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Castle Wars - new and old wars

27-Apr-2010 13:52:25
Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 06:38:17 by i�own�u�4ev
I am going to be straight forward, the update was well intentioned; but it didn't meet expectations, and a few updates were just horrendous.

I'd like:

Change the way a few things work, starting with tinderboxes and buckets. Give tinderboxes and buckets an infinite spawn (when you take it, it is still there so other players can take them). They have become vital in the tactics of castle wars.

There are a bit too many options if you try to right click a dd of people or just a mass amount of people, please organize them as use --> barricade first, then walk here, attack enemies & heal allies next; not all of one person's options before the next person.

Color code the barricades depending on which team placed them. Also, display how many are used in upper corner. It is very frustrating when there are 10 cades and you do not know which ones to blow up.

Possibly develop a few new maps that could be used in the clan worlds (explained later).

Make water taps clickable area larger.

Make the flag safe on rocks again.

Put back spear walls near bridge, no reason for them to be gone.

Let us attack through & walk through ballistas & viewing orbs. They are unneeded obstacles and have taken away many key tactics. If changed, place more viewing orbs, like the spawn level, 3rd floor, and supply room of both bases, then they'd be used.

Add knives to cut ropes on walls.

THEMEWORLDS: (this should be done ASAP)
These were Jagex's worst idea ever, they have been slowly decreasing the overall interest in castle wars. But this is not about that, rather what should be done to correct that problem. Simply remove most of the smaller theme worlds (leave 24 and 15 for the people that like huge mindless games) and replace them with a clan type world, where friends/clans could organize and face each other for FUN. Additionally, if done soon enough, it would probably bring back homeworlds, and castle wars would return to its golden days ('06-'07 in most people's minds).

27-Apr-2010 13:52:35
Last edited on 30-May-2010 23:26:53 by i�own�u�4ev
Within the clan worlds allow specific rules to be set, like in clan wars. However, us castle war pros/veterans as some people call us would like some additional/different rule choices if possible. Allow us to set a maximum on the amount of ancient mages per team (done by the game engine checking spellbooks), ballistas on/off, map type (you could make new maps for these worlds), and a setting of some type that shows how many players there are per team.

No tickets in the clan worlds, since it would be possible to set up games simply to farm tickets in worlds like that.

As far as game logic goes, I would suggest making this more like pc, in that multiple games could be going on at once. To limit the number going on, have a waiting area where only clan leaders can enter, and they get a time until game there. It would count down in the clan chat like the faruq tools can.

GLITCHES: (yet to be fixed)

1. Big doors being broken before the game starts. This usually occurs if the doors were broken the previous game, although it doesn't always, not 100% on why this is.

2. Underground tunnels becoming uncollapsible. This happens when a flag is dropped in the tunnel for too long, only possible to do to 3/4 tunnels, and it also stays as a glitch after the game has ended in most cases.

3. Becoming unfrozen when climbing/descending one of the ladders from the ground floor to the underground (4 ladders). I believe this is because the underground is rendered in a different plane than underneath castle wars, since when you open your world map, it shows Lumbridge instead of where castle wars is located.

4. Ghost barricades. Barricades become ghostlike when people lay one too soon after the one they are standing on was blown up or tindered (by ghostlike I mean you can walk through it). When a barricade is tindered, a second one can be placed on top of it, and upon using a bucket of water in combination, more than just one.

27-Apr-2010 13:52:44
Last edited on 03-Jun-2010 13:39:26 by i�own�u�4ev
5. Pid (player ID - assigned on log in) priority affecting way too much. Before the whole pid system, IP adress priority never affected half the things it does now. Someone with a better pid than you is capable of walking straight through a barricade you just placed, while someone with a worse pid gets stuck on it, I am not talking one square away either, they walk straight through it from like 10 squares away at the time you placed it. With IP this was never an issue, everyone got stuck on the barricade. Additionally, pid affects your casting distance, it is possible to cast on someone almost out of sight on the minimap if you have pid priority over them, and if you don't, you can't even come close to casting that far, it is more like 10 or 20 squares behind that.

Please take a look at the differences in coding and remedy these issues (my guess is it is somehow related to the intentional delays placed on things becuase RT5 is "too fast";) my reasoning behind that is because as far as game logic is concerned, the player is ahead of where they appear to be, and that seems like it could be the whole problem here), it isn't just in castle wars that there are problems like this. (The concept of pid is better than IP in my opinion, but with all these problems, I actually liked IP better, even though I had an undivisible most of the time (really low priority) I'm not asking for IP back btw).

