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��� Final Night 85+ ��� [T2]

05-Jul-2010 11:43:53
Last edited on 05-Jul-2010 11:53:01 by RylukShouja
---- Clan Chat: We Are FN ----

Welcome to the Final Night recruitment thread! Final Night is an 85+ clan founded by Final Ruo. We have a friendly and social atmosphere, fun and interesting clan events, and friendly members willing to help out with quests or skills. All of our members are equals, and if you have a question or comment, please post it on our thread.

Final Night is a growing clan, always ready to accept new members and ideas. We do a host of clan events including (but not limited to:

:- Castle Wars
:- Clan Wars
:- House Parties
:- Pest Control
:- Revenant Hunting
:- Mole Hunting
:- Fight Pits
:- Great Orb Project
:- Duel Arena
:- Boss events

If you want to join, please read through the clan information and rules, and fill out an application. The application can be posted to this thread, and once processed, one of our leaders will message you in-game.

Clan Information

Clan Homeworld: 24
Clan Team Cape: Team-26
Clan Chat: We Are FN
Clan Time Zone: All

05-Jul-2010 11:44:06
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 11:08:05 by RylukShouja
1.2 Table of Contents

Page 1
1.1: Introduction
1.2: Table of Contents
1.3: Requirements
1.4: Rules
1.5: Promotion Guide
1.6: Member Application Form
1.7: Acceptance/Declination Form
1.8: Application Forms
:- 1.8a Ally Application Form
:- 1.8b War Application Form
1.9: Positions Part I
1.10: Positions Part II
:- 1.10a: Events Coordinators
:- 1.10b: Warlord/Vice Warlord
:- 1.10c: High Council

Page 2
2.1: Upcoming Events
2.2: Time Zone Conversion
2.3: Clan History
2.4: Wars
:- 2.4a: War Status
:- 2.4b: War History
:- 2.4c: War Bump
2.5: Warring Gear
2.6: Clan Events
2.7: Event Attendance
2.8: Invitation Post
2.9: Godwars Dungeon Equipment
2.10: Allied Clans

Page 3
3.1: Member posting

05-Jul-2010 11:44:16
Last edited on 05-Jul-2010 11:47:36 by RylukShouja
1.3 Requirements

To join Final Night, you must fulfill the following requirements:

- Be a p2p member
- 85+ total combat level
- 70+ total combat level with 90+ Ranged or Magic levels
- Skiller: 1000+ Total Levels

Note: you can join as less than these requirements. However, you will remain unranked in the clan chat and qualified as a Training Member until you can fulfill these requirements. Training Members will appear as smiley faces in the clan chat.

05-Jul-2010 11:44:25
Last edited on 05-Jul-2010 11:47:59 by RylukShouja
1.4 Rules

1: Be active

2: Follow the Jagex rules: no spamming, racial discrimination, offensive language, or asking personal details allowed.

3: No Multiclanning: this is strictly frowned upon, and could result in a permanent ban from Final Night.

4: Show respect for your clan members: keep the clan chat friendly and clean at all times.

5: Respect higher ranks: Final Night uses a rank system. These ranked members have earned their position, and in some cases have the authority to kick disrespectful members. If you have an issue with an officer, speak to a Council Member and the issue will be addressed.

6: Attend meetings and events: if you are online at the time of the event, do your best to attend. Try to be online for all meetings.

7: Do not beg for ranks: the High Council meets once a week to discuss, among other things, the ranking of members. Asking for ranks shows a bad attitude and is incredibly annoying, and will hurt your chances of ranking up. If you are worthy of a rank, the Council will notice.

8: Have fun!

When you are joining Final Night, take these rules into account. If you are caught repeatedly breaking these rules, you will be banned. If you continue breaking the rules after your ban is up, you will be permanently banned. Joining a clan is a serious commitment, and if you cannot accept that responsibility, you should not join Final Night.

Important note: On your application, please change the �?� in �Have you read the rules?� to a �9� so that we know you have actually read the rules.

05-Jul-2010 11:44:34
Last edited on 05-Jul-2010 11:48:15 by RylukShouja
1.5 Promotion Guide

First and foremost: remember ABE. Active/Bump/Events. Be Active in the clan, Bump the clan thread, and attend Events, and you will be well on your way to promotion.

