Shattered Heart

Shattered Heart is only accessible to RuneScape members. Please subscribe to get this feature.

If you wish to opt out of Shattered Heart and receive no strange rocks while skilling, you will be given the opportunity when you first discuss the statue with the archaeologists at Varrock Museum.


Tilling the earth
The Second Age was a chaotic time when magic was largely unharnessed by the mortal races. The supply of runestones was limited to those created by Guthix himself, so for scholars engaged in magical study they were a valuable commodity over which wars were often waged.

The detritus of such battles can be found to this day. Farmers may be heard to curse as yet another plough breaks upon shards of masonry lodged in a field, miners may unearth artefacts resonating with ancient power or runecrafters may find that runestones form into anomalous shapes, arcane echoes moulding the essence independently of the craftsman�s will.

More often than not these articles are discarded or left to gather dust on a mantelpiece, but there is knowledge to be gained from these remnants of a lost age. Such artefacts are steeped in history and the memory of stone is long. Anyone wishing to learn more should present their findings to the archaeological team at Varrock Museum. They will gladly recount the tale of the hapless mage Dahmaroc; a worldy scholar and craftsman who had the misfortune to be born into an era of strife.


You will need to be a member to find rocks and to access all skills needed, but there are no minimum level requirements.

Getting Started

Hard at work.
While training your non-combat skills, you may occasionally receive a strange rock. Visit Varrock Museum to have the stones appraised and you will discover that these are parts of the statue of Dahmaroc; a mage who was turned to stone during a duel and whose cursed remains have been scattered across the world.

Initially, you will only be able to obtain 2 rocks from any particular skill. When you have received the first rock for a skill, the drop chance for the second will be reduced by half. Once you have received 2 rocks from practising a skill you will receive no more from that skill until the statue is rebuilt entirely.

Note: You cannot receive any statue pieces while training Dungeoneering within Daemonheim.

Actions that can yield a rock include those detailed below. It's a good idea to mix up your training. Perhaps try out a new skill in which you've yet to dabble:

  • Agility: Completion of the following courses:
    • Tree Gnome Stronghold course (basic or advanced).
    • Agility Pyramid course.
    • Barbarian Outpost course (basic or advanced).
    • Ape Atoll course.
    • Wilderness course.
    • Werewolf course.
    • Bandos' Throne Room course.
    • Dorgesh-Kaan course.
    • Brimhaven Agility Arena (one chance per 10 tickets)
  • Cooking: Cooking fish.
  • Construction: Visiting your house for at least a minute while not in build mode.
  • Crafting: Making gold jewellery; making items from leather or dragonhide; making molten glass; throwing clay on a potter's wheel (but not firing clay).
  • Farming: Harvesting vegetables, hops, herbs, flowers, bushes or fruit trees; planting seeds or saplings.
  • Fletching: Making unstrung bows or crossbow stocks.
  • Fishing: Fishing with any net or cage.
  • Firemaking: Lighting a fire using any logs and a tinderbox.
  • Herblore: Combining unfinished potions with secondary ingredients, not including barbarian mixes; cleaning herbs (with a spare inventory space).
  • Hunter: Tracking; checking box and deadfall traps; practising falconry.
  • Mining: Mining ore, coal, clay or stone; mining in the Living Rock Caverns (coal and gold).
  • Runecrafting: Crafting runes.
  • Smithing: Smelting normal ores; smithing items from normal ores; making cannonballs.
  • Thieving: Picking pockets; stealing from stalls; stealing from chests.
  • Woodcutting: Cutting any wood or ivy; training at the sawmill.


By acquiring a pair of stones from a particular skill you may add a piece to the statue, which will grant additional experience in that skill. The higher your current level in the relevant skill, the more XP you will receive as a reward.

There is a piece of the statue for each of the non-combat skills mentioned above. Each one is made up of 2 strange rocks found while training. Once you have obtained a pair, you will receive no further strange rocks from that skill until you have collected the pieces from all other non-combat skills.

Keep an eye out for new pieces. The first time the statue is rebuilt, your Kudos with the museum's research team will increase. The exceptionally diligent may find themselves rewarded even further.

Development Team

Developer: Marion C
Graphics: Alex R, Wing C
QA: Nicola C, Adam D, Sarah J
Audio: Adam B