Phoenix Lair

Phoenix Lair is only accessible to RuneScape members. Please subscribe to get this feature.

Please note this is a 'Dangerous' area. If you die during this distraction and diversion, you will lose your items.


The phoenix rises
The phoenix is an ancient, near-immortal creature capable of endlessly renewing itself under the correct conditions. The lone phoenix known to still exist is determined to live a very long life, and asks whichever adventurer has saved it to return regularly for battle, so that it may repeat its death and rebirth cycle.

Of course, the phoenix must be sure that its opponent is worthy, and so its reborn guardians will do their very best to hinder anyone they come across...


You must have completed In Pyre Need to gain access to the Phoenix Lair. In addition, you will need level 51 Slayer.

You will need to bring a knife, a pair of secateurs and a tinderbox in order to construct the pyre to call the phoenix to battle. You also cannot use the phoenix familiar or have a pet phoenix out while in the Phoenix Lair.

The Phoenix Lair can only be completed once per day.

Getting Started

Fighting the phoenix's guardians
As adventurers who have completed In Pyre Need will know, the phoenix lives at the far end of a series of caverns. Since being restored to health, however, the phoenix has instructed its servants to do their utmost to defend these caverns. Anyone wishing to enter the phoenix's presence now has to battle their way through these massive, magma-filled monstrosities.

There are three types of guardian, one for each point of the combat triangle, with Combat levels up to 128. All of the caverns are multicombat areas, so it is possible to be attacked by many of the reborn guardians at once - a dangerous prospect!

Gathering the requisite twigs
Each level features a tree found nowhere else in RuneScape, and you must harvest a twig from each in order to build the phoenix's pyre.

When you have each twig and have entered the final room, you will have to use your knife to fletch each twig into a ribbon, which can then be used on the large pyre area to call the phoenix to battle. When the phoenix has been defeated, it will crawl onto the pyre, which can then be set alight to receive your reward.


Upon igniting the phoenix's pyre, you will receive a hefty chunk of experience:
  • 1000 Crafting
  • 7500 Firemaking
  • 3000 Fletching
  • 500 Slayer

The first time you complete the Phoenix Lair, however, you will be rewarded with 5000 Slayer instead of 500.

As if this wasn't enough, you can then speak to the reborn phoenix to receive five phoenix quills, with which you can create phoenix Summoning pouches.

As you leave the Phoenix Lair, there is a very slim chance you may find yourself lost - don't worry! If you get lost, you will stumble upon a phoenix egg, which can be hatched either by clapping at or kicking the egg. There are two types of pet phoenix - a cute eggling (if the egg hatches through clapping) and a mean eggling (if the egg is kicked open) - each with a distinct personality. You can have one of each type of pet phoenix.

Development Team

Developer: Lewis M
Graphics: Matthew M, Matthew N, Jeff K
QA: Nicola T
Audio: Iain H