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Crimson Elite 85+ {7}

24-Jun-2010 16:56:41
Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 18:05:40 by Crimsonchat
----====Crimson Elite====----
Welcome the Crimson Elite's recruitment thread. We are a very active level 85+ pay-to-play clan full of strong and respectful members and we would love to have you as part of our team. We are big into warring and combat events. If you are interested in joining please read our clans entire thread and make sure you read all of our rules thoroughly.

Clan Chat: Crimsonchat
Home World: 166

If you participate in our clan then we follow the rules below:
Crimson Elite Rules:

1: All Jagex rules must be followed.
2. Treat all members of the clan with respect and dignity.
3: Respect and obey those in leadership positions.
4: Real life comes before Runescape.
5: No obscene language on the forums or in the clan chat.
6: One person per account. No account sharing.
7: Please act mature at all times in the clan chat.
8: Join clan chat whenever possible; preferably every time you log on.
9: No multiclanning allowed. Zero Tolerence.
10: Do not ask for promotions.
11: Check and bump the forum daily.
12: There will be no obscene player names allowed in the clan; you will be asked to change it if you apply with one.

24-Jun-2010 16:56:45
Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 23:38:00 by Crimsonchat

1: Prelude

2: Forum Index

3: Upcoming Clan Wars

4: Applications Forms

5: General Rules and Punishments

6: Meeting Rules

7: Promotions / Demotions

8: Ranks

9: Ranks Continued

10: Reporting on the Forums!

11: Event Schedule

12: Crimson Elite Alliances / War Record

13: Official War Schedule Template

14: Crimson Elite Roster

15: "Company One

16: "Company Two

17: "Company Three

18: �Company Four

19: �Company Five

20: �Company Six

21-30: Pre-made letters / Extras

24-Jun-2010 16:56:49
Last edited on 17-Jul-2010 19:13:45 by Crimsonchat
)-)-Prepare for War-(-(

Crimson Elite .VS. Crazy Flakes

Date: Sunday, July 18th

----GMT: 1:00 Am next day
Atlantic: 9:30 Pm
Eastern: 8:30 Pm
Central: 7:30 Pm
Moutain: 6:30 Pm
Pacific: 5:30 Pm

Place: Clan wars lobby; World: 166

War format:
10 v 10 ONLY
Best 2 out of 3
Knockout ALL maps
Classic, Turrets, Forest
No Attack/Defend

All Combat types: Yes
Pvp Armour/Weapons: Yes
Potions: Yes
Prayer: Yes
Food: No
Summoning: Yes
Allies: No
Friends: No

)-)-Prepare for War-(-(

Crimson Elite .VS. Convictionless Legends

Date: Saturday, July 24th

----GMT: 8:30 Pm
Atlantic: 4:30 Pm
Eastern: 3:30 Pm
Central: 2:30 Pm
Moutain: 1:30 Pm
Pacific: 12:30 Pm

Place: Clan wars lobby; World: 28

War format:
15 v 15 ONLY
Knockout ALL rounds
First map: Classic
Second map: Loser of first fight picks
Third Tiebreaker: Loser of second fight picks

All Combat types: Yes
Pvp Armour/Weapons: Yes
Potions: Yes
Prayer: Yes
Summoning: Yes
Food: No
Allies: No
Friends: No

24-Jun-2010 16:56:54
Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 19:03:49 by Crimsonchat

If you are applying as a regular member you must have the minimum combat level of 85+ and/or 85+ Mage or Range.
Please copy and paste the following form; fill it out; and place it a reply message.

-----Copy from Here-----
Current Playing Name:
Previous Playing Name:
Combat Level:
Highest non-combat;Please include level:
Total Level:
What is your time zone?
What is Rule One?
What is Rule Ten?
Will you always join the clan chat while online?
What is the clan chat account name?
Will you respect all members at all times?
Will you try and bump the forum often?
Did anyone recruit you? Please include their name:
-----To Here-----

If your clan is applying to become allies or to set up a war than please fill out the following application(s) and The Carro249 will either accept or decline as soon as humanly possible:

Alliance Application:

What is your clan�s name?
What is your clan�s forum Quick-Find-Code?
How many members do you have?
How can you benefit us?
How can we benefit you?
Are you apart of any union? If so include the name:
What makes your clan unique?

