Christmas 2006 Event Guide


It has been many years since snow was seen on the slopes of Karamja Volcano, but it seems that an old curse has not forgotten the last time this happened. Once again children are disappearing from Musa Point, and only a strange, singing werewolf seems to have the faintest idea where they have disappeared to.

Will you save the childernapped childerkins (Jack, Jeff and Jill) from the dastardly gublinch? Can you master the delicate art of snowball pelting? Can you understand anything Shanty Claws tells you?

The Event

The gublinch are a nefarious race of creatures who live in caverns in the walls of Karamja Volcano. They have little regard for anyone other than themselves, and enjoy inflicting small miseries upon the locals at Musa Point (they are especially good at making tea go cold just before you take your first sip). They are affected by the cold, though, and nothing irritates them more than being just the tiniest bit chilly.

[image] Since the seasons turned a bit wintry at Karamja Volcano the gublinch have become remarkably irritable and have started 'childernapping'. This is an old and horrible trick that the gublinch use whenever it gets too cold for them, and involves stealing the children from nearby Musa Point and forcing them to stoke the furnaces that keep the cave warm.

To start saving the childerkins from the dire gublinch, you will have to find Shanty Claws, a mysterious piratical individual who can be found singing a strange array of seafarers' songs on the northern dock of Musa Point.

In between snatches of these curious ditties, Shanty Claws will explain how to defeat the gublinch and what he has to offer you from his sizeable store of plunder. In exchange for filling his cages with the icy shards of frozen gublinch, Shanty Claws will fill your hands with festive treats. (It is probably best not to ask what he wants all the gublinch for.)

To be the childerkins' salvation you'll need to head to the gublinch lair on the southern slope of Karamja Volcano, where you will find piles of snow just itching to be made into snowballs. Make several of these and head down the well into the caves that the gublinch call their home.

The next step, obviously, is to pummel as many gublinch as you can find with a hail of snowballs until they crumble into piles of frozen mischievousness. Once they have fallen to pieces like this, you can collect them up ready to deliver to Shanty Claws's cages on the dock.


Once you have filled up the cages with gublinch, Jack, Jeff and Jill will be able to escape the horrible confines of the gublinch lair and will frolic merrily near Shanty Claws and his newly-occupied cages. Simply speak to the good buccaneer (that would be Shanty Claws) to receive your fabulous Christmas rewards!

Gubble inch, gubble eee! Childernappers are we!
Hide under their bed-gubble, childerkin come see!
Stick 'em in a gubble-bag, worker they will be!
Gubble inch, gubble eee! Childernappers are we!

Gubble inch, gubble oh! Hurty ball. Freezin' snow!
Ugly-gubble comes in cave, freezy-gubble throw!
Hit in face by gubble-balls, cagey we must go!
Gubble inch, gubble oh! Hurty ball. Freezin' snow!

Found in an ancient text describing the last time snow fell on Karamja Volcano
-- Author Unknown