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Live Q&A New Skill - Questions
  Mod Kat
Jagex Mod

20-Apr-2010 16:17:52
Last edited on 21-Apr-2010 20:19:44 by Mod Kat

Thank you for your questions. The Q&A is now closed.

You can find all of our answers here.

Mod Kat
  Mod Kat
Jagex Mod

21-Apr-2010 18:01:01
This thread is now open.

Let the questions commence!
21-Apr-2010 18:01:10
The contents of this message have been hidden

21-Apr-2010 18:01:10
Last edited on 21-Apr-2010 18:01:59 by 2Mat
Hello, Dungeoneering developers. First i'd like to tell you that i love the new skill and its simply awesome. Great Job.

Anyway, theres still somethings im worried about.

1) Are you adding High-Level content to Dungeoneering? Even if i'm still a noob in it, i'd like to have a reason to train other than rewards. Currently floors end at 35 (Level 69), bosses end at Bal'lak (Level 66) and rewards at Chaotic Weapons/Shields (Level 80).

2) Is there a batch 2 of dungeoneering coming, much like Summoning had? (I'd just love to see Lava/Magma themed floors)

3) About rewards, today you lowered their price, but theres still some errors. Look at the bonecrusher: 34k Tokens. Thats 340k EXP, but its requiriment is still 21. Are you gonna add another way of receiving tokens?

4) Any chance of a scroll-like reward to make us able to mix spellbooks like we have inside Daemonheim? Or an high-level mage spell with scroll requiriment? (Like augury and rapid renewal scrolls)

Thats all, thank you for the fantastic Job
~Mat Amr

21-Apr-2010 18:01:10
Hi =],
Just a few quick questions.

1. Are you planning to improve the tab that lets you see party member's stats within the dungeons to make it easier to see who has the highest in each skill?
2. Are the doors requiring levels 30 above the players' own levels just there to laugh at us? Or is there some way to get these levels within the dungeon that no one has found yet?
3. Do you plan on turning any of the worlds into official dungeoneering worlds?
4. Are there ever going to be rewards that you get without spending points?
5. Do you plan on upgrading the in-dungeon map to show information about locked doors and possibly key locations(in case a group ran through and missed one)?
6. Will points ever be able to be spent for in-dungeon rewards?
7. Was the bonus exp weekend designed in anticipation of dungeoneering's release?
8. Isn't 1 exp per rune crafted a bit harsh?
JJ Gunshot

21-Apr-2010 18:01:10
Hello Jagex,

Question 1 - Do you have any intentions of raising the xp amounts gained by completing each floor as many stressed and continue to stress that such minimal xp for such a length of time spent in each dungeon isn’t worth the while?

Question 2 - The 2mill cost to repair some of these reward items seems a little ‘high’, Is it possible or planned that this will be taken down to a more ‘reasonable’ cost for repair?

Question 3 - Many have stated that this is a minigame made into a skill and that it doesn’t belong in rs, Do you have any plans to change this ‘skill* to be more along the lines of the skills that have preceded it?

Question 4 - With the breach of the ultimate skill lvl 99 in Dungeoneering up to lvl 120 now, this makes me and many other skillers worried that already existing skills will see such a change where by 99 is no longer the highest lvl possible, Can you confirm that already existing skills will not be changed from the 99 as the top lvl?

Question 5 - Will solo trainers in Dungeoneering soon have the ability to log out in the middle of a game and have a save point so when they come back they can continue where they left off?

Thank you so much for your time Jagex,

Your Truly,

~JJ Gunshot~
X Mute X

21-Apr-2010 18:01:10
I have a few questions about the rewards, mainly the weapons.

1. Can these weapons be used in PvP?

2. In a bounty +1 world, what, if anything, will they protect over? For example if I go into a f2p bounty +1 world with a gravite 2h and a rune scimitar and die, which one do I keep?

21-Apr-2010 18:01:11
Hi Jagex. Thanks for holding this Q&A session about the new skill Dungeoneering! :)

1) During the Q&A of February you told us about a new future dungeon for high levels (with requirements around 90). Is Daemonheim this new high level dungeon?

2) Any plans on making more dungeons to train Dungeoneering across RuneScape? When can we expect this, in 2010 or maybe 2011? Will this also be available for free players?
Lord Zaok

21-Apr-2010 18:01:12
Dear Jagex.

We’ve got three short questions:
1) Is the only difference between 99 and 120 Dungeoneering skillcape that the 120 skillcape is trimmed?
2) Can Dungeoneering skillcape trim other capes?
3) Can the skillcape be worn during a raid at the dungeon floors of Daemonheim?

-Lord Zaok and his rune guardian Baynkéhn-
Auroran Rage

21-Apr-2010 18:01:12
Last edited on 21-Apr-2010 18:07:04 by Auroran Rage
Hey there, thanks for taking the time to do this Q&A so soon after Dungeoneering’s release :P

1.First question, what is the future for D’eering? As I cant see us raiding the same dungeon over and over again, do you plan to add a D’eering requirement to all existing dungeons, or add additions to existing dungeons with a D’eering requirement? How will this be implemented into quests? (no story spoilers necessary, just examples :P) as the newer skills rarely are :( and are you planning to add a new place/method to train this new skill?

2.Second question, Bilrach the Mahjarrat features prominently in the lore behind the skill. Will we find out what he’s up to in a future quest and how will this affect the existing Mahjarrat storyline? Or can we only discover this through the skill? As I feel it would be a bit unfair on those such as myself from the late future updates forum and Questers who avidly discuss the lore of Runescape to require us to get 99 in this new skill to find out the story behind it.

3.Third, "Perhaps you have questions regarding the titles you can earn!" I saw this in the post on the front page for this very Q&A, Where/what are these titles, and when will we be seeing them if they are not already available?

4.Finally, how do you react to claims that this is merely a minigame in disguise?

Thanks for your time, I’m currently loving the skill and can’t wait to see where it leads :P
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