Agility - The Basics


The Tree Gnome Stronghold Agility Course
Throughout the land of RuneScape there are a wide variety of Agility training areas and shortcuts. These range from easy 'no-risk' courses for beginners up to challenging high-level courses deep in the Wilderness. The advantages of a high Agility level are many: you will be able to access new locations, take quicker routes from place to place, improve your abilities in other skills, run further and recharge your run energy quicker.

To begin your training, look for the Agility icon in the Gnome Stronghold on your minimap. To pinpoint all Agility areas you can also click on the Agility icon on the world map. This will cause all symbols of that type to briefly flash yellow.

Players wishing to use the agility skill will have to begin by using the obstacle course in the Tree Gnome Stronghold and then progress onto other courses such as the Agility Pyramid and Barbarian Outpost once they meet the requirements.

To proceed through each course you will simply need to left-click on the obstacle you wish to pass and, if you have the appropriate Agility level, you will attempt to do so, though you may not always succeed.

Some obstacles are hazardous and if you fail them it can cause a loss of life points and prevent you from gaining experience for that attempt. Due to this, it is advised for most courses that you bring some food with you - it is down to you to discover which obstacles are safe or not.

If you choose to follow the course properly, you will gain experience for each obstacle you successfully complete, as well as a bonus upon completion of the lap.

Agility Courses

Please see the table below for courses and their level requirements:

Levels Required

Access to:

1 [Image: Agility] [image] Gnome Stronghold Agility Course
1 [Image: Agility] [image] Gnome Ball
1 [Image: Agility] [image] Low-level Agility arena obstacles
20 [Image: Agility] [image] Medium-level Agility arena obstacles
25 [Image: Agility] [image] Werewolf Skullball
30 [Image: Agility] [image] Agility Pyramid
30 [Image: Agility] [image] Penguin Agility Course
35 [Image: Agility] [image] Barbarian Outpost Agility Course
40 [Image: Agility] [image] High-level Agility arena obstacles
48 [Image: Agility] [image] Ape Atoll Agility Course
50 [Image: Agility] [image] Use crystal equipment
52 [Image: Agility] [image] Wilderness Agility Course
60 [Image: Agility] [image] Bandos's Throne Room Course
60 [Image: Agility] [image] Werewolf Agility Course
80 [Image: Agility] [image] Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course
85 [Image: Agility] [image] Advanced Gnome Stronghold Agility Course
90 [Image: Agility] [image] Advanced Barbarian Outpost Agility Course

Please remember, if you die in any of the Agility courses, it is the same as if you die anywhere else in RuneScape: you will lose all but three of your most valuable items and be teleported to your respawn Location.

Restoring your Energy

As well as allowing you to get through various obstacles, Agility is also used to recover energy spent on running.

The higher your Agility level, the faster your energy will recover, letting you effectively run for longer. Players with very high levels of Agility will find that they can move quickly around RuneScape.

The more weight you carry, the faster you will lose energy while running. It is advisable to wear Ikov's Boots of Lightness (obtained during the Temple of Ikov Quest) when planning on running long distances: these will subtract 4 kilograms from your total weight, making your run energy drain at a slower rate.

You can replenish run energy faster if you take a rest (right-click the run button or status globe and select 'Rest'). This will also increase the rate at which your life points replenish, and will restore both even faster if you do so near one of the musicians scattered around RuneScape.

You can check your run energy by clicking on the 'spanner' icon at the bottom of your player interface or looking at the run energy status globe to the right of your minimap.

Other methods of restoring your energy are:

Item Name

Item Image


(Obtained from Farming)
[image] Restores 10% energy
Sq'irk juice
(From the Sorceress's Garden)
[image] Restores 10-40% energy, depending on type of juice
White Tree fruit
(Available from the 'White Tree' on completion of the Garden of Tranquillity Quest)
[image] Restores 16% energy
Sweets [image] Restores 20% of run energy per sweet
(Obtained from Treasure Trails)
Energy potion [image] Restores 20% of run energy per dose, up to four doses per potion
Energy mix [image] Restores 20% of run energy per dose, up to two doses per potion
Summer pie [image] Restores 20% energy +5 to Agility
Super energy potion [image] Restores 40% of run energy per dose, up to four doses per potion
Super energy mix [image] Restores 40% of run energy per dose, up to two doses per potion
Explorer's Ring
(Obtained from the Lumbridge / Draynor Achievement Diary)
[image] Restores 50% of your run energy a number of times per day (depending on the level of the ring)
Strange fruit
(Obtained from the strange plants south-west of Brimhaven)
[image] Restores 60% energy
Goutweed tuber
(Obtained from Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup)
[image] Restores 100% energy
Mint cake
(Obtained from Gnome Restaurant)
[image] Restores 100% energy
Spirit terrorbird, Tireless Run special move [image] Restores a portion of your run energy based on your Agility level
Salt water spring, Oo'glog
(Unlocked during As a First Resort...)
n/a Restores run energy and stops it from depleting for a short period of time

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