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Guide To Speaking English!!!!!

02-May-2010 16:40:45
Last edited on 02-May-2010 16:41:31 by Omega�Chelsy
This should be read English - Spanish

Hello! Hola!

Are you having troubles speaking English? Would you like to know some basic phrases? possibly some numbers or colors? well, you've gone to the right place! here, I will be posting some phrases and much more!

Short Phrases:
How much is this? / � Cu�nto es?
I don�t understand / No entiendo
Please speak more slowly / Por favor, hable mas despacio
Have you got a pen? / � Tiene un bol�grafo?
Where is the shop? / � D�nde est� tienda?
Where is the drug store? / � D�nde est� la farmacia?
I don�t eat meat / No como carne
What would you like to drink? / � Qu� le gustar�a beber?
I don�t know / No s�
Help! / �Socorro!
I feel Ill / Me encuentro mal
Cheers! / �Salud!
Excuse me / �Perd�n!

Zero / Cero
One / Uno
Two / Dos
Three / Tres
Four / Cuatro
Five / Cinco
Six / Seis
Seven / Siete
Eight / Ocho
Nine / Nueve
Ten / Diez
Eleven / Once
Twelve / Doce
Thirteen / Trece
Fourteen /Catorce
Fifteen / Quince
Sixteen / Diecis�is
Seventeen / Diecisiete
Eighteen / Dieciocho
Nineteen / Diecinueve
Twenty / Veinte

Hey there!�s
Hi / Hola
Good Morning / Buenos D�as
Good Evening / Buenas Noches
How are you? / �C�mo est�s?
Good, thank You! / Bien, �Gracias!
Goodbye / Adios

Yes, No, and Maybe!

Yes / S�
No / No
Thank You / Gracias
You're Welcome /De nada
Please / Por favor
Thank You Very Much / Muchas Gracias

What�s up�s?
Hello, How Are You? / Hola, �C�mo estas?
Good And You? /Bien �y t�?

RuneScape relations!
What Is Your Level Of / �Cu�l Es tu Nivel De
My Level Is / Mi Nivel Es
What Are You Doing? / �Qu� Est�s Haciendo?
Where Is The Bank? / Donde Queda El Banco?
Can You Lend Me Your / �Me Puedes Prestar Tu ?

I Speak A Little Spanish / Hablo Un Poco Espa�ol

North / Norte
South / Sur
East / Este/ Oriente
West / Oeste/Occidente

02-May-2010 16:41:38
Last edited on 02-May-2010 16:42:23 by Omega�Chelsy
Red / Rojo
Light Blue / Azul Celeste
Brown / Marr�n
Pink / Rosa
Orange / Naranja
Purple / Violeta
Yellow / Amarillo
Black / Negro
Green / Verde
Gray / Gris
Dark Blue / Azul Marino
White / Blanco


Turkey / Turqu�a
United Kingdom / Reino Unido
United States Of America / Estados Unidos De Am�rica
The Netherlands / Paises Bajos
Sweden / Suecia
Spain / Espa��
Russia / Rusia
Portugal / Portugal
Norway / Noruega
New Zealand / Nueva Zelanda
Japon / Jap�n
Italy / Italia
Israel / Israel
India / India
Hungary / Hungr�a
Greece / Grecia
Germany / Alemania
France / Francia
Finland / Finlandia
Egypt / Egipto
Denmark / Dinamarca
China / China
Canada / Canad�
Australia / Australia

First Words!

Telephone / El Tel�fono
Hello / Hola
Left / Izquierda
Right / Derecha
Water / El Agua
Milk / La Leche
Coffee / El Caf�
Ladies� Toliet / El Servicio De Se�oras
Gents� Toliet / El Servicio De Caballeros
Hospital / Un Hospital
Aspirin / Unas Aspirinas
Bathroom / El Ba�o
Shower / Una Ducha


Knife / Un Cuchillo
Fork / Un Tenedor
Spoon / Una Cuchara
Plate / Un Plato
Cup And Saucer / Una Taza Y Un Platito
Bread / El Pan
Mug / Una Taza
Bowl / Un Taz�n
Glass / Un Vaso
Cola / La Coca Cola
Tea / El T�
Rice / El Arroz
Fish / El Pescado
Tomatoes / Unos Tomatoes
Sweet Corn / El Maiz
Mango / Un Mango
Eggs / Unos Huevos
Toast / Unas Tostadas
Apples / Unas Manzanas
Carrot / Una Zanahoria
Pears / Unas Peras

02-May-2010 16:41:45
Last edited on 02-May-2010 16:42:55 by Omega�Chelsy

Knife / Un Cuchillo
Fork / Un Tenedor
Spoon / Una Cuchara
Plate / Un Plato
Cup And Saucer / Una Taza Y Un Platito
Bread / El Pan
Mug / Una Taza
Bowl / Un Taz�n
Glass / Un Vaso
Cola / La Coca Cola
Tea / El T�
Rice / El Arroz
Fish / El Pescado
Tomatoes / Unos Tomatoes
Sweet Corn / El Maiz
Mango / Un Mango
Eggs / Unos Huevos
Toast / Unas Tostadas
Apples / Unas Manzanas
Carrot / Una Zanahoria

02-May-2010 21:01:57
Last edited on 02-May-2010 21:05:33 by I�Batmayne
Nice Thread!
04-May-2010 13:19:02
The contents of this message have been hidden

16-Jun-2010 19:07:55
Thanks Vozneseskya, this will help some people who don't know anything about english, and to some people who have's problems with it.

correct me if i'm wrong plz XD

17-Jun-2010 23:22:27
Gracias para esa thread. Es ayudo mi con mi ingles. lo siento si mi pronunciacion es mal, yo hablo ingles :P. Haha yes, I hardly speak any spanish :P pero yo se como a hablo un poco.

19-Jun-2010 07:39:20
Wow este hilo si que es util gracias a este me va bien en ingles xD no es chiste. Sigue asi.
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