Waterbirth Island Dungeon (Members)


This dungeon is not for the faint-hearted. There is a high risk that you will die/take a lot of damage should you wish to venture deeper into the dungeon. If you choose to make the journey, please ensure that you only bring items/equipment you are willing to lose.


Fighting through the dungeon
Rumours echo throughout the Rellekkan Longhall that the legendary Dagannoth Kings have returned once more to Fremennik lands. Naturally, the local Fremenniks are delighted to have an opportunity to test their battle skills against such fearsome mythical beasts, and a number of hardened warriors have headed immediately to Waterbirth Island, home of their dagannoth prey.

Deep inside the Waterbirth Island Dungeon, a once hidden passageway has opened up, revealing a labyrinthine series of tunnels far below sea-level, filled with strange creatures far less timid than their cousins who had previously been discovered in Waterbirth Island, along with all new monsters...


Location of the Dungeon
Unsurprisingly, the dungeon resides underneath Waterbirth Island.

You will need to take a journey with Jarvald should you choose to visit this dungeon. When you arrive on Waterbirth Island, you will need to head due west and follow the shore. You will wind around the exterior of the island until you get to the 'middle'.

From here, you will have no doubt spotted the dungeon entrance icon on your minimap. This marks the entrance to the first level of Waterbirth Island Dungeon.

As you will notice when you click on this entrance, you will be warned of the high risk of death that comes with venturing into the Dungeon. Again, please make sure you recognise this fact and only bring equipment/items you are willing to lose.

Points of Interest

Interesting areas of the Waterbirth Island Dungeon
The first dungeon you are presented with is involved in the making of Fremennik armour. Any trip to Waterbirth Island Dungeon will require you to bring a group of friends. The minimum number of people that can enter is two. To make it easier to enter, it is best to bring as many as you can muster!

To get past the doors (marked in red), you will need two people to stand on a 'pad' each on the floor, and the door will open. You can leave on your own; the door will open when selected if you are inside.

Each of the three highlighted monsters drop parts needed for the various armours you can make. The following describes what you will need from each monster and the armour you can make.

Dagannoth hide is obtained from killing the normal dagannoths in the original room you enter.

Rockshell, Spined and Skeletal Armour

For more information on these types of armour please go to the Fremennik armour guide.

Going deeper into the dungeon

The problem comes when you reach the end of this room, as you will be presented with what appears to be a dead end. The way to open these doors is by having someone else at another door casting a Magic spell or using a Ranged attack on your door. If you have brought a team of people, this shouldn't be too hard, as you can split up and open each other's doors.

If you are in a team of two people, you can open the doors in two ways. The first is similar to the above. When you activate the first door by standing on the pads, you can quickly run to another and activate that. After this, one person can run back and quickly go through before the first door closes. The alternative way is to both go in the same room (this works for teams, too) and get to the blocked area. If you have bought a rune throwing axe, you can use its special attack on another door, thus opening all blocked doors and allowing you inside.

Interesting areas of the Waterbirth Dungeon
In this room you will meet dagannoth spawn. You can either climb up the ladder to where Askeladden is, or continue down to deeper areas of the dungeon. Throughout this journey you will encounter higher level monsters such as dagannoths, wallasalkis and rockcrabs, so it may be wise to use protection Prayers to ensure the damage you take is kept to a minimum.

The map to the right shows where you have entered the dungeon. As you can see, it goes up and down various levels, and splits off into two routes around half way. One route leads deeper into the dungeon, another towards the brave Fremennik Bardur - outlined in the Personalities section below.

Highlighting the ladder to the Dagannoth Kings
This final map shows the continuation of the dungeon. The dungeon leads all the way up to a ladder that takes you to the Dagannoth Kings. If you chose to continue past and climb to the end of the dungeon entirely, you will find you swim a little and end up in the Lighthouse Dungeon.

Important: The Dagannoth Kings are three level 303 monsters. They are located in a multicombat area and hence all three can attack you at the same time. It is highly advised you plan your strategy well in advance and enter knowing what you intend to do. In the final room, aside from the Dagannoth Kings, you will generally be under constant attack from ranging or spell-casting spinolyps.


As tough as Fremennik warriors come, Bardur constantly battles the dagannoth fledgelings, in aid of any Fremennik who wish to continue down the dungeons. Aside from holding the threats back, Bardur will trade you a cooked shark if you give him a Fremennik helm, sword or shield.
You can find Bardur where the dungeon splits off. One path goes deeper into the dungeon, another ends in the area Bardur is fighting.