War Application:

Clan Name:
Clan Quick-Find-Code:
Combat/Skill Requirements:
How many members do you have?
Please include a brief summary of why you wish to war Crimson Elite:

24-Jun-2010 16:56:59
Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 18:06:44 by Crimsonchat
-Rules and Punishment Procedures-

1: All Jagex rules must be followed.
2. Treat all members of the clan with respect and dignity.
3: Respect and obey those in leadership positions.
4: Real life comes before Runescape.
5: No obscene language on the forums or in the clan chat.
6: One person per account. No account sharing.
7: Please act mature at all times in the clan chat.
8: Join clan chat whenever possible; preferably every time you log on.
9: No multiclanning allowed. Zero Tolerence.
10: Do not ask for promotions.
11: Check and bump the forum daily.
12: There will be no obscene player names allowed in the clan; you will be asked to change it if you have one.

If clan members refuse to follow these rules then strict discipline will be taken.
If a clan member feels another clan member is breaking a rule then please do the following:

1: Look in the chat and Private Message to an officer of a rank higher than the person who is thought to be breaking a rule; (Officer = Captain or General).

2: The officer then decides if the action is breaking a rule. If so, then the offender is warned.

3: If the offender does not stop, the officer can warn again or kick the offender from the clan chat.

4: The officer needs to update the Commander of the Company of the offender on the situation or the Leader or the Co-Leader. The Commander can decide if a demotion is warranted.

5: If the Officer feels a rule is not being broken, then that should be explained to the person who reported the situation. If needed the reporting person can go to the next rank up if not satisfied.

6: All clan chat kicks must be reported on the forum with a correct time of date and proper reasoning.

7: All punishments will be decided on by the Leader and Co-Leader and it will be judged on the severity of the incident and if this is a repeat offender.

24-Jun-2010 16:57:03
Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 17:08:09 by Crimsonchat
-Crimson Elite Official Rules for Meetings-

Crimson Elite meetings are from now on going to me more serious and more to the point of the topics on hand. It WILL NOT be a fool around zone for people. We can have some fun after the meeting but lets try to be as serious as possible at all times during the meeting.
The following are some *Rules* for all Crimson Elite meetings. These take effect immediately and will be followed.
#1: All meetings will start at a certain time; If you are late or arriving past that set time then we ask you be respectful of the speaker talking and not interrupt. Quickly take a seat and continue to be respectful until the leader of the meeting asks for your opinion(s).

#2: There will be NO glitching with furniture or any general messing about during the meeting until Aragorn dismissed the meeting and all topics are covered with everyone's opinion heard.

#3: Everyone will respect the two leaders of the clan and the other members of the clan and will be quiet and respectful of words and opinions when either leaders or fellow clan members are talking.

#4: The meetings will only be over when Aragorn Ii1 or The Carro249 says it is over and that means there will be none of the above mentioned until one of the leaders dismisses the meeting.
Punishments for breaking of the rules will go as follow and are subject to change at any time.

The clan member breaking the rules above will be given (One) warning only and then will be asked to leave the place of the meeting completely and will not be allowed to return until the meeting is dismissed. Multiple time rule breakers map be banned from meetings entirely and may be subject to demotions or even kicks from the clan.
This will ensure that meetings get finished in a timely manner and that everyone will come out happy.

24-Jun-2010 16:57:04
Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 17:08:20 by Crimsonchat

Promotions in Crimson Elite are not based on level, instead it is based on your activity, respect and how well you follow the rules. Here's how they work.

Promotions will be given out by your general, commander, captain, lieutenant, or sergeant; he/she will tell you in game that you are receiving a promotion and you must immediately post your promotion on this forum. Your Promotion will not be valid until you do so. In your post just say that what rank you were promoted from and what rank you were promoted to. It's that simple.

When you are first recruited you will automatically be promoted to the rank corporal; after one week, from then on your promotions will be based on your performance.


Demotions will be given out for breaking the Crimson Elite rules. This is unfortunate but necessary to retain a structured clan. Your demotion could be just a step down or all the way back to rec., it depends on how serious the offense is. No one likes getting demoted and even more no-one likes giving a demotion. So please follow the rules to the best of your ability.

24-Jun-2010 16:57:04
Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 17:08:30 by Crimsonchat

The ranks are basically the same as in the Runescape Clan chat, here are expectations of each rank.

Asking for ranks is forbidden, if you wish to be promoted be active and follow the rules DO NOT ASK.

