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�.*��Alternate Realities�*.�

15-Jul-2010 00:11:58
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 00:30:35 by Sky�Keiyume

Odeyssa was a very strong, young, but powerful wizard who was determined to learn all magicks possible. But one day she learned a little too much. She was eavesdropping in on an experiment that her father and mother were trying to perfect. Time travel and dimension warping. No one had ever tried the hard task, for most knew it would only lead in death. But they did*�t care; they believed they could do it.

Her father said a fast spell and her mother repeated the spell. There was a big flash of light, but nothing happened. There was just a flash of light. Something must�ve gone wrong, Odeyssa thought as she watched them perform the spell. But then she looked closer and realized that something did happen. It seemed as though one of the old knights from the ancient Gielinor civilizations that is now just a part of history was standing right before her mother father�s eyes.

But don�t think this knight was just a pile of armour. This knight had a very defensive personality. He swung his sword fiercely at the parents as they merely dodged it. Odeyssa had no clue what was going on, all she could do was watch. The knight swung and swung and managed to get a stab on the father. Odeyssa shrieked in terror but tried her hardest to keep her voice down. But this knight was determined to get his kill. He continued on the father until he believed he was immobilized, but then he realized the mother standing there in horror. She started to back up in fear but then decided that she should rather fight back.

The mother prepared a fire spell for she was prepared to avenge her husband�s death. She released the spell and away the giant fireball went. But once it hit the knight, it was like a fly had just bumped into him, nothing happened. He hadn�t staggered, fallen, or even shown a type of pain. But he did walk up to the mother with a fierce intensity that would�ve scared anyone who would just randomly walk in.

15-Jul-2010 00:12:07
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 01:06:17 by Sky�Keiyume
Once he made his way face to face to her, he did a quick stab to her heart, and she fell to the ground, dead. Odeyssa shrunk to the wall, sad. She sat there for a while, listening to hear if the knight left, but when it got very silent she had peered over the wall again and saw that there was no longer a suit of armour, but now a pile of armour covered in dust. She sighed with relief that the knight was gone, but then again with sadness for her parents were also gone. Every second that went by had made her more and more depressed, but all she could do now is take care of herself.

10 years later, Odeyssa had sadly learned the time and dark magicks. To release her sadness and pain about her parents, she puts curses on the first people who make her mad. The curse does untold things that no one has even figured out yet. Because well, so many have been cursed by it, but no one lived yet to tell the tale...

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(�.�� (�.�Welcome to Alternate Realities!! A very new role play of mine that I hope to be successful! I designed it to help people who are more new to roleplaying, but keep in mind that you don�t have to be a noob at it to join! You can be a professional (or so you may call yourself) and join, so I am basically welcoming all.

��*�-Table of Contents-�*��
-Page One
2.Intro ~continued~/Welcome!!/TOC
3.Summary Finder
7.Symbol Meanings
9.Races ~continued~

-Page Two
1.Key Stones found/Info on Key Stones
3.Weapon of Power Info
4.Weapon of Power (Air, Mind, Earth)
5.Weapon of Power (Seas, Flame, Body)
6.Weapon of Power (Light Chaos, Nature)
7.Weapon of Power (Ice, Astral, Death)
8.Weapon of Power (Storm, Stone, Blood)

-Page Three
11.You may post!! :D

Extra: The rp clan chat for this is mine (Sky Keiyume) and i'll be leaving my private to on incase you pm me if i'm not in the cc, ty! ^^ But please try to stay in cc, I can't add everyone!

15-Jul-2010 00:12:17
Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 06:19:34 by Sky�Keiyume
��*�-Summary Finder�*��
Fentuary 15th: Page 4,Post 9

15-Jul-2010 00:12:27
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 00:39:34 by Sky�Keiyume

15-Jul-2010 00:12:38
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 00:39:46 by Sky�Keiyume
Volumes are basically a way of saying �every ten sessions� but in a �book�.
-volumes will be added once we have sessions :3 -

15-Jul-2010 00:12:49
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 00:40:24 by Sky�Keiyume

1. All Jagex rules apply.
2. No godmodding.
3. No metagaming.
4. No Powerplaying.
5. If you�re going to use romance, please make it Pg13.
6. No Auto hitting.
7. For the sake of everyone, please no l337!
8. If your character dies, yes you can make another one.
9. Have fun, do your best, I don�t expect anyone to be perfect.
10. Even though you may be new, you have to at least put effort into your bio, role playing, etc.

