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\�/ The Spartan Army 80+ \�/

12-Jul-2010 20:41:17
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 07:52:22 by Lord�Mikali
---- Welcome to The Spartan Army ----

My name is Lord Mikali, and my rank is the Lord Sovereign of The Spartan Army. Here we accept only the best of the best. Not in physical strength, but mental strength. If I am not online to talk to you about anything, please speak with our queen; Annie1227. Also, Only the queen and I speak for the clan, do not take anyone's word otherwise.
Note: We do not record all of our members on this or any other thread, only the ones that are confirmed.

The Spartan Army is an old clan. We are small, but only because we consist of the best.

As, in the future, you will hear me say many times:
We have four simple rules!

:- Loyalty
:- Obedience
:- Activity
:- Respect
This is also known to some as the LOAR.

We Are the original Spartans, not a cheap ripoff. I inherited the Spartans from a long line of Spartan leaders. This is not our first thread!

Sovereign: Lord Mikali
Queen: Annie1227
Government: Corporate Democracy
Home world: 31
Uniform: Tribal Top (brown), Villager Sandals (brown), Fremennik Cloak (red), Tyras Helmet, Steel Skirt, Steel Spear (do not poison!)
Optional uniform replacements: Steel Hasta and Fremennik Shield (not Fremennik Round Shield. Moonclan Boots instead of Villager Sandals. Soul Wars Cape (red) Instead of Fremennik Cloak.

Table of Contents

-Page 1-
1) Introduction/ToC
2) Clan Members
3) Application
4) Keepers
5) Diplomacy
6) Hall of Fame
7) Honor Guard
8) Profession Description
9) Time Zones
10) Security Classification

-Page 2-
11) Clan Invitation
12) Justice System
13) Reserved
14) Reserved
15) Reserved
16) Reserved
17) Reserved
18) Reserved
19) Reserved
20) Reserved

-Page 3-
21) Reserved
22) Reserved by Annie
23) Reserved by Annie
24) Reserved by Annie

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12-Jul-2010 20:41:50
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 10:07:06 by Lord�Mikali
Clan Members
Please note some of these may be out of date. These are not all our clan members, just confirmed ones.

:- Lord Mikali
:- Annie1227
:- Msfoam2u
:- Avatar Mich
:- Megalord192
:- Acid Killers
:- Gelch333
:- O_oPedro
:- Umi Kaiachi
:- 99red2244
:- Jellekro
:- St Virlomi
:- Fresh kid b

12-Jul-2010 20:42:01
Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 08:33:41 by Lord�Mikali

Combat Level:

Attack Level:

Strength Level:

Defense Level:

Magic Level:

Ranged Level:

Are you willing to follow the LOAR:

Will you stay active in the CC:

Do you plan on being Proactive:

How did you learn about this clan:

What time zone do you live in (please refer to post #9):

Anything else we should know:

12-Jul-2010 20:42:14
Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 20:20:56 by Lord�Mikali
Clan Keepers


Captain of the Guard:

- Annie1227

Banner Lord:

12-Jul-2010 20:42:24
Last edited on 18-Jul-2010 10:10:07 by Lord�Mikali

:- Atarashi
:- Knights Templar
:- Saradomin Saints
:- The Greek Empire

- White Knights
- Void Knights



12-Jul-2010 20:42:33
Last edited on 13-Jul-2010 20:37:08 by Lord�Mikali
Hall of Fame
Here is for the people who really deserve to be remembered in the Spartan's history books. These are truly the best of the best.

:- Annie1227
She is the mere definition of Loyalty, Obedience, Activity, and Respect. Truly our... no, THE best clan member of all time. Any clan blessed with her as a member will seem to others as gods.

:- Blackhawkxx
AKA: General Blackhawk
The greatest war leader of all time. Though he was technically never a member of our clan, we will always have a spot open for him if he ever wishes to accept our offer.