Access to the clan account crimsonchat is restricted to the following personnel: Commanding Officer (C.O), 2 Executive Officer (X.O.), 3 Generals, 6 Company Commanders, and any appropriate Retired Commanding Officer. Access is changed if any of these are replaced by a new person.

Commanding Officer Abbreviation= C.O.

This is the clan Leader, and In a simpler term, The Head Honcho. This guys is responsible for all that goes on and is represented by a Gold star in cc. He can recruit, accept new members, hold clan meetings, lead events, promote, demote, and kick from clan and on cc. You can always approach the C.O. with any problems or troubles; he�s always there for any problems and glad to help.

Executive Officer Abbreviation= X.O.

This is the C.O�s right hand man, he is acts as the C.O. when the C.O. is absent, he is represented by the Gold star in cc. The X.O. has the right to recruit, accept new members, hold clan meetings, lead events, promote, demote, kick from clan and on cc.

General Abbreviation=Gen.

The General is in charge of 2 companies and is represented by the Gold star in cc. The General has the right to promote, demote, kick from clan and on cc, hold meeting with his/her 2 companies only, lead events or clan meetings when the C.O or the X.O's are absent. The General can also hold special events and meetings with their two companies only.

Company Commander Abbreviation= Cmdr.

The Cmdr is in charge of his/her company and is represented by the Gold star in cc. The Cmdr has the right to promote, demote, kick from clan and on cc, and hold meeting with his/her company only, lead events when the C.O or the X.O or General is absent. The Cmdr can also hold special events and meetings with their own company only.

24-Jun-2010 16:57:04
Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 17:08:39 by Crimsonchat
-Ranks Continued-

Company Captain Abbreviation= Capt.

The Capt. Is basically the Cmdr�s aide and will act as Cmdr when the Cmdr is absent, the Capt. Is represented by the Silver star in the cc. The Capt. Has a right to demote, promote, kick from clan and from cc, lead special events/meetings when the Cmdr is absent.

Lieutenant Abbreviation= Lt.

The Lt. is in charge of his/her Platoon (10 in each), for instance the Lt. of the 1/1 is in charge of all members who are apart of the 1/1. The Lt. must keep his/her Sgt.�s spots filled and make sure all of their members are active and orderly, the Lt. is represented by the Bronze Star in cc. The Lt. has the right to promote, demote, kick on cc.

Sergeant Abbreviation= Sgt.

The Sgt. Is in charge of his/her CPL and REC in the same platoon. SGT. Is represented by 3 stripes in cc. The Sgt. Is the clan recruiter and must at all times try to keep his/her platoon full and active. The Sgt. Can only have 6 CPL or REC members in his/her platoon and once he/she has reached this limit, can not recruit until a spot is open. The Sgt. Has the right to promote, demote (which includes dropping inactive members from his/her platoon) recruit, and accept members into his/her platoon only. Sgt-Maj; is lead sergeant and can assist in all three platoons. Each platoon can have one Sgt-Major and two Sgts.

Corporal Abbreviation= Cpl.

Represented by 2 stripes; An official member of Crimson Elite.

Recruit Abbreviation= Rec.

A new member on a 1 week trial; represented by 1 stripe.

Elders=an honorary title for a former clan leader who held a rank of Commander or Higher. Elder is same rank as a silver star, though can have a gold star. An Elder has one duty and that is to Monitor the Clan Chat and ensure players follow the clan and Jagex rules of conduct. Elders can kick lower ranks, after warning the person to stop. If the behavior continues, then the kick is appropriate.

24-Jun-2010 16:57:12
Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 17:08:51 by Crimsonchat
-Reporting on the Runescape Forums-

This is created to give members the extra convenience in dealing with misconduct on this thread.
If you feel like any of the rules are being broken below, feel free to fill out the form and leave it in the 'Forum Help'' forum. �Quick-Find-Code at the bottom of this post�

-p'word scamming/item scamming
-Players posting third-party websites = ANY ULR or site name
-SERIOUS Flaming - Flaming is the act of maliciously insulting or provoking another user.
-MASS spamming - Basically this is spamming on a large scale. Stretched posts, repetitive spam posts, the same thread posted multiple times.
-ANY Personal details
-Real World Trading (RWT)
-Offensive content *EX: Racism or any other form of discrimination � Explicit content � Drug abuse references � Encouraging suicide/self-harm.
- Trade threads hijacking.

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