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Magic Overpowered?

06-May-2010 03:50:23
Last edited on 03-Jul-2010 17:43:54 by Dontattakplz
* I'm getting tired of different people bringing up the same points for me to respond too, so if somebody brings up a point I addressed in a previous post I will simply say "already addressed, read back x-amount of posts" *

One more note, the measure of the usefulness of a skill is NOT confined to pvp. What would power-barraging in castlewars be without blood barrage? - (I put this in the PvP section because it gets more attention this way and pvp is a very significant part of how all combat skills are used)


-Can hit well over 40 IN PVP with all the damage bonuses its armour is getting (can hit 60+ outside pvp)
-Can poison
-Can teleblock
-Can freeze (farcasting pwns rune/whip pkers btw)
-Has vengeance
-Can heal (blood spells)
-Can double enemy attack speed (zuriels)
-Has many different armours and sol have rune-saving abilities
-Can use spellbook swap to use the vast these spells in the same book(agreed this is hard to do in combat, but many spells like teleblock only need to be cast once)
-Can now autocast all combat spells even without a staff via a simple right or left click enabling the ability to autocast ancients with an elemental stave equipped
If you read the entire post please say "I like to read" at the end of your post

Discuss or be eaten by the Flying Spaghetti Monster (may he live forever).

06-May-2010 05:06:47
-Can hit well over 40 IN PVP with all the damage bonuses its armour is getting (can hit 60+ outside pvp)
Yeah Melee can hit 80s+ and has special attacks same with range

-Can poison
So can meel and range

-Can teleblock
How many people use normal spell book

-Can freeze (farcasting pwns rune/whip pkers btw)
Yep isn't i meant to destroy melee

-Has vengeance
Yeah meleers use that more then anyone else

-Can heal (blood spells)
mhm no ues them tho cuz freezings more effective

-Can double enemy attack speed (zuriels)
Vesta Long is fast and has 4 special attacks maxing around 60 thats just pvp items for you

-Has many different armours and sol have rune-saving abilities
other styles dont need runes and range saves 3/4 of their arrows using an item form an easy quest and like other styles dont have many diffrent armors

-Can use spellbook swap to use the vast these spells in the same book(agreed this is hard to do in combat, but many spells like teleblock only need to be cast once)
not so easy and isn't that only useable in lunar spell book

Not all of these can be done at once and many of them are not over powered at all just magic advantage over melee while range destroys it want me to list all the things that melee can do????

the really under powered stat is f2p magic maxing 186 vs melee maxing 370 (with new items) and range maxing 180 at x2 the speed of magic

06-May-2010 21:56:40
i still disagree with you about magic being underpowered mainly because of the CONSISTENCY of high hits from it.

I do however agree that f2p mage is underpowered... bind is a joke, with protect from magic on it doesnt even freeze, just stops you from running. And fire blast? cmon it maxes at like 15 compared to the corrupt dba's max of like what 30? and on top of that, f2p mages cant have def armour AND cant farcast. So they get pwnt unless they wear melee armour.

06-May-2010 22:56:27
tbh magic in p2p does what its meant to do destroys melee making it balanced but in f2p not so much ;)
Archr Rangr

07-May-2010 15:52:09
I think we F2Pers should get some more spells to even out those Rune armor nerds.
Ms R U D E

07-May-2010 20:24:33
...LOL MAGIC OVERPOWERED. Obviously, you don't know anything about how the combat ladder works. Or how Melee destroys mage in P2P, and how Range destroys mage in P2P, and how all mage does is freeze people and give you time to eat...
Lord Sablink

07-May-2010 22:34:32
ms rude has it right, i mean i have killed countless farcasters with my melee and i'm not even a melee person. It's not hard to spec them out once you get that 2 seconds of running

Mage is and will always be underpowered in pvp hands down, unless they come out with somethin that gives them a chance to stand toe to toe with people...which will never happen....

Then you gotta think about how many people find it sad to farcast using only mage, which it is...Hiding far away so someone can't hit you is cheap, nothing more
Big Fat Pony

08-May-2010 08:14:17
Last edited on 08-May-2010 08:17:10 by Big Fat Pony
...LOL MAGIC OVERPOWERED. Obviously, you don't know anything about how the combat ladder works. Or how Melee destroys mage in P2P, and how Range destroys mage in P2P, and how all mage does is freeze people and give you time to eat...


ok stop right there!
melee does not own mage in p2p

heres a meleer: some guy in rune
heres a mage: some guy in mystic

guy in mystic walks over to the guy in rune and ice barrages him, meleer puts on protect magic and then runs until he has escaped

ok remind me again how melee owns magic in p2p? all meleers do when theyre even faced with magic is panic and run for the hills. magic lacks (or atleast did) the ability to ko, where melee does not.. and yes a meleer can come over and get lucky and kill the mage where as the mage doesnt really have that opportunity. and this creates the idea that melee owns magic, because sometimes meleers kill mages, but a mage will very rarely kill a meleer... do you understand?

now what IS overpowered is a meleers ability to swap out an archers armor and for the most part trump the mage unless theyre geared like some mad man in ahrims and arcane this and that whatever staff of light bla bla bla.... that my friends is what is overpowered.

reasons why it cant change: if meleers couldnt wear dragonhide they would be so excessively vulnerable to magic, especially ancients. they would be frozen with no real hope of victory.. and thats just the way it is

give meleers a "spell" if you want to call it that where they can "dispell" a magical effect placed on them, it would remove and make them immune to the effects for say 15 seconds, and would have a 30 second cooldown. a MELEE BASED player who has equipped a MELEE WEAPON within the last 60 seconds of equipping archer armor will have their magic defence REDUCED by 50%, if youve ever been leeched youll know it shows a negative red number in your prayers.. same thing would apply here. this is a very simple fix to the mage vs melee dilemma
La La 0wn3d

08-May-2010 13:48:11

-Can hit well over 40 IN PVP with all the damage bonuses its armour is getting (can hit 60+ outside pvp) Does anyone risk the amount of items to hit 40+ in pvp? Unless there pro
-Can poison(mage doesnt poison)
-Can teleblock(i like this spell)
-Can freeze (farcasting pwns rune/whip pkers btw)(isnt that what magic is about?)
-Has vengeance (without this, pking is crappy)
-Can heal (blood spells) no comment lol
-Can double enemy attack speed (zuriels) no comment
-Has many different armours and sol have rune-saving abilities
-Can use spellbook swap to use the vast these spells in the same book(agreed this is hard to do in combat, but many spells like teleblock only need to be cast once)

Flys Eggs

08-May-2010 15:29:00
Hate to say it buy I disagree. Magic is only good in one case, farcasting and hybriding.

Farcasting fail because as soon as a mage starts to farcast, his opponent immediately puts up protect prayers

Hybriding is hardly mage being overpowered. If you use all forms of the combat triangle, it is very strong, but I think the mage is only used for freezing in most hybriding situations.

Mages just scare people, if you put on d'hide, they probably won't stand much chance.

IMO mage is underpowered. I don't think a mage has ever killed me and I have killed plenty of them.
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