Hunter - Box Trapping (Level 27+)

Box Trapping

Setting a box trap in the undergrowth
Box trapping is perfect for trapping small creatures alive, and suits those animals that could be useful to you. This method allows you to trap ferrets, penguins, pawya, grenwalls and the notorious chinchompa; a critter that can be later used as a form of ranged explosive.

To begin, you must first buy a box trap from a Hunter store. Next, you have a simple choice: complete the Eagles' Peak quest, which will allow you to trap ferrets at level 27, or raise your level to 53 and trap chinchompas.

When box trapping, the first task is to lay the box near a clutch of box trap animals and then open it up, ready for catching the chosen creature. It is wise not to lay the trap and move away quickly, as the trap will not be properly set. Once opened it is possible to bait the trap - chinchompas love spicy mincemeat and spicy tomato (see Hunter - FAQ for how to make these dishes) the ferret loves raw meat, pawya adore papaya and the grenwall enjoys little more than raw pawya - and move away, awaiting the curious creature to walk inside.

It is advised that you visit the Piscatoris Hunter area to start box trapping - if doing so without completing Eagles' Peak - as the chinchompa here are of a lower level than the red chinchompa of the Feldip Jungle.

This trap can be smoked with a torch to remove your scent, increasing your chance of success when box trapping. To do so you will need a torch, bought from the Hunter stores of Yanille and Nardah, and a Hunter level of 39 or above. Lighting the torch and using it on a set-up box trap will greatly increase the chance of snagging yourself a reward.

Additionally, being camouflaged will help to remove your scent and make you blend in to your surroundings; when in the correct area, of course. Wearing suitable camouflage gear, garnered from the fur of tracking and pitfall creatures and made into costume sets by the fancy dress shop owner in Varrock, will make it more likely that you are successful when box trapping. A complete set of the suitable gear (woodland camo-top and camo-trousers when in woodland, for example) will increase those chances even further. Note, though, that the pawya and grenwall are suffused with the magic of Isafdar and, as such, see through such simple ruses as camouflage.

A warning before you embark on box trapping adventures, though; attack the chinchompa at your peril! Once the killing blow has been dealt then the chinchompa will explode, causing you damage.

Only so many box traps can be laid at one point, depending on your Hunter level:

Hunter level Maximum Traps
27 [Image: Hunter] - 39 [Image: Hunter] Two traps at a time
40 [Image: Hunter] - 59 [Image: Hunter] Three traps at a time
60 [Image: Hunter] - 79 [Image: Hunter] Four traps at a time
80 [Image: Hunter] - 99 [Image: Hunter] Five traps at a time

If you have reached your maximum number of traps then one will have to be dismantled before another can be laid. It is also possible to wait for a trap to dismantle itself, which will happen after a length of time.

Box Trapping Locations

For maps and detailed locations of the tracking creatures for Hunter, visit the Hunter - Locations page.

Box trap creatures can be found at the following Hunter areas around RuneScape: the chinchompa and the ferret at the Piscatoris Hunter area, just north of the Gnome Stronghold; the red chinchompa in the Feldip Jungle, just south of the Feldip Hills and Gu'Tanoth; and the pawya and grenwall in a variety of locations around Isafdar.

Boxtrapping Creatures



Experience Gained

Hunter reward



27 [Image: Hunter] 115 Ferret Baited with raw meat. Used when rabbit snaring. Piscatoris Hunter area
53 [Image: Hunter] 198 Chinchompa Baited with spiced chopped tomatoes. Can be used as Ranged weapon. Piscatoris Hunter area
Penguin (polar)
56 [Image: Hunter] 150 Penguin Baited with raw cod. KGP agents can be handed over to Jim the polar bear for extra experience. Iceberg Hunter area
Red chinchompa
63 [Image: Hunter] 265 Red chinchompa Baited with spiced minced meat. Can be used as Ranged weapon. Feldip Hunter area
66 [Image: Hunter] 400 Raw pawya meat
Baited with papaya. Isafdar
77 [Image: Hunter] 1100 Grenwall spikes
Baited with raw pawya meat. Isafdar

Box Trapping Rewards

Chinchompas, those combustible little rodents, come in two varieties: normal and red. Once equipped, with the suitable Ranged level, these creatures can then be thrown at targets for a one-time explosion. They can also be stacked in your inventory.

Creature Required
Ranged Bonus Location
45 [Image: Ranged] + 45 Woodland Hunting Training Area
Red chinchompa
55 [Image: Ranged] + 70 Jungle Hunting Training Area

The chinchompas have three different attack styles: short, medium and long. These determine the length of fuse, so a 'long fuse' attack style will have more chance of success at long distances, and so forth. This makes using the chinchompa quite a tactical choice, with a user having to shift attack styles according to their approach.

The ferret, lithe and vicious, is an ideal and reusable Hunter aid for snaring rabbits. It is best to use the ferret on a rabbit hole with a rabbit snare laid in anticipation.

Pawya meat can be used to trap grenwalls. Aside from the hefty experience earned by catching these wary creatures, the spikes that grenwalls drop can be used with feathers to make headless arrows. Pawya are also known to occasionally drop papaya seeds, and grenwalls sometimes drop a variety of herbs or pawya meat.