PayByCash Payment

1. How does the PayByCash payment method work?

PayByCash offer a number of different payment methods including bank transfer, Wallie cards, Ultimate Gaming cards and Western Union.

The exact procedure will depend on the payment method you select. Detailed instructions on how to complete your payment will be provided during the subscription process.

2. What countries is this payment method available in?

PayByCash is available worldwide.

Certain payment methods may not, however, be available in your country. Available payment options will be displayed during the subscription process.

3. How secure is this payment method?

PayByCash (Internet Payment Solutions, Inc.) are one of the largest online game payment brokers in the world.

Their commitment to a safe and efficient service is what made them our first choice for covering third-party payment methods.

4. How much does it cost?

The cost of membership will depend on the payment method used and the number of months of membership purchased.

Prices range from US$7.49 for one month of membership to US$65.95 for twelve months of membership.

5. Why does the PayByCash service cost more to use?

PayByCash is more expensive when compared to paying by credit/debit card because it is more expensive for us to operate this more convenient payment method. We earn the same revenues as with other paying methods. The additional fee goes to PayByCash.

6. How do I subscribe or make a one-off payment?

Select 'Upgrade Your Account' on the RuneScape front page (in the 'Account' drop-down menu) and select the prompts for using the PayByCash payment method.

Please be sure to follow the instructions and ensure you understand all the points.

7. How do I unsubscribe?

It is only necessary to cancel Direct Debit payments, as all the other payment methods are one-off, non-recurring payments.

To cancel a Direct Debit payment, please e-mail

8. How long will it take for my membership to start?

The length of time taken for the payment to be processed and the membership credit added to your account will depend on the payment method you have used.

PayByCash provide details of the approximate processing time for each type of payment. Please be aware that this is only an indication, and payment can be processed more or less quickly than this.

You will need to contact PayByCash to query the exact status of your order.

9. Why was my payment refunded?

We are not provided with specific details as to why a payment has been refunded. You should contact to resolve your issue.

10. What should I include with my payment?

Details of exactly what to provide with your payment will be noted during the subscription process.

11. What payment options do PayByCash provide?

PayByCash offer many payment methods, including money order, Western Union and hyperWallet.

A full list of payment methods and the approximate processing times can be found on the PayByCash website.

12. What is the address to post the payment to?

The address will depend on your location and will be provided during the subscription process.

13. I no longer wish to send payment. What should I do?

You do not enter into a contract until you send the payment. If you have changed your mind and no longer wish to subscribe using PayByCash, simply do nothing.

14. I have sent my payment but realised I have made a mistake. What should I do?

You should e-mail PayByCash customer support at as soon as possible so they can resolve your issue.

15. How many months of membership credit can I buy at a time?

PayByCash offer one, two, three, six and twelve month options. If you are paying by direct debit, you can also choose to make recurring payments at one, two or three month intervals.

16. How many payments will be taken?

Only one payment will be taken, unless you subscribe using a Direct Debit. Direct Debit payments will either be taken monthly or bi-monthly, depending on the option you have chosen.

17. Should I send a cash payment in the post?

We would advise you not to send cash through the post. If you wish to send payment through the post and you can't send a cheque or a bankers' draft, then we would advise you to send a Postal Order.

This is a very safe and secure way to send payments through the post and if the payment doesn't arrive you will be insured against its loss.

To send a Postal Order, just visit your local Post Office and ask one of the cashiers how you use this form of payment.

18. I want to purchase membership for more than one account. Can I send several payments at once?

We would strongly recommend going through the subscription process for each account separately. This will make it clear which accounts you wish to pay for and how much credit should be applied to each one.

19. The stated processing time has passed and I still don't have membership; what's wrong?

Even if your payment appears to have been processed by PayByCash, they still need to inform us that the payment has been successful, so that we can add the credit to your account. As such, there can occasionally be a further delay of a few hours before the credit is made available.

Of course, if it is taking substantially longer than stated, feel free to contact PayByCash at or to send us an email at .