Eagles' Peak (Members)

The Ardougne Zoo is always looking for new specimens, but one of their anticipated new attractions - a ferret from the north - has been proving elusive.

One of the Zoo's more eccentric freelance specimen hunters is reported to be on the case, but after setting out for the far western reaches, somewhere between the Piscatoris Fishing Colony and the Tree Gnome Stronghold, nothing more has been heard from him.

Will you be able to use your skills as a Hunter to track him down? What else will you discover at the mountain known as Eagles' Peak?
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Ardougne Zoo
To Start: Speak to Charlie the zookeeper
Quest Length: Short
Minimum Requirements:
Level 27 Hunter
[image: in eagle suit]
That's quite a skinny eagle there...

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Other Quest points

2500 Hunter
Access to giant eagle transport
Ability to catch ferrets and rabbits
Ability to make rabbit-foot necklaces

2 QP
Development Team
Developer: Ian G
Graphics: James W, Rasmus KH, Stephen R, Hayo K
Quality Assurance: Francis B
QuestHelp: Emma V
Audio: Ian T