H.A.M. Hideout (Members)


H.A.M. Members discuss strategy
Johanhus Ulsbrecht has had enough of monsters and has decided to take matters into his own hands. The first step has been to gather all who think alike, and head underground to plan the destruction of the monsters they so detest.

Johanhus has decided to call the organisation H.A.M., or Humans Against Monsters, an appropriate name for such a group.

If you think the same (or just want some Thieving experience), head down and explore the H.A.M. Hideout.


Dungeon location
The members of H.A.M. hide out in a dungeon which is located underground, just outside Lumbridge.

To get to the entrance, head north-west from Lumbridge and due west of the general store, where you will find an old ruined house.

In this house you may notice a trapdoor. Use your skills as a thief to picklock this door and enter the H.A.M. Hideout.

Points of Interest

Points of interest
As you have no doubt noticed, the H.A.M. Hideout is quite large and has an interesting layout. The central area is where most will choose to train Thieving; pickpocketing H.A.M. members for loot. If you happen to pickpocket an item of H.A.M. clothing, it may be worth keeping, as wearing the full set will mean you get caught less.

If you fail at pickpocketing, you may get put in jail or thrown out. If you are jailed, simply pick-lock the door and exit. If you are thrown out, you will wake up somewhere in the Lumbridge wood area; simply get your bearings and head back to the entrance to continue.


Johanhus Ulsbrecht
Johanhus Ulsbrecht is the proud leader of his group, the Humans Against Monsters. Although they just seem to be sitting around, being preached at, Johanhus is always thinking about the next move against the monsters. One of his main concerns, as of late, is the Dorgeshuun tribe, but apparently he has a man on the inside to report on any activities...
H.A.M. Deacon
One of the most dedicated people in RuneScape, the Deacon stands and talks all day, every day, preaching to new members of the group about the surrounding monster threats.
Johanhus can be found behind the stage, near the jail area. The Deacon can be found preaching on the stage.
Jimmy the Chisel
Poor Jimmy was running an errand to Lumbridge when he was captured and ransomed... for chickens.


There are no quests to start in the H.A.M. Hideout.

The humans that are against the monsters!

H.A.M. Guard (Level 12/18/22)
H.A.M. Guards will fight for what they believe in, so thieves beware! If you are hunting for the full H.A.M. clothes set, but not getting them all, these guards may drop items if you prefer combat to Thieving.


  • Thieves dressed in H.A.M. attire may notice they blend in more and get caught less.
  • Those who have completed Death to the Dorgeshuun can access the storerooms and continue Thieving from the jewellery stocks.