Darkness of Hallowvale (Members)

Fighting tooth and nail against the vampyre overlord, Drakan, the Myreque have moved their secret base camp to Burgh de Rott. Now the fight starts in earnest! Veliaf needs someone to make their way into the Sanguinesti region - the eastern side of Morytania cut off from the west behind an impenetrably huge wall.

Will the fight be supported by Myreque resistance inside the vampyres' domain? What grim discoveries are to be found behind that dread wall? And what of the Vyrewatch - deadly sky-bound patrollers of the blood-tithed lands of Meiyerditch?

Only a daring, quick-witted agent with an eye for detail can hope to pick their way through the tumbled down slums of Meiyerditch.
Quest Information
Members only: Yes
Start point: Myreque base camp, Burgh de Rott
To Start: Speak with Veliaf
Quest Length: Long
Minimum Requirements:
In Aid of the Myreque
Level 5 Construction
Level 20 Mining
Level 22 Thieving
Level 26 Agility
Level 32 Crafting
Level 33 Magic
Level 40 Strength
The slums of Meiyerditch

To see the rewards for this quest, please click below:

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Experience Other Quest points

7000 Agility
2000 Construction
6000 Thieving

Tome of Experience, giving 2000 experience in any 3 skills over level 30

2 QP
Development Team
Developer: Tytn H
Graphics: Matthew M, Paul B, Neil R, Rasmus KH
Quality Assurance: Kevin D, Nick C
QuestHelp: Rob K, Stephen R, Dave O
Audio: Ian T