Contact! (Members)

The High Priest of Icthlarin has problems again - this time with the inhabitants of Menaphos. Sophanem is recovering from the plague, yet most of its citizens are still trapped on the other side of the river. Diplomacy has failed and subterfuge beckons. Clearly, this is the sort of job that a shifty adventurer could excel in.
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Sophanem
To Start: Speak to the High Priest of Icthlarin
Quest Length: Medium
Minimum Requirements:
Prince Ali Rescue
Icthlarin's Little Helper
A high combat level is recommended
Helping out the Priest

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Other Quest points
7000 Thieving
Two wishes granting 7000 experience in combat skills
Access to a bank in Sophanem

1 QP
Development Team
Developer: Chris J, Matt H
Graphics: James W
Quality Assurance: Nick C
QuestHelp: Gillan M
Audio: Ian T