Agility - Werewolf Skullball


Playing Skullball
Werewolves, like other dogs, enjoy little more than an exciting game, and now the citizens of Canifis have started using it to train themselves to survive the nastiness of northern Morytania. Provided you can fool them into believing that you are a werewolf, they may even show you how to kick a skull around to help your Agility training.


Location of the Skullball Course
Make sure you have completed the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest, obtaining the Ring of Charos before attempting to enter.

To play skullball you must have an Agility level of 25 or above. The course is found east of Canifis. To gain access to this area you will need to speak with the werewolf by the trapdoor, while being sure to wear the Ring of Charos.

The skullball course is on the eastern side of the dungeon. To play, you will first have to speak to the skullball boss before the ball - which is indeed a skull - comes out of one of the holes.

The Course

Map of the Skullball Course

There are 3 actions to the skullball, they are:

  • Tap - Moves the skullball foward one square.
  • Kick - Moves the skullball forward four squares.
  • Shoot - Moves the skullball forward ten squares.


The object of the game is to kick a skullball through each of the goals as fast as you can. You must kick the ball through all ten goals in order to receive Agility experience, which is awarded on completion of the course. The faster you do this the more Agility experience you will receive.