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Ancient Effigies
Jagex Mod

15-Jun-2010 16:08:35
This week sees the introduction of ancient effigies to the potential loot you can receive when defeating the various creatures encountered during your adventures. Players taking on the challenges of combating stronger enemies will be more likely to discover an ancient effigy once their foe has fallen before them.

These ancient effigies seemingly possess a will of their own and desire knowledge from the adventurers who hold them. Initially, an effigy will require you to have level 91 in one of two skills (chosen randomly) to investigate it, from which you will receive healthy amounts of experience in the skill you choose. As effigies absorb more and more of your knowledge, they will require ever higher levels in other skills � level 93, then level 95, and, finally, level 97. If you can supply the ancient effigy with all the knowledge it seeks, you may discover something of the secrets it holds...

Less experienced adventurers who luckily manage to obtain an ancient effigy, but who don�t have the skill levels to supply it with the knowledge it seeks, can always ask for a helping hand through the Assist System (the person who assists will earn the XP, but you may still end up with something for your troubles at the end). Alternatively, if you lack both experience and patience, and would prefer more instant gratification, Historian Minas at Varrock Museum will be more than happy to take an effigy off your hands in exchange for a small reward.

Mod Rathe
RuneScape Content Developer

Where to get ancient effigies:
Ancient effigies are rare drops from a wide variety of creatures...

Requirements to investigate ancient effigies:
Levels 91+ in various non-combat skills (which skills may vary for each effigy found).

In other news...

The Orb of Oculus (machinima camera) has been upgraded and given new functionality and features to help you with all your in-game videos.

The classic Clan Wars arena is now entirely multiway, with the exception of a small area around each entrance portal.
A monkey has appeared in the sword shop in Varrock. If you stop by, he may be able to sell you something from his own stock...

You can now convert clay into soft clay with the Humidify spell from the Lunar spellbook.

Mod Johan
Dansk Facebook - Dansk Twitter - RuneFest 2010

21-Jun-2010 08:36:50
Har lige f�et nogle stykker af disse Effigies. :)

De virker p� forskellig m�de.

A) G�r det selv metoden:
F� hj�lp eller hav det niveau krav der skal opfyldes n�r den sp�rger dig om det. Det giver (ihvertfald undertegnede) ca. 15k+ trinvist. Det samme til en given hj�lper. Man slutter s� med en 20k+ lampe.

B) Aflevering til Museet metoden.
1'ste sal p� Varrock Museum giver en 5k's lampe.


21-Jun-2010 21:22:16
Personligt vil jeg beholde alle ancient effigies jeg st�der p�, indtil jeg selv kan "fodre" dem. Jeg n�gter at lade ut�lmodighed v�re en hindring for at f� noget gratis exp.

Det vil sandelig ogs� v�re sp�ndende at finde ud af, hvad disse ancient effigies' baggrundshistorie egentlig er. Jeg elsker en historie der er brygget godt sammen, og h�ber virkelig, at Jagex udnytter disse effigies til deres fulde potentiale.

28-Jun-2010 17:21:45
jeg tror nok jeg i det lange l�b kan n�jes med 5k exp ;)

30-Jun-2010 08:00:43
Jeg ved ikke om jeg vil beholde dem til jeg selv f�r alle exp'ene, men under alle omst�ndigheder vil jeg have den store lampe. 5k exp i bytte for den store lampe er simpelthen for lidt til mig.

Forum Mod

30-Jun-2010 12:39:25
Jeg har ikke t�lmodighed til skills i 90+, s� det bliver nok assist.:P

01-Jul-2010 12:29:50
her ingen f�et :( s� det finder jeg ud af til den tid :D
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