Living Rock Caverns (Members)


The creatures that inhabit these caverns are strong and aggressive, and won't hesitate to protect their home from interloping fishers and miners. If that's all you're going for, it would be wise to take along some combat gear as well, just in case...


Soon-to-be-dead living rock
Another consequence of Ice Mountain's melting peaks has been discovered deep within the Dwarven Mine. Running ice water has eroded away some rocks and opened up access to an ancient cavern rich in ores and minerals. Despite having been sealed off for hundreds of years, the caverns are teeming with life - including the rocks themselves!


Location of the Living Rock Caverns
At the northern end of the Dwarven Mine is a rope climb down into the caverns. The rope leads down into the safety of Farli's base camp, him being the dwarf who discovered the caverns. Farli may not be the Drunken Dwarf, but he's a contender for the crown, so hasn't yet made much of his discovery, leaving the way open for intrepid explorers.

There are entrances to the Dwarven Mine at the foot of Ice Mountain and in north-east Falador. Alternatively in Falador, you can use the Mining Guild entrance, or teleport to the guild with a necklace of skills. The mine cart system also provides a convenient transport link to and from Keldagrim, if you wanted to take your newly mined ores to the Blast Furnace.

Points of Interest

Map of the Living Rock Caverns
The Living Rock caverns are filled with living rocks. Over the centuries, trapped in their own little ecosystem, the rocks themselves have somehow developed sentience and even a rudimentary tribal society. They may not be particularly evolved as a species, but don't mistake that for a lack of intelligence. They're smart enough to know that stones break bones and will defend their subterranean home against any outsiders.

The caverns are also home to other rocks - the type that aren't alive - that are rich in ores and minerals, more so than any known mining sites on the surface. These concentrated mineral deposits - 8 coal and 4 gold - can be continuously mined by experienced miners, and sometimes yield two ores at the same time, though they do occasionally collapse for a short time.

Finally, the many pools of ice water now found in the cavern have become a home to two newly discovered species of fish - the cavefish and the rocktail. Both should prove useful to adventurers as they offer both good healing and can boost certain combat skills. A fishing rod and some bait are necessary to catch cavefish, while rocktails require a new type of bait - living minerals, mined from defeated living rock creatures!

Farli is a very literal-minded and matter-of-fact dwarf, telling it like it is, and not a jot more. Exactly like it is. So exactly like it is that it's obvious. He doesn't recognise sarcasm, leading questions or any other such subtleties. Absolutely none of this has anything to do with him liking a drink or two.
Farli can be found at the centre of the Living Rock Caverns at his base camp.


There are no quests to start in the Living Rock Caverns.
Live Rocks

Living rock protector (Level 120)
Protectors are bulky and strong, preferring to engage in close combat with their massive rock fists.
Living rock striker (Level 140)
Despite probably being stronger than protectors, strikers prefer to fight at range by throwing rocks at their foes.
Living rock protectors can be found throughout the caverns. Living rock strikers can be found throughout the caverns.

Living rock patriarch

Patriarchs are the elders of the living rock race. If their humungous size didn't give it away, the damage these level 200 monsters inflict will. Luckily, patriarchs will only make their presence known on rare occasions - if, say, the other living rock creatures haven't managed to scare off outsiders for a while, that's when these hulking beasties will wade in. As with the other living rocks, once felled, they can be mined for living minerals in the same way.