There are no quests in Waterbirth Island Dungeon.

Horrors from the Deep

Rockcrab (Level 13/137)
Not all rocks in Waterbirth Island Dungeon are rocks. As you walk past, you may find that a rock suddenly wakes up and is in fact a rock crab.
Dagannoth Spawn (Level 42)
Hatching constantly from eggs, these annoying critters can pack a punch when there are a fair amount, so it is best to move on.
Large and slow, these generally won't pose a threat to you as you walk past, but they occasionally get a pinch in! Dagannoth spawn are found on the top floor of Waterbirth Dungeon.
Dagannoth Fledgeling (Level 70)
Found in Bardur's area of the Dungeon, fledgelings constantly try to attack him, wearing out his armour and health. Although Bardur can hold his own, he will need new armour if you can provide it... and will give you sharks for continuing his efforts!
Spinolyp (Level 76)
Surrounding the bottom floor, where the Dagannoth Kings reside, you will notice there are many of these monsters which happily assault you with Ranged or Magic attacks, occasionally inflicting poison, so it is advised you bring an antipoison of sorts with you.
Watch out for suspicious water: it may conceal a spinolyp.
Dagannoth (Level 88)
No one will get through Waterbirth Island Dungeon without seeing a dagannoth, however big or small. They hurl spines from their muscular backs to pierce the flesh and armour of any who dare to challenge the dagannoths' realm.
Dagannoth (Level 90)
No one will get through Waterbirth Island dungeon without seeing a dagannoth, however big or small. Their talons are long and their teeth are sharp, honed over decades of chewing on the rocks of their caves - and sometimes on the bones and armour of misguided adventurers.
These level 88 dagannoths are users of Ranged attacks, and when killed may drop pieces you can take and use for Crafting spined armour. These level 90 dagannoths use melee attacks, and when killed may drop dagannoth hide, a building block of all Fremennik armour.
Wallasalki (Level 98)
Dangerous natural users of 'Water Wave', wallasalkis can pack an incredible punch for unprepared or unprotected adventurers. It is highly recommended that you wear Magic-resistant armour when you fight wallasalkis to minimise the damage they inflict.
Rock Lobster (Level 127)
Not all rocks in Waterbirth Island dungeon are rocks or rock crabs it seems! As you get deeper into the dungeon, you will notice larger rocks are, in fact, rock lobsters.
Rock lobsters are dangerous users of strong melee attacks. In the multicombat areas they reside in, avoid contact with as many as you can if you are not prepared to protect against their attacks.

Dagannoth Supreme (Level 303) Dagannoth Rex (Level 303) Dagannoth Prime (Level 303)
Dagannoth Supreme is responsible for the death of the Bukulla, and is a deadly user of Ranged attacks. Any one of these Dagannoth Kings will be able to kill an unprepared warrior in a few hits, but if you are a mage, or wearing items with low Ranged defence, it is highly advised you stay away from Dagannoth Supreme.

As the combat triangle suggests, it is easier to kill Dagannoth Supreme with melee attacks.
Dagannoth Rex is the firstborn of the Dagannoth Kings and is a strong user of melee attacks. Being stronger in this way than the other Kings, he can use his devastating power to attack groups of people in one hit. If you do not feel you can stand up to the challenge of taking Rex on, it is advised you stay well clear of him.

As the combat triangle suggests, it is easier to kill Dagannoth Rex with Magic attacks.
Dagannoth Prime is rumoured to fly on the north winds, and is a powerful user of Magic attacks. If you are not wearing any armour that will defend you against Magic, stay well away from Prime. If you are a warrior in armour, you must stay away from Prime if you are letting his Magic hit you.

As the combat triangle suggests, it is easier to kill Dagannoth Prime with Ranged attacks.


  • In the first dungeon of Waterbirth Island, you can enter a room with either wallasalkis, rockcrabs, or dagannoths in it to fight and earn drops to build Fremennik armour.
  • If you get a Fremennik helm, shield or sword you don't want, remember Bardur is not far away and will trade you cooked sharks to keep you going.
  • The Dagannoth Kings each stand a chance of dropping a dragon hatchet, however each King has class-specific items, too. Rex is known to drop berserker and warrior rings, Prime may drop a seer ring or mud battlestaff if you are lucky, and Supreme may drop seercull or an archer ring.
  • For statistics on rockshell armour (melee), click here.
  • For statistics on spined armour (Ranged), click here.
  • For statistics on skeletal armour (Magic), click here.