The Elemental Workshop I (Members)

Hundreds of years ago, a mineral was found that had the ability to change the property of Magic.

The magicians, fearing the effect this may have on their profession, sealed this Workshop forever; or so they had hoped. See if you can rediscover the lost knowledge of elemental ore.
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: House in Seers' Village
To Start: Search the bookcases
Quest Length: Short
Minimum Requirements:
Level 20 in Crafting, Mining and Smithing
Investigating the workshop

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Other Quest points

5000 Crafting
5000 Smithing

Ability to make elemental shields
Able to return to the elemental area to train

1 QP
Development Team
Developer: Dylan C
Graphics: Tom W
Quality Assurance: Andrew C
Audio: Ian T

Developer: Dylan C
Graphics: Tom W
Quality Assurance: Andrew C
QuestHelp: Rob M