15-Jul-2010 00:12:58
Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 03:29:24 by Sky�Keiyume
��*�-Symbol Meanings-�*��

Please while roleplaying use these codes:

use (( )) for OCC (out of character) like..:
((What's your character's name again?))

You can also use the clan chat for OCC

Use < > for shouting or rather putting emphasis on things like:

<Why> do you continue to bother us!

Use ~ ~ for thoughts like:

~ugh this is so boring..~

Use > < for whispering like..:

>keep your voice down or else they'll hear us!<

Use - - and * * for actions like:

-skips around happily-

*pokes you persistently*

And in cc use [ ] for far away things that tell about the setting, or telling the setting in clan chat to everyone if some aren't close enough like..:

[the wind blows heavily ripping leaves off trees]

Also for times when you say something jokative in the rp you say ((void)) as in like avoid, so we don't count it.

15-Jul-2010 00:13:09
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 00:44:36 by Sky�Keiyume
**please note that the 1:3 (etc.) means that they are 1 in human years and 3 (or whatever number is there) in that race. So you will have to multiply the human age by that number and that is the age of that race.**

Humans are completely unique to themselves, usually around 5'6' tall. Usually strong in the entire combat triangle, but will fall into specialties. Under normal circumstances, unless armored, are rather weak to other races.

Vampyres live all throughout Canifis and even Mortytania. They don�t die, but can be mortally injured by normal combat methods (as in they can be really hurt by them). They can also die from holy things, even some weak holy things.

The Elves are among the longest lived of all the races of RuneScape. Elves are tall and graceful and the females are known for their beauty. They are generally human-looking, but have elongated ears, a less-stocky build and greater natural beauty. Elves have no need for either human technology nor magic, but instead opt for crystal-based weaponry, technology and magic power, granted by Seren.

Half Elf-
They are the mix between Elves and Humans. They have some elven characteristics (like elf ears and speed) and some human characteristics too (like hair and eyes and combat abilities). But even so they are still strong beings. But they are outcasts to elves and humans, so those two races don't really appreciate them.

Demon-(Lieutenant rank and up can use this race!!)
Demons have the figure of a human but can be very powerful at times. They can do basically any combat under the combat triangle, except for range, and also other sources of magic (like necromancy). The demons are most powerful in their real form. But they can only access this once.

15-Jul-2010 00:13:19
Last edited on 15-Jul-2010 02:18:12 by Sky�Keiyume
��*�-Races (continued)-�*��

Living in the Gnome Stronghold and also the possibly shortest creature in runescape that talks, we have the gnome! They have very simple lives so they don�t require much. But they do make special foods that consist of Gianne Dough and many different combinations of foods to make things like crunchies, bowls, and battas. They would usually attack while mounted on their pet terrorbird, but others try to defend their precious stronghold with close up combat without the bird..but most seem to fail.

Gross monsters that live all around runescape that don�t do anything majorly important at all. The usually walk around trying to cause trouble for weak adventurers while they still do for the strong ones, but not as much.

Nymph- (Lieutenant rank and up!)
A creature of astounding beauty, they dwell in large forests, feasting on berries, and plants. They are not mainly combative, but many specialize in archery. They also have wings but cannot fly. Nymphs also make good mages and alchemists, due to there knowledge of life, and their respect for it. They are in touch with the god Guthix, and dress in a fashion representing him. They do not wear much, as they rarely need to.

A lych is a near-immortal creature with decaying flesh and exposed bone. They do not require the mortal needs of sleep and nutrition, nor do they face death by aging. Lyches are skilled with dark magic, such as necromancy, which reflects the shadowed path they have walked to obtain this power. Since they have lost their mortal bodies, they lack muscles for physical strength and are mostly fragile. Their souls are trapped in an object, usually kept with them like an accessory, which is to be used as payment for the powerful beings that have given them the seemingly eternal life of a lych.

15-Jul-2010 00:13:31
Last edited on 16-Jul-2010 06:04:51 by Sky�Keiyume
It's organized: Username/character name/Weapon of Power/rank :D

�Sky Keiyume/Zelia/Ice/owner
�Redx856/Richard Hallow/Death/recruit
�Halloweenam/Sima Yi/Chaos/recruit
�Noari Kiri/Aereon/Death/recruit
Quick find code: 237-238-296-61310632