Hello, I'm Laz. I've been playing runescape for something like 6 years now, though I don't seem to have gotten far for all that.
I don't really have any specific goals in mind, more like an "overall" one that I want to get as close to before I go off to college (pretty sure I won't have time for runescape there. v.v).
Here are my current levels and the nearest goal I have for each. Some are long-term (denoted by a ~) and others I'm working on RIGHT NOW (denoted by a !). If it's not a goal, it'll have an x
~Agility: 76/90 or full agile
~Attack: 77/80 for 80+ cb stats
~Construction: 73/99 I love that skill...
~Cooking: 83/90 to cook everything in d'eering
~Crafting: 71/80...also something in d'eering
~Defence: 77/80 for 80+ cb stats
~D'eering: 46/99 that skill is awesome
!Farming: 99/99 YAY!! Goal complete, but I keep training it
xFiremaking: 95 - no goal, my wrist hurts
~Fishing: 83/90 d'eering.. I bet you stopped reading already
xFletching: 90 - no goal, unless I get really really bored
~Herblore: 71/71/99 73 is short term for d'eering, but I also like that skill and would like 99 in it...
*Hitpoints (or Constitution, but who cares?): 80
~Hunter: 67/70 I hate this skill, but I want 70+ stats... WOAH, I'm shocked you still care to read!
~Magic: 80/90 d'eering <.<
xMining: 81/80 - completed sessions. (goal complete)
xPrayer: 71 - no goal, boring as I'll get out
~Ranging: 80/83 boots in d'eering
You still with me?
~Runecrafting: 68/70 can't stand this skill...but 70+ stats
~Slayer: 69/70 again, 70+ st00f
~Smithing: 76/89/92 d'eering <.< Also smithing is kind of cool...
~Strength: 76/80 80+ cb stats
~Summoning: 70/88 the unicorn is pretty
~Thieving: 71/99 skill is awesome
xWoodcutting: 95 - no goal, boring to the extreme
You made it!! Yea, those are all my goals or non-goals as it were at one point to be said that it was so. <.<