var wishingWell = { // Variables shown : false, speech : "", step : 0, // Functions updateOnPage : function(){ var text = ""; // Well drawing text += "\ .-------------.\n\ /= ^ =_ ^-_- = \\\n\ /^ ==_ -_ = _ ^ \\\n\ / =_ ^ -_ = _ = \\\n\ /_=_^___=_-^__=___=_^_\\\n\ __||____ ___ ____||_\n\ `=||====//_\\\\====||=|_\n\ || |===| || \'-\'\n\ ||_..-|___|-.._||\n\ |\'-,._______..-\'|\n\ ||__ | __] __]_|\n\ |_| ]__|__ _| __|\n\ |__[ _ ]_ __[_ |\n\ |_| _ |_ ]_ _[_ |\n\ `\"-..........--\"`\n\ " // Buttons & speech drawing switch(this.step){ case 0: // Button text += "\n\n"; break; case 1: // Speech text += "\n"; text += speech.makeSpeechFromText(this.speech, 23, ""); // Buttons text += "\n\n"; text += "\n"; text += "\n"; break; case 2: // Speech text += "\n"; text += speech.makeSpeechFromText(this.speech, 23, ""); break; } text += "\n\n"; htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("map", text); }, potionsAndScrolls : function(){ var rand, total = 0; // Potions rand = 5 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(10); potions.getPotions(, rand); total += rand; rand = 5 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(10); potions.getPotions(potions.list.escape, rand); total += rand; rand = 3 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(3); potions.getPotions(potions.list.berserk, rand); total += rand; rand = 5 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(5); potions.getPotions(potions.list.superman, rand); total += rand; potions.getPotions(potions.list.cloning, 1); total += 1; // Scrolls rand = 5 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(10); potions.getPotions(potions.list.fireScroll, rand); total += rand; rand = 5 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(10); potions.getPotions(potions.list.acidRainScroll, rand); total += rand; rand = 5 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(10); potions.getPotions(potions.list.teleportScroll, rand); total += rand; rand = 3 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(3); potions.getPotions(potions.list.earthquakeScroll, rand); total += rand; rand = 3 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(3); potions.getPotions(potions.list.impInvocationScroll, rand); total += rand; // Usual stuff this.setStep(2); this.setSpeech("Here's " + total + " various potions and scrolls for you !!"); this.updateOnPage(); }, candiesBy5 : function(){ candies.setNbrOwned(candies.nbrOwned * 5); this.setStep(2); this.setSpeech("Multiplicatus, multiplicata, multiplicatum ! Your candies are now multiplied !"); this.updateOnPage(); }, lollipopsBy8 : function(){ lollipops.setNbrOwned(lollipops.nbrOwned * 8); this.setStep(2); this.setSpeech("Multiplicatus, multiplicata, multiplicatum ! Your lollipops are now multiplied !"); this.updateOnPage(); }, throwCandy : function(){ candies.setNbrOwned(candies.nbrOwned - 1); this.setStep(1); this.setSpeech("I will grant you one wish ! So choose carefully from the list below."); this.updateOnPage(); }, setStep : function(value){ this.step = value; }, setSpeech : function(value){ this.speech = value; }, enter : function(){ objects.leave(); this.shown = true; this.updateOnPage(); buttons.checkWishingWell(); }, leave : function(){ this.shown = false; htmlInteraction.setInnerHtml("map", ""); //buttons.enableHomeButtons(); } };