Asgarnian Ice Dungeon


For those less-experienced adventurers looking to rush into the Ice Dungeon for blurite ore comes a small disclaimer: Aggressive beasts will attack on sight, and some of these are of a sufficiently high level to cause critical damage.

Stock food and Prayer up to optimum levels: an altar lies to the north of the dungeon entrance, while herrings and anchovies can be caught from nearby Fishing spots. Those players who are members can confront the skeletal wyvern for Slayer reasons, though this will require some form of elemental protection.


Fighting inside the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon
As deadly dungeons go, the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon is one of the most picturesque. That is, once you get past the dank and shabby enclaves of muggers and pirates. Beyond these low-lives resides the centrepiece of the Ice Dungeon - the ice cavern - where dazzling blurite throws beams of light across smooth outcrops of ice. This curiously beautiful frozen area lies far from the poles, leading adventurers to wonder what really could be the cause of such an unnatural grotto.

Prolonged contemplation of the scene will be interrupted by a swift blow to the head, though. Looming ice giants and elemental warriors await those who wish to pilfer, while the shattering cries of the skeletal wyvern will send chills into wandering souls.


Location of the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon
The Ice Dungeon can be entered through a trapdoor in Asgarnia's southern peninsula. No light sources are needed for the dungeon - smugglers' lanterns and the natural luminescence of the blurite provide enough light to go by.

The entrance to the dungeon is only a few paces eastward from Thurgo, the reclusive Imcando dwarf, and his shack on the peninsula.

Almost directly north lies Port Sarim jail.

Points of Interest

Interesting areas of the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon
The Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, however pretty, has a fearsome array of combat training options for the intrepid explorer. For those looking to mine blurite, achievable with level 10 Mining, there is a small cache in the main ice cave. This may be useful to those currently grappling with the Knight's Sword quest, and any members who wish to build certain types of crossbows and bolts.

Aside from this, the cave has a large number of beasties that may be the target of Slayer assignments. One of these, the skeletal wyvern, is reachable only by Members.


There are no personalities of note in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon.


There are no quests to start in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon.

The Lawless and Ruthless of the Ice Dungeon

Mugger (Level 6)
Too unskilled to be a pickpocket, this unsubtle character has chosen the more physical route to gleaning your belongings. Too poor to afford any strong weapons, armour or even combat training, the mugger is more likely to be left penniless and bleeding than his target.
Pirate (Level 26)
Arr, so here be pirates! Avast ye, landlubber, as we be stronger than yer common pirate. Not by much, my lad, but enough to get yer brew stewing. We just be here storin' our cargo, ye see. So there be nothin' fer ye to see here, Jim lad, just shimmy along to whatever ye be doin'. Arr, I say. Arr!
The mugger is hiding from the law in the opening caves of the Ice Dungeon. Pirates are up to no good in the second cave you encounter in the Ice Dungeon.
Hobgoblin (Level 28/42)
A tougher hybrid of the goblin, these common spear-wielding creatures are as comfortable above ground as below it. Strikingly ugly, this particular group of dungeon-dwelling hobgoblins are ramshackedly led by a stronger hobgoblin, who should be no real challenge to the experienced adventurer.
Ice Warrior (Level 57)
A spirit of elemental magic, the ice warrior feels compelled to patrol the ice cavern and defend the blurite. This melee fighter is composed of ice and as such is vulnerable to fire and shattering crush attacks. Also weak to Magic attacks, the warrior will often leave runestone drops as his elemental spirit evaporates.
Hobgoblins swarm around the entrance to the Ice Dungeon, too scared to stray in. The Ice warrior is drawn to the blurite in the ice cavern.
Ice Giant (Level 53)
Though his blades may be sharp, his mind certainly is not. The Ice Giant, tall and thunderous with icicles for a beard, is quite easy to bypass on a quest for blurite. Once confronted, however, this surly and none-too-clever oaf will make short work of you with his sword, slashing and blindly pummeling. This lofty foe is prone to fire, Ranged and Magic attacks.
Skeletal Wyvern (Level 140 - Members only)
Drawn to its unnatural chill, the skeletal wyverns have settled within the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon in an effort to escape human interference. Once the servants of the dragons, these serpent recluses will fight hard to protect the cave in which they have chosen to dwell, attacking with gouging kicks and, more frequently, devastating blue ice-breath. Its wyvern-breath cannot be defended by anti-dragonbreath shields, instead requiring elemental protection or a dragonfire shield. High-level Slayer and combat skills are a must.
The Ice Giant's favoured stomping ground is the ice cave. The skeletal wyverns prowl beyond the ice cave tunnel.


  • An altar lies to the north of the dungeon entrance for urgent replenishment of Prayer points, and a Fishing spot or two lies to the west with smaller fish and shrimps available.
  • The skeletal wyverns are a good source of high-quality drops, including draconic visages and granite platelegs.