:- Blueharpoon6
The leader of our best allies ever. Respectful, polite, and not to mention if we ever needed help, within 5 minutes a dozen level 100+'s would be ready to back us up. I only wish I could have found a better way to repay them.

12-Jul-2010 20:42:43
Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 05:31:10 by Lord�Mikali
Honor Guard

�Sovereign Lord Mikali's Royal Honor Guard (The Golden Elites):

�Queen Annie1227's Royal Honor Guards:
:- Avatar Mich

12-Jul-2010 20:42:56
Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 05:24:05 by Lord�Mikali
Profession Description

---Home Warfare---

Sent out before anyone to assess the situation.

After recon, guards are sent to secure the situation.

Keeps the clan chat in order while the Sovereign and Queen are gone. Is allowed to organize unofficial events.

----Melee Warfare---
Generally the very first sent out in a battle.

Light Infantry:
Lower level melee combatants.

Heavy Infantry: Mid-level melee combatants.

Titan: High level melee combatants.

Leader of all the melee combatants.

---Ranged Warfare---
The last of all Spartans to be sent out.

Lower level ranged combatants.

Mid-level ranged combatant.

High level ranged combatant.

Banner Lord:
Leader of all the ranged combatants.

---Magic Warfare---
Provides direct protection towards melee combatants.

Low level magic combatant.

Mid-level magic combatant.

High level magic combatant.

Leader of all the magic combatants.

12-Jul-2010 20:43:06
Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 08:32:19 by Lord�Mikali
Time Zones

GMT -12
International Date Line West

GMT -11
Midway Island, Samoa

GMT -10

GMT -9

GMT -8
Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana

GMT -7
Mountain Time (Us & Canada); Arizona [Fall-winter: Pacific Spring-summer:Mountain], Chihuahua, Mazatlan

GMT -6
Central Time (US & Canada); Guadalajara, Mexico City, Saskatchewan, Monterrey

GMT -5
Eastern Time (Us & Canada); Bogota, Lima, Quito, Indiana (East)

GMT -4
Atlantic Time (Canada); Caracas, Santiago

GMT -3:30 Newfoundland

GMT -3
Brasilia; Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Greenland

GMT -2

GMT -1
Azores, Cape Verde Islands

London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, Casablanca

GMT +1
Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna, Belgrade, Budapest, Prague, Brussles, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris, Sarajevo, Warsaw, West Central Africa

GMT +2
Athens, Beriut, Istanbul, Minsk, Bucharest, Cairo, Helsinki, Sofia, Jerusalem

GMT +3
Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow. Petersburg, Nairobi

GMT +4
UAE, Muscat, Baku, Tbilsi, Yerevan

GMT +4:30 Kabul

GMT +5
Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Taskent

GMT +5:30
Chennai, Kolata, Mumbai, New Delhi

GMT +5:45

GMT +6
Almaty, Novosibirsk, Khaka, Sri Jayawardenepura

GMT +6:30

GMT +7
Hanoi, Jakarta, Krasnoyarsk

GMT +8
Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi, Ulaan Bataar, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Perth, Taipei

GMT +9

GMT +9.30
Adelaide, Darwin

GMT +10
Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam, Port Moresby, Hobart, Vladvostok

GMT +11
Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia

GMT +12
Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshal Islands

GMT +13

12-Jul-2010 20:43:16
Last edited on 14-Jul-2010 21:28:17 by Lord�Mikali
Security Classification
Certain information can have a certain level of classification. Clan members are assigned a certain level of clearance to this material. Below is a list of clearance levels.

Clearance level 1:
Anyone is allowed to know.

Clearance level 2:
Only clan members are allowed to know.

Clearance level 3:
Only officers and above are allowed to know (Lieutenants, Captains and Generals.

Clearance level 4:
Only the highest ranks are allowed to know

Clearance level 5:
Only leaders are allowed to know.

Clearance level 6:
Clearance to know absolutely anything, as well as a few other classified benefits.
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