Fletching - Extra Features

Training Hints and Tips

  • To make Fletching bows slightly easier, move your knife to the last space of your inventory, and click only on the knife and the log next to it; use this method when stringing bows as well.

  • When Fletching arrow shafts, keep a knife in your inventory while cutting logs. Shafts are stackable items and you won't waste time banking your logs.

  • Use your Magic skill alongside your Fletching and cast high alchemy on high level bows.

Summoning Familiars

Using the Summoning skill, you'll find that there are a few familiars that might be useful for training your Fletching. Of particular note is the beaver, who counts as a knife (which you don't keep in your inventory).

Fletching Training in Dungeoneering

It is possible to train all of your skills while dungeoneering, and Fletching is no exception. Traps and staves can be fletched, alongside the more conventional bows and arrows. You can also gain Fletching experience by completing flecthing skill doors.
  • To find out more about skill doors and the basics of dungeoneering, please click here
  • To find out about fletching weapons in Daemonheim click here, or here for information on fletching traps
  • To find tables with Fletching requirements and XP levels, click here

Quests Providing Fletching Experience

For quests that specifically give Fletching experience as a reward, please refer to the Fletching Rewards page.

Click here to view the Fletching FAQs