Easter 2007 Event Guide


[image] Whether out of curiosity or sheer laziness, the Easter Bunny has decided that the best way to deliver chocolate rabbits for Easter is to animate them. Neglecting to consider what children would think about sinking their teeth into a living, wriggling chocolate rabbit, the Easter Rabbit has pushed forward with production anyway, employing the services of Diango - who should know better himself, having recently been subject to rampant animated toys.

Needless to say, the chocolate rabbits did not come out as hoped. A miscommunication has led to chocolate kebbits, not rabbits, being manufactured. It has always been in the kebbits' nature to scamper about and roam the countryside - as any Hunter will testify - so they swiftly escaped. It is now up to you to return them to the Easter Rabbit in time for delivery!

The holiday event can be started by talking to the Easter Rabbit, south of Falador and north of Rimmington.

The Event

Your first task is to retrieve 10 of the chocolate kebbits for the Easter Bunny. This may seem an easy task - the kebbits are not of the dashing, dark or spotted kind - but they have managed to worm their way into the crannies of the subterranean complex below the Easter Bunny. The first task, then, is to climb down the rabbit hole by the Easter Bunny and grab 10 of the kebbits that are down here.

When you have 10 of the mischievous blighters, make your way to the kebbit chute and rabbit-imprinted door, north of the entrance to the caves. Simply 'Use' the 10 kebbits on the chute, go through the door and ready yourself for a new task...

Bowling for kebbits...

The Easter Bunny still needs some enchanted chocolate dust to make the enchanted chocolate rabbits. This calls for drastic action - it is time to crush those kebbits!

The kebbits you passed through the chute will be waiting for you through the rabbit-imprinted door. Once you have entered the next cavern, you will note a rather interesting view: a pen full of kebbits and four bowling ramps!

The time has come to crush ten kebbits for the Easter Bunny. For some reason, the natural (and humane) means of crushing the kebbits is by bowling chocolate eggs at them! Well, at least you get to enjoy yourself while you are doing it.

[image] To bowl at the kebbits, first take some eggs from the bundles by each ramp. Once you have an adequate stock, stand atop the ramp, direct yourself toward the kebbits, wait for the right moment and then bowl! Watch as your egg rolls into the pen, and collect any enchanted chocolate chunks that you manage to create.

10 chocolate chunks are needed for the Easter Bunny, so make sure you have the right amount if you want to be satisfactorily rewarded. Once they have been attained, make your way to the surface and chat with the Easter Bunny to receive your due rewards!

Only one egg may be rolled at a time.

Retrieving the rabbit mould

Life is never simple for a giant pink bunny - or so it seems - as he needs you for a third and final task. The rabbit mould, essential for the mass production of the chocolate rabbits, needs to be retrieved. Who should have it, however, but Nigel the Gardener! Unloved by his family and twisted due to a life devoted entirely to his garden, Nigel hates everyone and everything that does not have roots and chlorophyll. As such, he will not willingly let you enter his garden to get the mould.

To make matters worse, the only way to enter his garden is through a system of burrows too small for a human, but small enough for a rabbit. Time to get a magic egg from the Easter Bunny to enter these burrows!

[image] Once you have the magic egg from the Easter Bunny, travel down the rabbit hole and stand in front of the smaller hole, very close to where the light shines from the entrance to the the cavern. Use the magic egg in front of this entrance and be transported to the burrows! You may even be lucky enough to get an emote at this point.

Once at the burrow complex, it is your task, should you choose to accept it, to find which burrow leads to the rabbit mould. This may involve a bit of 'trial and error', but there is a pattern involved. You will notice that where you enter a burrow has an effect on where you come out above-ground. The Easter Bunny used the letter 'L' a lot when describing this task, for example - perhaps he was subtly dropping a hint?


Once the rabbit mould has been retrieved - you will not see it in your inventory while you are still a rabbit - simply travel up to see the Easter Bunny and he will give you your final reward!