6. Stopping while running towards something where you clicked a "use option" (red x instead of yellow x). Before the whole RT5 update, the avatar simply kept moving as if the red x was change to a yellow x (walk here) once we performed another task while running. Now, you are stopped in your tracks if you click a ladder and then heal using a bandage, it never used to be this way.

27-Apr-2010 13:52:51
Last edited on 05-Jul-2010 05:41:37 by i�own�u�4ev
7. (NEW FROM UPDATE) People's original ticket count is off by however much armour they had in their POH, because that was not added up into their original count.

8. There are many more obscure glitches that aren't really used, so I don't really feel like going into them. One that is sort of a potential problem, although not really is that people can drop explosive potions after they are dead if they get the timing of dropping it correctly. None of the other glitches are really potential problems, and the ones that could be are closely guarded secrets so bug abusers can't ruin the games for those of us that actually like to play castle wars (deleting and duplicating flags)

Since it is almost a must to wear the armour set to not get instantly killed by ballistas/catapults, please introduce range/mage ones with same ticket price equivalents as the melee ones (or simply add a morph option like in stealing creation). I also suggest taking away the need for a shield to activate set effect, or have the banner count as the shield. With the flag you are EXTREMELY vulnerable. Isn't that the whole point of castle wars? To get the flag lol?

I would suggest green d'hide & splitbark stats (40 mage/range/def req) for lvl 4 armours, & step down stats.

I have seen many requests for the old style armour, because the new ones are too close. I'd suggest giving them 4 distinct colors so they are distinguishable from each other and regain prestige. Example: gold, silver, bronze, pewter (official 4th place).

The colors of the armours that I suggested would just be the same across the entire combat triangle (whatever colors were chosen, you can keep the current ones or make up new ones, I don't really care). I was thinking gold like guilded, silver like steel, bronze like profound, and pewter like iron. Simple as that.
27-Apr-2010 15:28:43
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27-Apr-2010 17:43:26
Last edited on 24-Jun-2010 10:38:28 by i�own�u�4ev

One of the more controversial ideas was to have another way to recharge prayer instead of suiciding with explosive potions. The only things I could think of was an altar in the respawn room or bandages healing a small percentage of prayer, but both unbalance the power of scorers vs defenders. Not sure how introducing both at same time would work. However, that is one of my more tentative ideas, since it has potential problems of making things too easy (flag holding for example). A possible solution would be take away the prayer restoring effect if you have your own flag. There would still be the problem of 2 people tanking a flag and passing it off indefinitely if they didn't need to worry about prayer.

However, I am not completely convinced this one would be beneficial. There is so much to consider if you change something major like this (look at ballistas and how their effects weren't considered completely).

Maybe a clan ranking system, which works like dungeoneering system, invite people into party, although idk how you can have certain people that can only represent clans (since there is usually more than one person that is leader/has power in larger clans). Maybe have a founder item of some kind, that can split itself, with a majority vote of those with pieces already (then you give away pieces to give other people power). 1 person with the founder item (any percent over 10%) is needed to set up a war and represent their clan. maybe have the starting price at 50k, and when u buy it you pick the clan name seen on high scores. Just a really simple idea, needs work prob. you can split it up into upto 50k pieces.


27-Apr-2010 20:46:07
Last edited on 27-Apr-2010 21:00:38 by l�Frog�l
Very good ideas, and good focus on preserving the current game play and tactics.

Some ideas I have:

-An altar in the respawn room... suiciding with explos is pretty ridiculous.

-Perhaps a take-x option on the supply tables (bands, explos, cades etc).

-For "veteran" wars, some rules could be brews on/off, pvp on/off, mage cap (like you said), and maybe some more maps to play on. BUT DON'T CHANGE OR REMOVE THE CURRENT ONE.

-Ticket highscores.

Hopefully this update will be for the better :)

28-Apr-2010 00:26:20
Another one I thought of, fix the glitch where if you click on the stairs then on a cade or band you stop moving. I've sent this as a bug report maaaany times

28-Apr-2010 00:28:48
support i guess but omg u have full gold c-wars.:O:O:O

28-Apr-2010 00:40:51
nice idea pls support my clan wars idea
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