Controls - Statistics


The statistics interface
[image] To access your character's current statistics, click on the statistics icon.

A display will appear, with icons for every single skill.

The grey panel at the top displays your total skill level (your Quest Points are displayed under the quest tab, and your combat level is displayed under the combat tab).

In the table below you will see all of the skill icons, with the skill name and links to their related skill guides. The table below lists the icons in the order they appear in the window, starting from top row, moving left to right and then downwards.







Attack [image] Constitution [image] Mining [image]
Strength [image] Agility [image] Smithing [image]
Defence [image] Herblore [image] Fishing [image]
Ranged [image] Thieving [image] Cooking [image]
Prayer [image] Crafting [image] Firemaking [image]
Magic [image] Fletching [image] Woodcutting [image]
Runecrafting [image] Slayer [image] Farming [image]
Construction [image] Hunter [image] Summoning [image]
Dungeoneering [image]


[image: skills interface showing experience levels] To determine your current experience points in a specific skill and how many experience points mark the beginning of the next level, move your mouse pointer over the icon for that skill. A small pop-up will appear, showing the current state of that skill. The number of experience points you have earned is displayed at the top of the pop-up window, while the number of experience points for the next level is displayed at the bottom.

In this image, the mouse pointer is over the Runecrafting skill. At the moment, the character has earned 101,333 experience points in Runecrafting and will get to the next level in Runecrafting when they gain or pass 111,945 experience points. The text also explains that the character needs a further 10,612 experience points to get to level 51.

By right-clicking on the skill icon, you will also be able to 'Set Objective'. Here, you can type in a skill level that you want to achieve in the near future. That skill goal is then logged on your objectives tab, and you can view it at any time to track your progress, see how many experience points you require, and what you can do when you reach that level.

Skill Guides

The Woodcutting skill guide
If you want to know what activities related to that skill you can perform, click on the icon for the skill.

The interface shows things that can be done within that skill, as well as the level required to perform them. Items that are for members only will have Members: written before their names.

Click the text on the right-hand side to see what aspects of that skill you can or cannot perform. In the image above, clicking on "Hatchets" will display a list of all the hatchets and the level required to use them.