� The Greek Empire � June 5, 2010
� The Empire of Zaros � June 6, 2010
� Grey Havens � June 8, 2010
� The Knights Templar � June 22, 2010
� The Chaotic Crusaders � June 23, 2010
� Dark Rush Empire � July 5, 2010

Enemies � status
� N/A

� � Alliance Application
Clan Name:
Date established:

� � Merge Application
Clan Name:
Reasons for the merge:

22-Jun-2010 06:38:59
Last edited on 12-Jul-2010 22:18:58 by TSE_King_Rom
� Weekly Schedule �

� Monday, July 12
Event: Recruitment
Where: Forum/Game

� Tuesday July 13
Event: Stealing creation
Time: 9:00
Where: Edgy bank
World: CS world/ If we have 10 members + coming, we'll do inner -sc

� Wednesday, July 14
Event: War prac
Time: 4:00PM Est
Where: Clan wars
World: 69

* Thursday, July 15
Event: Dungeoneering
Time: 3:30PM Est
Where: Daemonheim
World: TBD

� Friday, July 16
Event: Castle Wars
Time: 9:00PM Est
Where: Castle War's Lobby
World: 69

� Saturday July 17
Event: KBD
Time: 8:00PM Est
Where: Edgy

� Sunday July 18.
Event: Kfc's mom
Time: 12:00 am
Where: Meet at bed
World: 69

22-Jun-2010 06:39:00
Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 04:10:21 by TSE_King_Rom
� Ephor Ranks �

Ephors have five members and five ranks. Their term is 1 month. Only the most active Spartans should be Ephors. They ensure that for the good of Sparta, that the laws are upheld.

Archigos (Leader)

The Archigos leads the Ephors and make sure everyone's tasks get completed. They report to the kings about the activity of the Ephors.

Logokritis (Censor)

Checks activity of members and marks their progress as Spartans. They run sweeps monthly to deem who is truly still an active Spartan within our empire or whom have been in-active and not productive, to further our cause. They ensure we keep an active empire.

Presbeftis (Ambassador)

Our representative to Sparta�s alliances and to those ones wishing to become one. They show our good will and observe alliances and propose new ones. They must be patient and experienced in diplomacy. Search for alliances that will benefit Sparta and them.

Ekeinos Pou Filoxenei (Host)

Makes events for our empire and runs them out, war practices are left to the warlord though. They ensure our members get good events and list who attends.

Desmofylakas (Warder)

Recruits members for the good of the empire. They teach new recruits in the ways of Sparta. The Desmofylakas is also responsible for making sure members follow the Spartan laws set by the kings.

22-Jun-2010 06:39:01
Last edited on 22-Jun-2010 06:48:00 by TSE_King_Rom
� Applications �

Combat Level:
Highest non-combat skill:
Total level:
Do you understand all laws:
Have you been in a clan before?:
If so, what clans:

Do you promise to be active ingame and on forums, and attend events:

Name the Clan Chat:

22-Jun-2010 06:39:01
Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 04:11:53 by TSE_King_Rom
� Constitution of Sparta �

Sparta is run by a system known here as the Rotational, or Rotating, Triumvirate. A Triumvirate is a leadership of three Kings, with equal power. In Sparta, each King is given an area to preside over. One King presides over diplomacy, one over the Senate of Sparta, and one over civil and domestic affairs.

Each area is "rotated" each month, and each King will move on to preside over another area, as a cycle. The diplomatic King will move on to preside over civil and domestic affairs, the civil King moves to the Senate and Ephors, and the King presiding over the Ephors and Senate will move to diplomacy. This, however, does not stop Kings from intervening in the different areas. It does not mean the civil King can not be diplomatic, and it does not mean the diplomatic King cannot intervene domestically. When one King resigns and two are left, it is up to the two remaining to choose a new King.

The Ephors moderate the clan members and the Kings. The Ephors can overrule a king's decision with a 4/5 vote. They can even vote to impeach a king with a 4/5 decision if one of the other kings calls for a vote. If an Ephor is chosen to become a King, atleast 3 out of the remaining 4 must agree on the same person of Spartan rank to be ascended.

The Spartan wars are commanded by the Spartan Commander. The Commander only has authority when it comes to the actual battle on the field. He has no other government powers. He does not have any diplomatic power whatsoever(forming alliances, declaring wars, etc.) He strictly combat oriented.
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