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Previous   01-Jul-2010 - RuneScape Summer Festival   Next

If you�re a social animal, like to hang out, love a good competition and are partial to the odd fight or two, then we�ve got something for you this weekend. You can find full details on the dedicated forum thread, but here�s a summary of what�s coming up this weekend:

The RuneScape �Lookey-Likey� Competition
There are so many different costume combinations in RuneScape that, with a little imagination, it�s surprisingly easy to make a pretty convincing lookalike! So, this weekend, we�re holding a costume competition in which we�re looking for the player who manages the most convincing transformation into a famous person or character! Think of it like Halloween in July, just without the candy...and no pumpkins.

Jagex Clan Cup Opening Parade
This weekend sees the first match of this year�s eagerly awaited Jagex Clan Cup. In the opening parade clans have the chance to meet fellow combatants, show off their team and quiz clan guru Mod Timbo. Whether you want to celebrate the cup, size up the competition or just be a clan fan keen and throw your lacy vambraces at the feet of your favourite clan star, we�d love to see you there.

Clan Wars Triumvirate Challenge
After last week�s skill-based challenge, this week�s challenge is a classic punch up in a classic venue. Lords, Judges and Reavers will do their best to show their dominance and pick up some valuable Triumvirate points along the way. Not signed up to the Triumvirate yet? Click here and declare your allegiance to one of the factions!

Gielinor�s Fourth of July Summer Party
Why not head on down to Mudskipper Point for the start of the Fourth of July Summer Party? We have an afternoon and evening of events lined up including a Christmas-in-July snowball fight, a scavenger hunt and a chance to show off your lookalike competition costumes.

We hope that all sounds like good fun. For more information on all of the above, including FAQs, competition rules and an overall forum discussion, just head over to this forum thread!

We�ll see you there!

Mod Paul M
Community Management