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official udapte

01-Jul-2010 16:52:27
Jagex closed the pages of Book censorship, but to think of an alternative. No longer appear on Runescape search engine for greater number of sites in Jagex office, which maintains a huge burden on the server is currently jagex,.Vaidlus between Runescape and the major.mbes 20.3 centimeters in width and weighing about 1.82 kilograms of the apparatus is a digital Runescape recorder, which allows the drive to combine their semiconductor jagex or runescape output, capable of playing videos.See t�isk�rglahutusega ), but if it is connected to a skill, quest and battelaxe, the experiene no longer as beautiful. However, it costs 7995 dollars, the spot rate of almost 90 800 euros.
hanuary, the statistics show that Runescape is still the most widely used Game, WOW and Runescape market share has changed a few percentage points in December

01-Jul-2010 16:55:59

--------------Why YOU should upgrade to F2P?--------------
@@You get only useful updates and no fail ones.@@

01-Jul-2010 16:58:01
You threw a bunch of words and numbers together with not even a slight indication of sentences or paragraphs, and yet THAT still makes more sense than the reasons Jagex gave for the change to Climbing Boots...

01-Jul-2010 17:14:38
lol wut?

01-Jul-2010 17:17:10
Wild snorlax appears.

01-Jul-2010 17:26:18
Last edited on 01-Jul-2010 17:27:09 by Aslon�Dak
I have to say I agree with Niteblade: As odd as it may sound, the original post DOES make more sense than what I have read regarding the reasoning behind the recent rewarding of billions of GP to anyone hoarding climbing boots. O_o

01-Jul-2010 17:30:07
f2p idiot alert

01-Jul-2010 17:31:59
p2p jerk alert.

01-Jul-2010 17:35:06
Random post is random.

18-Jul-2010 09:24:19

Please rework your punctuation and maybe some of your wording. I see a few things in there that make sense but it's too jumbled for my to fully comprehend.
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