There are a few simple steps you can take to ensure promotion in Final Night:

:- Be active in the clan chat
:- Attend events
:- Recruit friends
:- Recruit through the forums
:- Bump the clan thread
:- Respect your clanmates

05-Jul-2010 11:44:44
Last edited on 05-Jul-2010 11:49:47 by RylukShouja
1.6 Member Application Form

Fill this form out and post it to the thread to apply to join the clan.

P2P combat level:
Highest combat skill (and its level):
Will you try to attend two events per week?
Will you always join the We Are FN clan chat when you log in?
Have you read the rules of the clan?
Will you abide by the rules of the clan?
Will you bump the clan thread at least twice a day? (When you log in and when you log out are good markers for that)
Who recruited you?
Time zone:
Will you try your best to recruit friends and others?

05-Jul-2010 11:44:56
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 10:45:57 by RylukShouja
1.7 Acceptance/Declination Form

Welcome to Final Night, (name)!

You are now officially a member of Final Night, entitled to all the privileges of a full member. You can now attend Final Night events, enter our Clan Chat (We Are FN), and be part of our community. Thanks for joining and we hope you enjoy your time with us. If you have any questions or comments please let us know by contacting an officer.

Please join the Clan Chat "We Are Fn" and add to your friends list Final Ruo, RylukShouja, and Cielo Arco. We look forward to seeing you!
Sorry, (name) but we are declining your application due to the fact that (enter reason of declination here). There may be requirements you are lacking, application was not filled out completely or properly, or there may be other reasons. You could always re-apply when you attain the levels though so don't worry!

05-Jul-2010 11:45:06
Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 22:16:09 by RylukShouja
1.8 Application Forms
1.8a Ally Application Form
Name of Clan:
Clan Leader(s):
Number of members:
Clan CC:
Clan Thread Qfc:
How long has your clan been in existence:
Why do you wish to become allies:
Will you promise to help us when needed?
Average Combat Level:
Why should we Ally with you?
1.8b War Application Form
Name of Clan:
Date and time?:
Number of members:
Clan CC:
Clan Leader(s):
Clan Thread QFC:
How long has your clan been in existence:
Number of allies:
Reason for war?
Average Combat Level:

05-Jul-2010 11:45:16
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 10:47:25 by RylukShouja
1.9 Positions I
Final Night uses the rank system. Members are ranked according to even attendance, activity on RuneScape, recruitment, and their overall attitude while in the clan. Ranks are given by the High Council.

1.9a NCOs
NCO (Non-commissioned officers):
NCOs are given more authority than normal members and help lead events and keep the clan chat in line. They do not have the authority to kick members. There are two ranks of NCOs:
:- Double stripe: Corporal
:- Triple stripe: Sergeant

1.9b Events Coordinators
The Events Coordinators meet once a week to discuss the details of upcoming events: which events are being done, who is leading which events, and the planned world for the events. The events coordinators are currently RylokShouja and Final Wish, both of whom hold the rank of Lieutenant.

1.9c Warlord/Vice Warlord
The Warlord is in charge of organizing clan wars and planning strategy for the wars. He is assisted by a Vice Warlord who offers advice and, in the Warlord's absence, leads wars and takes care of war declarations. Cielo Arco is the current warlord, and hold the rank of Captain.

1.9d Recruitment Manager
The Recruitment Manager works with the forums and the clan thread to find and accept new members. The Recruitment Manager holds the rank of Lieutenant.

1.9d Thread Manager
The Thread Manager is an officer who manages the clan thread, updating to show new events and updating the member list and list of officers. The current thread manager is vice-leader RylukShouja, and holds the rank of general.

05-Jul-2010 11:45:27
Last edited on 05-Jul-2010 11:52:33 by RylukShouja
1.10 Positions II
1.10a Council
The Council consists of the general group of Commissioned Officers. Every clan member ranked Lieutenant or higher is a part of the general Council. The Council is responsible for the moderation of the clan chat, and work tightly with the NCOs in making sure everyone in the clan chat abides by the rules.
1.10b High Council
The High Council is made up of the alliance leader, a dedicated Council leader, and the heads of each of the other positions: the Warlord and Lead Events Coordinator. This Council meets weekly to discuss upcoming events, clan wars, administrative issues, and member advancement. The Council will take suggestions from officers and NCOs on advancement of members. Begging these officers for rank will not be tolerated, and will often result in the High Council passing up the member for advancement, even if they had previously been selected for it.

The High Council gives the final approval for events and wars. They also deal with unruly clan members and decide punishment for those that break the rules.
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