Slayer FAQ


I don't want to do my task!

Go to Turael in Burthorpe, north-west of Falador. If he thinks your task is too tough, he'll give you a different one. He'll only do this if your task is something he'd never set himself.

I've lost my enchanted gem, can I get another one?

Yes, you can buy one from any of the Slayer Masters.

Do all Slayer Masters set all kinds of monster as tasks?

No, certain monsters are only assigned by certain Slayer masters. Read the Slayer - Masters article to find out what your Slayer Master might give you for an assignment.

What happens if another player is attacking the same NPC as me? Will I still get Slayer experience?

If two people are killing the same monster in multiway combat, both players will get the kill, but the experience will be halved. The player that does the most damage to the NPC will have the right to pick up the dropped items first.

Both the person who dealt the killing blow and the person who did the most damage will be counted as the slayer for the purposes of their kill counts (If you did both these things you will only count as having killed the creature once, though). The Slayer experience will be split evenly between the two players.

Why don't the Slayer monsters give any Slayer experience?

Slayer monsters will only give Slayer experience if you have been assigned to kill them.

My Slayer target is a shade, where can I find them?

Shades can be found in and around the sorry village of Mort'ton. Mort'ton is found south of Mort Myre Swamp. You will need to start the Nature Spirit quest in order to pass the gate south-west of Canifis.

Alternatively, you can look for them in the Sepulchre of Death, the lowest level of the Stronghold of Security.

Can I kill monsters for my Slayer target on a non-members' world?

No, only monsters killed on members' worlds will count towards your experience and Slayer kills.

I have been assigned to slay kalphites. Does this mean I will have to kill the Kalphite Queen?

The Kalphite Queen is just one of the monsters who belong to the kalphite family. If you have been assigned to slay kalphites, you can also kill kalphite workers (level 28), guardians (level 141) and soldiers (level 85). You will gain Slayer experience for killing any of these kalphite monsters.

I have been assigned the task of killing elves. I am told that I can only reach the elves when I have done the Regicide quest.

This is not true, you only need to have started the quest to access the elves.

What special attack does the abyssal demon possess?

Abyssal demons have the power to teleport themselves, but more importantly they have the power to teleport the player next to them.

Please note, when fighting abyssal demons we recommend that you turn auto-retaliate on.

Do dust devils drop dragon chainbodies? Where can I find them and what Slayer level do I need to kill them?

They can indeed drop dragon chainbodies. You can find them in the Chaos Tunnels or in the Smoke Dungeon south-east of the Bandit camp, in the Kharidian Desert. You will need a Slayer level of 65 to kill these monsters. Oh, and don't forget your face mask!

What is the best method to slay a bloodveld or jelly?

Bloodvelds and jellies have a strange attack which can be prevented entirely with the Protect from Melee prayer. If you're not using Prayer, then armour with Magic defence works best, such as dragonhide, splitbark, or mystic armour.

Do creatures in Daemonheim count towards my slayer task?

All creatures within Daemonheim can count towards your current slayer task.

Why can't I fight strykewyrms even though I have the Slayer level for them?

Strykewyrms are smarter than they appear, and can sense a lot about any creatures in their territory through subtle vibrations in the ground. It must be that only slayers who are specifically assigned to kill strykewyrms give off a subtle, possibly more tensed vibe, which the wyrms sense, and know to protect their territory from. Casual passers-by clearly aren't as invested in killing them, so the wyrms do not consider them a large enough threat to bother with.